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You are always so funny to read Gen. GPS-less!:


When you speak of "making contact" to me - are you referring to this one lonely division out there? :robot:


I mean is that the kind of fight you want to throw upon me? :robot:


Wow - sorry but I need to get over this first... :cannon:


We will send our Fire-Fighters Brigade from Hamburg City to defeat your division out there which we expect to be an artistic and comedian interlude and we of course thank you for this little toy to play with, though we´d love to get some of these T-34 we have heard of.


But if Persia is that poor that it can only afford to send a single division for a visit we will send you some more of our Mercedes Benz'es for your crude oil and of course do you a favour and help your brave division gaining eternal glory in persian defeated divisionns record. :huh:

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But if Persia is that poor that it can only afford to send a single division for a visit




It appears that you have found the bait. I am sorry but I have been delayed at Moscow--had to set up a puppet government before I left. So with the bulk of the Russia's now under Persian influence I can turn my attention to the conquering of the Balkans.

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So lets find out what reallity will have for the both of us in preparation my friend




Well the reality for the airborne div of the Slavakians at Podolsk is a little darker than yours at the moment. :D




So it looks as though the Czechs are involved now too. :cheers::ranting: Germans, Slaviks, its all the same to me...extermination. Oh yeah and Dark Monkey's too...... :thumbsup::drunk::cheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Patton-- We have turned on the lights for you. Just stay north of the fires your ships can see burning in northern Europe and you will arrive safely in Scandinavia.




The German people now are suffering from the same grief that beset their neighbors early on.

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Yes of course he has only to jump from one mine to the next.... :laugh: But maybe we should let him in then he has enough time left for Morocco :woohoo:.


Btw your alliance has the choice which fleet should I kill first? Saudi Arabia's, Algeria's, Morocco's (oh no I have a NAP... OK I will change this) or Egypt's?


It is really a pitty that I have not choosen the naval losses for my Victory conditions.



The Monk

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That´s true I have seen it - one point to the Saudi !


on the other hand I do now know what to do with the CPs in stock! :woohoo:


I figured out I can even build the whole bunch of industries back there by next round...

Can you imagine? I even got enough money :P (sorry -not normal - my fault!)


I just wonder if the Saudi can build his whole fleet again in one round....?! B)

That might be my point... :thumbsup:


And for the Americans we Germans always had a big favour for and also many Germans emigrated there

so I guess there´s quite a junction between our nations. Or just more obvious than between the Saudis or Persians and the Americans...


But if they come in hostile manner... :D:laugh:

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Rebuild your 11 arm and 10 air factories in the next turn at Alborg. It costs you money, cp's, orders and lost production. Well worth the cost of whatever ships you may sink. Of course we have heard that tune before from your group. 4 cb's of Italy later not a ship lost....except some of Italy's.... :laugh:

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Sorry Ghazi but I was to busy with Bulgarian and Greece (I had to wipe out some air bases which are more important then ships) :(


At the other hand I do not know if Saudi Arabia will share your opinion. He killed factories for around 4000$ and some railway which nobody needs. The industry can which can be replaced with cheap air factories for 2000$. But if his fleet which he will loose (maybe not, I am still not sure which fleet is the nicest) costs around 8500$..... I am really not sure if this was a good deal. :blink: Andy is clever he keeps his ships under the his north african fighter shield, I am sure he did this and he will do this. I have the feeling that some have to pay the price for the others who get a cheaper landing. :ranting: I hope for the fun of my allies and mine that you do not alway calculate this way Ghazi, otherwise you will not make it for long....... :D


It is really a pitty that I have not choosen the Navel Losses....... :ranting:


The Monk

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It is really a pitty that I have not choosen the Navel Losses




Naval losses is not a victory condition. Largest navy at the end of the game is a victory condition. Naval,air, and ground kills do not factor in to final scores.




At the other hand I do not know if Saudi Arabia will share your opinion. He killed factories for around 4000$ and some railway which nobody needs. The industry can which can be replaced with cheap air factories for 2000$. But if his fleet which he will loose (maybe not, I am still not sure which fleet is the nicest) costs around 8500$..... I am really not sure if this was a good deal




We look at it differently. 10 air factories and 11 arm is 100 air points and 275 arm points each turn those factories are gone. That kind of production adds up very quickly. Rebuild them it costs 1200 cp's which takes resources to produce as well as money to rebuild. Not to mention you run the risk of the port being struck again.




On the other hand you lose a few ships- big deal. Money and fuel are not a problem obviously....






I hope for the fun of my allies and mine that you do not alway calculate this way Ghazi, otherwise you will not make it for long




I bet I make it to Germany...how's that??




HPW--By the way your fifth corps is not lost and not reporting in. They are now tread marks outside of Dmitrov. :D

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You know better yourself my friend Ghazi:


The only thing that hurts a bit is the money. And not even this in addition with the stuff I want to build brings me into negative treasury. And you must know yourself about my income per round...


I miss as much as 275 ARM points for one round - wow - 2/3 of a SS IIIHb PZ Division - big deal!


The AIR points are not even worth mentioning. Last turn I had about 3,5k in stock before the construction of new planes...


But its useless like "counting corns of sand" to argue about this with you... You have your opinion and you are not aproachable with arguments, so I´ll leave it.


I already "congratulated" the Saudi for his one point - we will also find out if it goes for a "1:0" in the end.


"Revenge is a dish that is best served very cold"


Lets find out what service I or we can have for you. Marshal Rommel will be hunting some mice soon :D

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The only thing that hurts a bit is the money. And not even this in addition with the stuff I want to build brings me into negative treasury. And you must know yourself about my income per round...


I miss as much as 275 ARM points for one round - wow - 2/3 of a SS IIIHb PZ Division - big deal!




We cannot hope to destroy Germany in one round. But we will pick at it like it is an open sore until it bleeds red and is brought down. We will do whatever is necessary. Over three turns that is two less armor divisions I will face on the battlefield. My divisions will be left alone by your airforce while they waste time hunting ships.....Marshal Ghazi will be on the lookout for Rommel :D

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