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Hi there my friends and enemies!


I have been away quite some time for personal reasons but I have returned finally just to say that you will now have my undistracted attention again! :cheers:


I am especially looking forward to cross swords with Predator again - boy I missed you! :python:


By the way - speaking to the distracted leader of Eire: Just pick a number and line yourself into the waiting mass - you´re just number 19 on the list (no joke - just pride!) :drunk: Oh and remember those new SS TigerI tanks available just recently... :D


Good to see you all creeping for my rightfull lands :thumbsup:


Let´s rock ´n roll! :nuke:

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Damn Meatball where ya been. I thought you rolled off the table and got stepped on....This forum is dead they are all too busy getting whupped! :python:


Ah, yeah sorry. I keep getting called away. My General's have been complaining about problems with my T-34's so I've been up at the front. They thought there was a design flaw in the tracks because they kept getting bogged down, but come to find out it's just all the equipment from people retreating before we get there getting stuck in them.

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I am especially looking forward to cross swords with Predator again - boy I missed you!


See anyone who enters Central Russia goes missing for awhile! Go figure... <_< While you've been away your allies have made a mess of it. I think with Poland out of it now you guys are in big trouble :thumbsup: Maybe you should show up and try to save the day.


Dark Monk--How come no one is signing up to be in the Austrian Air Force anymore?

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Ahh yes my turn runs today and I am happy to say that I think I will be trapping two Polish armies this turn. One at xGuskh and the other hopefully at xPriluki if it is still there. oh but wait it can only move to territory ceded to it becuase Poland has been out running up an enormous amount of debt. And guess who went out and bought all that debt...............................................................Persia.......


ORCE PEACE POLAND..... :cheers::cheers:<_<:(:ranting: ....I'll be back to deal with your two armies when I've finished off your buddies in Czech and Austria.........Why are you so surprised Monk I told you I was coming to Vienna.

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Do you now how many provinces of Poland are between you and the Monk? This is the trap my friend


I have a plan for that don't worry my friend. Nothing is without risk....as you know or you would have watched your treasury better. I do an economic assistance order every turn for my allies giving them 3000 a turn so I am surprised that your allies didn't help you out when they saw your moral plummeting.


I wonder how much general supply is currently in your armies..... :cheers:

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Poor Ghazi.....


What the heck does that mean? Poor Poland! Poland is finished in this game. Polands armies are trapped and can't even move :P


HPW ---come out come out wherever you are. I need some targets for my bombers because I can't bomb Poland and Czech is missing in action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:beer: Germans Germans everhere. Norway, Sweden, Finland, France, Russia. Could be that a grand coalition will need to be formed!!!!!!! :D


Patton never liked the Russians but he allied with them to stop Germany :cheers::cheers:

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