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I think the English are about the only country not in France right now. I count 6 countries with big armies in France right now. I wonder if the French still remember what language they speak B)




German positions are being bombed without opposition. How long before Persians and Germans come face to face????

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General as you know I, Patton, have lived and fought in many previous lives. You and I have met on the battlefield in the past. I respect your fighting ability and wish you well in the coming struggle for central Europe. One day I hope to join you there as a Freind?

B) Patton

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I hope you enjoy your tour through England, I will be more then happy to help see your friend general G. somewhere in Spain, the where will be determined by your stay in England.


Have a nice stay :)


St. Michael

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General as you know I, Patton, have lived and fought in many previous lives. You and I have met on the battlefield in the past. I respect your fighting ability and wish you well in the coming struggle for central Europe. One day I hope to join you there as a Freind?




Thank you for the kind words sir. You will be a powerful ally to have in the struggle to free Europe from the grip of the dark alliance. Perhaps we can upgrade that nap now to alliance? Persia has recently DW on Germany to begin this great undertaking. Their troops are being bombed night and day and their bombers were recently turned away by our skillful pilots.




The Austrians are headed south away from Austria because they know the Persians are coming.... :)

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German positions are being bombed without opposition. How long before Persians and Germans come face to face????


Like usual your mouth is way ahead your troops :D


By the way - if thats "a bombing" I´d like to hear you comment the impact of 25 Ju88 :wub:


Just take your time Gen. GPSless until your troops are in your desired position :)


Let´s find out about your fighting abilities in the field if you can arrange to send me some toys to play with :o


Awaiting you! :D

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By the way - if thats "a bombing" I´d like to hear you comment the impact of 25 Ju88




Sorry thats the best I can do. They did a little better the second time around. As for your Ju-88's I saw that they are busy in France. Besides they'll get the same treatment your Ju87's got. After they run through 50 fighters they won't even scratch the paint on 18 T-34's




Let´s find out about your fighting abilities in the field if you can arrange to send me some toys to play with




I got all the toys you can handle about 500 feet in front of you! You think those three or four groups you got in C. Russia are worth spit, and damaged at that. You could put all those div. together and still be outnumbered badly. Besides I know your real armies are waiting in the Balkans with Poland. I'll be there soon enough.




As for my fighting abilities--- :) I'll be on the front lines looking for you

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It is nice that you have such a number of information Ghazi, but nobody will tell you if your information is right. What ever you say or ask. :) I am sure it is an unpleasant feeling not to know where your enemy will hit you first....... :D


Of course I know you have a pile of friends and all are powerful but we play our own game and you never had any impact on our strategy. Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Rumania and all the others had, but you never. Maybe you will change this soon, as our victim.... :D


Sleep well and dream of great Persia and forgot of all your problems with long flanks and coast lines......


Hope to meet you soon on the battle field.


The Monk.

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Hope to meet you soon on the battle field




No you don't or you would be headed east not south.




Of course I know you have a pile of friends and all are powerful but we play our own game and you never had any impact on our strategy. Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Rumania and all the others had, but you never. Maybe you will change this soon, as our victim




I don't remember claiming to impact your strategy. Though it would be hard to plan for your enemy when you don't know where they will show up.




By the way my flanks are tight and my ships own the black seas..............

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silence, so much silence, except maybe in Barcelona :D


Ah yes we have been far too quite from the other side of the pond. Barcelona??? Does this mean that the French army is sweeping into Spain? We too are fighting the same alliance. Being at war with Portugal and Great Britain. Does the French army need help in defeating these foes???

France and the United States have a long history of alliances. We remember the help you sent in our revolution. We do not need help defeating the "red coats". But if you need some aid let us know. It must of been a mighty draw on your population such a long war........

Patton with the central staff ( slapped a private)

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