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It seems that everyone thinks that Greece/ Bulgaria/ Rumania have just rolled over and given up, which is very far from the truth. I invite Persia to come join this fight, I can tell you just where the Monk's troops are.




I am very interested in Czech, Austrian, and German troop positions. Also any airbase locations that you might know of. I am also interested in knowing what tech Austria and Czech are using.




Persia and Saudi have already joined in the fight against the dark alliance by destroying the rail at messina and leveling the port of Naples. (14 air, 1 gen, 3 oil, 3ship, 1400 rail destroyed).




I am currently in Central Russia preparing for the assault against the backbone of this group. Cut off the head and we can all sit back and watch this alliance crumble......into dust :woohoo:

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Another successful turn in the books. The day fast approaches where the whloe world will submit to my rule. It seems we got lost in Central Russia and ended up on the Polish border. Now how could that have happened . We were following the maps we took off the Russian Generals? No wonder they lost the war. That is okay because I think Austria is around here somewhere............ <_<




So much for all that smoke France and Austria were blowing about sinking my fleet..........

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Another successful turn in the books. The day fast approaches where the whloe world will submit to my rule. It seems we got lost in Central Russia and ended up on the Polish border. Now how could that have happened . We were following the maps we took off the Russian Generals? No wonder they lost the war. That is okay because I think Austria is around here somewhere............ <_<




So much for all that smoke France and Austria were blowing about sinking my fleet..........


My dear General Ghazi perhaps we shall meet again. You are moving so fast by the time we get ashore you may be in cenrtal Europe. Patton, getting sick of ship board food

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I am sure the general (Ghazi) will find central europe a very unpleasant place. <_<



Im sure that is intended to be the case. I can not imagine that all the dark alliance is doing at the present time is swilling beer and dancing the polkas. I hear rumbling far off in the east and its definitely not a Stolichnaya delivery truck.



Watum of Portugal

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My dear General Ghazi perhaps we shall meet again. You are moving so fast by the time we get ashore you may be in cenrtal Europe. Patton, getting sick of ship board food




I look forward to the challenge. By the way thanks for the spreadsheet it was way cool, I was able to read it the second time around.




I hear rumbling far off in the east and its definitely not a Stolichnaya delivery truck.




Damn tanks are so loud. I told High Command we should have developed quiter mufflers! <_<

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It is so boooooooriiiiiiiiiinggggggg. Hurry up a littlebit General. <_<




That is because you are retreating in the face of the enemy perhaps? My intel tells me Bulgaria took Pecs from you- your so bored do something about it! <_<

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Why should I fight for a place like Pecs if I can get a more pleasant one? I have time. I need not to hurry. Tanks with out mun and fuel will not run for long. <_< I have the feeling you send your agents to the wrong place. <_< Poor Bulgaria, he will have no information for his next turn. Is that the way Persia works for his allies? :P

I go where I like and Bulgaria knows that.... this is his main problem. Time is running short for your friends, hurry up General. I already choose the next slice from the Bulgarian sausage.


Anyway I cannot put all my power on Bulgaria, I know I have also offer you a nice service. <_<


The Monk

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Hey Monk thats not fair! <_<

What´s about me? :P

I am still working on my project "100" -

to be able to send our Dear Comrade Ghazi

my favourite "Welcome Divisions" which are

those with the # "100" and plus :cheers:

Too bad there´s a limit of 10 Divs per turn... <_<

Btw: I didnt build statics if you assume... :alien:

See you in Poland Ghazi! <_<

Oh and don´t think Russia was for you all alone! :unsure:

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Poor Bulgaria, he will have no information for his next turn. Is that the way Persia works for his allies?




Maybe if you did a SIM POL on me you would see that Bulgaria is not my ally.




I am still working on my project "100" -

to be able to send our Dear Comrade Ghazi

my favourite "Welcome Divisions" which are

those with the # "100" and plus




Looks as if I will be up late tonight counting all the Germans I get to kill! :thumbsup:




Oh and don´t think Russia was for you all alone!




Yes it is Russ at RTG said I could have it so stay out! :angry2::woohoo::beer:

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