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Game 78...


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Are you anxious?




Ah I see HPW is pulling the Dark Monkeys chain again. Or has he escaped his cage again and is typing on your computer. You must tell me how you taught him such a trick. To answer your question, no I am not anxious. Bored is more like it. This has turned out to be the most BORING game I've ever played in. A far cry from what 72 was. Perhaps that will change soon though.




Persia is hereby committing all of our resources to fighting the dark alliance (Germany,Austria, Czech, Poland, Lowlands) and all nations in Europe who are not currently at war with them. If you are not at war with them than you are their ally whether it says so on paper or not (Italy). You know who you are and actions will be taken against you starting this turn.




Kill the infidels :D:D:(

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You are welcome..... :D


Hmmm your game is boring, poor Ghazi. I choose the right area. All around my little Austria there are nice people who like to kill me. :( But nobody made it so far. I welcome your tour to central Europe this is like an insurance that the game will not be boring at the end.


Your monk..... Now known as Ghazi's personal enemy :D .

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No, I haven't won the war yet. I just get great satisfaction in knowing that I can irritate you. While we are talking about boring, why didn't you have the guts to bring those 18 div in for a fight. You had my guys trapped, but you didn't have the nerve to do what it takes to win this game. I may not win, or survive to the end but I know that you don't have the skills to either.


Oh by the way, good luck with those Brig. Generals

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I am wondering how I got greedy when at the time, I was only at war with Switzerland and was attacked from a totaly different direction by someone who was already at war. If Morocco is watching, and is not allied with the pains from my south, you can do what Spain did to me right now. The Spanish collition has taken alot of territory but have not added to themselfs much. :D




Dear brother, General Ghazi!


I am still here in my nice, little alpine fort. I wait for you <_< . So long I will play with Bulgaria like the cat plays with the mouse :D .....hurry up.


Btw nobody will tell you about our plans in the west. :D



The Monk



Comrade Ghazi


I dont really say to much on these forums but decided to say something about the Lowlands /France war in the West. It is a shame all of the Germans potential enemies have for the most part dropped or switched sides but I digress...... If I was a betting man I could have cashed in millions predicting that Germany would TA with either France or Lowlands. It is in his own best interests and is a smart move. There are only 3 of us in our TA and Great Britain has his hands full as all his waters are shark infested. We are merely fighting France/Lowlands/Italy/United States/Ireland and soon Canada. Even Yugoslavia came all the way over to visit Portugals capital with his battleships. A fine job indeed as apparently they needed some more help. I think Iceland may be plotting something also. Now Germany is coming on down too. Thats ok all is fair in love and war.


Germanys move is totally expected and I can only fight on till the Lights go out in Lisbon... However it will be very difficult for us as Germany is no doubt a powerhouse now with only computers to the north to fight and he has taken most of Baltic States and all of Denmark. Too bad that the Scandanavians appear to have quit also. Germany knows that Lowlands cannot stop me by himself and France is toast. There is no bragging here just plain simple facts. Lowlands lost it all in Southern France and I salute him for playing on. France got greedy in Switzerland early on and paid for it dearly. Lowlands is rebuilding and with German help there will only be more bloodshed in France. Hopefully Ghazi you will not fall to the darkside but it seems you are just too far away to do any damage to the monk other than verbal. Hopefully maybe you can join the fray if you speed up the tank march. The veil of darkness is closing in on the men of light but the light is not out yet......





Good luck to you comrade...



Watum of Portugal

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Because I have time and you not.......my young Padawan :D



Monk, I would remove your reference to the Sponge asap, that is what is going to be your downfall.



Yes you are right :D , but I give everybody a second chance..... sorry I know this is my unexpected good white side Oooops. <_<

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I am wondering how I got greedy when at the time, I was only at war with Switzerland and was attacked from a totaly different direction by someone who was already at war. If Morocco is watching, and is not allied with the pains from my south, you can do what Spain did to me right now. The Spanish collition has taken alot of territory but have not added to themselfs much. <_<




Mr Saint.


Let me clarify for you but first I am a little confused by your statement of some one attacking you from a totally different direction that was already at war...If you are refering to Spain and Portugal then I understand the direction part but not the already at war part. We only went to war with you at the start and then obviously Lowlands. You left your entire southern border to be defended by Lowlands while you unsucessfully tried to take the capital of Switzerland. By the time you actually attempted to help him defend your own border it was far far too late and there was plenty of time for you to react.


You and Italy were consumed with taking all of Switzerland. Looks like Italy eventually did ok. We saw almost no bomber action from any of you as I assume you 3 were all bombing Switzerland. Maybe Im wrong but dont think so. Italy did next to nothing to help you or Lowlands either but seems very active now that you have been wounded badly. I must say that I have never seen a country cede away as many provinces as you. Ive lost count. Switzerland dropped early and I understand the Swiss capital is a big prize but I seen the collapse of your southern border as the cost for that. Thats what I meant by my last quote. Your right though that most of Southwest France is inhabited by grape farmers. You are far from gone as I see all sorts of allies you still have and even some new ones now. Even Poland has a new Villa in Southwest Germany.


We are not as many as you but we bear the flag of truth, light and the new world order. We will fight on even if all we get are grapes. Good luck to you all and good gaming.


Watum of Portugal

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Dear Watum


I will enjoy welcoming your troops in my nice little villa. It got it long time ago and I have not expected that I will have use for this gift. It was good that you mentioned the existence of my little expedition corps. Now I will take care that the troops will offer you the best service available all over central Europe. Thanks for the hint, Watum.




Sandy Cheeks formerly known as Countess Maria Walewska

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