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Game 79


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I played the country who ran through Germany, The Swiss, reached xAlborg and xAmsterdam very early in the game, before turn 12. It was quite an undertaking due to my nation's size and location. My TA's conquered Hungary once, maybe twice-I cannot remember......so you should remember which I played. You ran me over when you UGU'd to the big T-34a's and were able to break with me first. I tried for 6 turns to break that darn NAP and would have pummeled those static divisions into nothing, but you were able to upgrade first.


I have dual personalities here and the country is listed under my alternate log in. I created this log in for this game to try and meet some new folks in game 79.



Dear From,


Well that is what I meant...just continuing on jiberjabber on old gone by games, VIC57 was a long time ago and it seems that you didn't learn anything new during that time...still on the looser side. Hungary a nice country and I will be thinking of you tonight because me girlfriend just finished cooking Goulash. Well if you play always in this manner, you are gonna be me favarit enemy...jummie lot's of VIC points.

By the way, why are you using the same picture as Sven Drake, are you and him one and the s(h)ame person, how original. For me no difference I will eat you both.

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Be warned Hungary, Great Britain is not to be trusted. That Free port was supplied to the British by us, The Danes and what have we been given for our trouble. Nothing but pain and suffering. The people of Copenhagen and Odense are suffering starvation at the hands of the invading British.


The British made a pact with me but could not or would not convince his allies to hold there attacks against us, I even allowed the Finns to re-capture all I had taken from them so our plan to invade France could take place but appeasment only served to bolster the British tyranny.


Now this is why we have signed a truce with the French, he did not have to trust us but the truce has held, we are still at war but our word is our bond, we have not attacked eachother for several turns now.


I offer this advice to you, make a truce if you like or dont the choice is yours continue your war with the French but hear these words.


Do not trust the British, and good luck.

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Be warned Hungary, Great Britain is not to be trusted. That Free port was supplied to the British by us, The Danes and what have we been given for our trouble. Nothing but pain and suffering. The people of Copenhagen and Odense are suffering starvation at the hands of the invading British.


The British made a pact with me but could not or would not convince his allies to hold there attacks against us, I even allowed the Finns to re-capture all I had taken from them so our plan to invade France could take place but appeasment only served to bolster the British tyranny.


Now this is why we have signed a truce with the French, he did not have to trust us but the truce has held, we are still at war but our word is our bond, we have not attacked eachother for several turns now.


I offer this advice to you, make a truce if you like or dont the choice is yours continue your war with the French but hear these words.


Do not trust the British, and good luck.

hehe, now let's get the true story out there. Great Britain made a deal with Denmark to take Calais, and build up for a possible attack on the French. (Not sure what Hungary has to do with this, but the Danes were always a bit squirelly). The Danes agreed to pull out of Finland, which they had attacked amphibiously, in exchange for British friendship. The following turn, not only did they not withdraw, they attacked in Finland again. Cain tried mightily after that to make peace with Britain, but the crown would have none of it. Now, Denmark is paying the price for the foolishness of their leader. That price will only get steeper.


And lest folks think me a French toady, for talking game 79 in the game 79 thread, I presume you were Baltic States in game 59 from.

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Our orders to the Finnish Expaditionary Force (FEF) had already been dispatched and as such a cross over in comunication took place - Fog of war was the only cloud in judgement.


It was I who broke off diplomatic relations when it was clear the British could neither control his allies for the greater good or fullfill his agreed commitments to the invasion of France.


You may have taken Copenhagen, an important strategic port, well your welcome to it now, those marines can stay and rot.


Its time I made another concerted effort to take the Faeroes just to prove we are not as incompetent as your think we are.


As for my navy, I await reports as to what you think you have done to it. For your sakes I hope your not telling porkies as it will result in the bombing of London in retaliation.

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Our orders to the Finnish Expaditionary Force (FEF) had already been dispatched and as such a cross over in comunication took place - Fog of war was the only cloud in judgement.


It was I who broke off diplomatic relations when it was clear the British could neither control his allies for the greater good or fullfill his agreed commitments to the invasion of France.


You may have taken Copenhagen, an important strategic port, well your welcome to it now, those marines can stay and rot.


Its time I made another concerted effort to take the Faeroes just to prove we are not as incompetent as your think we are.


As for my navy, I await reports as to what you think you have done to it. For your sakes I hope your not telling porkies as it will result in the bombing of London in retaliation.

Bomb away, and good luck to you. Your revisionist history is a nice story, but Great Britain did EXACTLY what we said we would do. It is a fact that after communicating to me that you would not attack in Finland anymore, and were going to pull out, you took more territory. At that point, the Finns insisted we break off diplomatic relations with Denmark, and I sent you an email to that effect. To state you broke them off with us is a joke.


I fear you have fallen under the spell of an incompetent advisor. As a new player, I would happily offer my services to you if you wish to get the taste of this game out of your mouth, though obviously not in this game. I suspect that Sponebonehead is in Iceland giving you advice, which of course would doom you from the beginning.

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Say all you want about your own actions but the fact remains while you persued peace with Denmark your Irish Terrorists plotted against us. Actions by a TA are just as bad when peace is being talked about, you talked peace until you had xCalais. You talked peace while it suited your aims, you talked peace while others around you and in your name actively plotted against us. I may be new but betrayal lasts a lifetime. I will speak no more on the subject, you can have the last word if you like, it means nothing to me or my people.


We may be defeated but we will never surender until we can fire no more bullets, drop more bombs, shell more ports.


:thumbsup: Fairwell Prime Minister

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Say all you want about your own actions but the fact remains while you persued peace with Denmark your Irish Terrorists plotted against us. Actions by a TA are just as bad when peace is being talked about, you talked peace until you had xCalais. You talked peace while it suited your aims, you talked peace while others around you and in your name actively plotted against us. I may be new but betrayal lasts a lifetime. I will speak no more on the subject, you can have the last word if you like, it means nothing to me or my people.


We may be defeated but we will never surender until we can fire no more bullets, drop more bombs, shell more ports.


<_< Fairwell Prime Minister


I think you should be more upset with your friends Norway and Sweden. You went out on a limb to support them with their misguided attacks on Finland. As TAs to Finland, we came to Finland's defense. All of the countries that invaded Finland are being destroyed, you just happen to be the first.


For your efforts to help them, did you get any support? Have they done anything to help in your defense? I hope they said 'thank you'. They seem to be out for themselves. Baltic States is in a similar situation. The next time you get used by your allies, ask for something in return. Maybe dinner, or a nice drink.

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I have no dispute with Norway and Sweden, I offered to them limited support by landing a few divisions in the south, a diversion if you like. I had more success than anticiped and in hindsight maybe i should have committed more forces to that front but as you will know, I had no intention of staying and I asked for nothing in return. I dare say if they had more success and Finland was defeated by now then I guess they would have been in Europe helping out.


As it stands this was my first game and i think i have done okay. Things change so quickly in this game from one turn the outlook seems fine to the next when the world is at your door.


My own downfall in this game has been due to the decissions made early in the game and the lack of TA's I did my part and tried to defend Germany as my TA and its former leader is a shining light on how to play. He continued to play until he could offer no more support.


I have a game related question so shall post that elsewhere.

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<<<The Battle for the Faero Islands has ended. Peace has finally come to this lowly outpost. The Harp of Ireland flies unopposed.


An announcement for Icelandic and Danish shipping in the North Atlantic, The Republic of Ireland has no further interest in you. Stay out of Irish Waters, no further harm will befall you. End of Communication>>>



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Guest Spongebob

Oh we all know I play Iceland in this game so no point in hiding it now. So you took that little island from me did you, well we shall see. I may not be in a position to attack Ireland but i want that little island back. It was a gift to me from Denmark and you stole it. You had better send some more troops coz ima commin. <_< Im strong enough now to stand alone and Im looking for some payback

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Guest Spongebob

Oh we all know I play Iceland in this game so no point in hiding it now.



I'm allied to Spongebob. :blink:


Now try not throw up :D I know its hard to swallow but being allied to the Sponge is not as bad as it sounds, take deep breaths, sit down and have a stiff drink you'll be okay <_<

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