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Funny I was led to believe there was significantly fewer ldb there. It certainly was worth the try, if nothing else it will keep you on your toes the rest of the game. :beer:


What happened to Poland? Got cold feet all of a sudden? Or just scared of the Iraqi's!? You know they can be a volatile bunch--even I have trouble keeping them under control at times....

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Yes, Yes ... I like to build new LDBs from time to time..... this time in time I think. :beer:


I do not know what Poland is doing. Attack... retreat... attack ... retreat... she seems to be a little unstable but I have the feeling she is preparing something special......

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I do not know what Poland is doing. Attack... retreat... attack ... retreat... she seems to be a little unstable but I have the feeling she is preparing something special


I am not worried about Poland and Czech seems to be having a time recovering from the last defeat. Yeah it's just fun in the sun in Central Russia waiting for someone to pump their nuts up enough to try and take a city from me.


Dark monk--As I showed you last turn I am never very far away......watching....waiting......

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Tsk..Tsk..Tsk...I know you guys were hopeful to catch my air transports at Cannakale... but I felt uncomfortable with them sooo close to the coast so I stashed them somewhere else in Turkey. I guess that was as lucky as Dark Monk building ldb to save his airbase last turn. All I had based there were three old Il-4's I never could find an order line for...guess there's not that problem anymore.


Vamp-- Your forces seem to take on your persona of never being around in the daylight hours. <_<

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A wonder, a wonder---- my bomb scored directs hits on Ghazi's bombers groups or has this airbase only 10 levels? It has; otherwise I cannot explain the approx. 600 airpoints I have destroyed. <_<


We will know soon Ghazi...... I think you know why? Didn't you? :blink:


And yes your are right I am hiding in shadows. I have to otherwise the bad Ghazi and his Iraqi friend will come an kill my poor soldiers. :P



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Well well..... this was a round for you guys..... some expensive DRA orders this turn and no more airbase levels in Cannakale


Do you not remember me telling you there were only three Il-4 groups based there? How many airbase levels do you think I would need for that? :drunk: Anyway it was alot worse for your group last turn than I think you have realized yet.


It seems there is more to victory than building tanks and ships and hiding behind your allies. You have to conquer territory or be given money by your allies.to fund all those SS and over 300 ships Poland has built.


Germany wants an empire without fighting anyone for it, now with Poland out of the game he is going to have to man up or we are going to sweep you guys off the map. :D


See you down the road Vamp.......... :drunk::D

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Paris will be burning soon




You guys sure those aren't the flames from Austria's airbases burning. Jet fuel makes for a big fire! :cheers:


:joker: Could be but I think it at least some of the flames are from the Lowlands two armies defending Paris and his ships in the north sea. :cheers:

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