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Why using the air force if we can get your main force in a single turn? Have a look to the stuff Bulgaria wrote it sound similar to me maybe you end up in the same way...... :( hopefully :D


It is very interesting that Persia seems to have not enough ARM and AIR to build the maximum amount of force each turn. How else he get the idea that it is a big impact that Germany looses the production of one turn of one city? We have not such problems our economy is optimized and soon the Persian padawan will see that even countries which are small in size have the same power like the Persian-Russian giant. I think Gahzi needs some help to organize his economics; he is trapped in the idea that HPW has to rebuild the city exactly as it was.......this seems to be the influence of too many integrated, bullheaded Russian communists. My opinion is that it was a favor done by Saudi Arabia. He helps HPW to reorganize the industry in a very simple and fast way. Imagine how many orders you need to scrap all these useless industries and build some nice new air factories. I have a similar problem maybe one of you guys can help.


Poor Ghazi this attack CB of Sicilia this was real a bad thing but the attack on Alborg this is really nonsense.


Nevertheless, it was an attack so it has to be punished.


The Monk

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Very very quite out there. Does this mean no one wants to upset the apple cart????




We are busy burying the 10th army. Persian High Command said German resistance on the road to Baltic would be "light and intermittent". They were wrong and have paid for their arrogance. For this not one but two more German port cities will burn this turn. :o:pirate2::alien::cheers::ranting:

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Maybe I should remember some of you gentlemen that this is the propagada forum. This is not a forum for news or facts. If you believe what is writen here then this is your problem. Nemesis has not, this counts for him. Everybody is invited to punish Poland for this little piece of misinformation. :drunk:


The Vamp

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To be honest, I really don´t understand your problems -

first you complain about no action in the game and boringly easy gains of land...

Then you talk bad and disrespectful about other players (me and the vamp f.e.) they

would not play any significant role in the game or had a far too easy way to go. :blink:

Meanwhile just to put things right:

Persia and Saudi and others are hiding at the edges of the map of a world which is unlike in real life flat and simply ending there.

So you really want to complain about me or others for not fighting? *ROFL*

After that you wonder that you get a nice @$$ whupping ? :drunk:

So "the noob" just "accidently of course" annihilated Marshal Ghazi along with some 17 Divs T-34 -

wasn´t that the kind of treatment you were longing for all the time? :blink:

And to Mr. Nemesis - I don´t really remember to have stated anything about Poland but if you

like to put it personal I will take your statement in the way your picture shows:

As an obvious joke of a clown. :cheers:


Sorry about me rolling over your sunday-noon excursion at Dmitrov, Ghazi...



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Dear Don!


Sorry I was out to check the Atlantic defense system around Brest :cheers: therefore I had no time to check all these nice statements here. I have to say thank you to my young German Padawan for commanding my small empire. But HPW I have to say the German Atlantic defense system looks not good. Bunker buried by Sand and some partisans seem to build additional wall into the entrance doors. To tell you the truth these are looking like this jeep in your message above. :drunk: I think it is time that the emperor should have a closer look to your working power. :blink:


The Monk.... just returned from the front.

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We never believed Poland had dropped--really it is a non issue as they are not a factor in this game.




Nice move HPW on catching me in the open. I did not expect to encounter any big forces until I hit Baltic States. It won't happen again now that lines are drawn.




Persia and Saudi and others are hiding at the edges of the map of a world which is unlike in real life flat and simply ending there




We are not hiding. We both sent navies to the Baltic Sea and I appear to be right on your doorstep. How is that hiding?

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That is easily explained -

I remember someone telling the forum he was at the Polish border.

I remember also someone claiming for my divisions to make at least

30k of ground casualties...

In comparison to that I have not seen you marching towards me a single step.

I have come to Moscow.

And as far as I am asked I can not see where it would be "daring" to send me

ships that you obviously don´t need at all since the only sea-way to you is controlled

by your TA - just as I said - it´s the edge of the map...

You are welcome in the Baltics my friend - I can build troops there - can you as well? :drunk:

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You are welcome in the Baltics my friend - I can build troops there - can you as well




I cannot. that is what is taking so long to reach Baltic. That and my compass keeps giving me a different reading....I swear that barn looks familiar...





remember also someone claiming for my divisions to make at least

30k of ground casualties




Only 27,000 to go....




Shame the Dark Monk sank my ships. We were all set to see Riga burn alongside Hamburg and Alborg.

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