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Game 79


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Tell me what country you are and I'll come bomb you. (since you are so bored) :beer:


Hello Cashier, ups Kurassier, excuse me


Thanks for your reply. But can’t you make another proposal than every time the same one: bombing, bombing and bombing. Come send me your ground forces, not your bombers. I have no fighters so I can not intercept your bombing planes, you know.

Now I am so scared I don't want to be bombed, I don't tell you me little country. But maybe your bombing planes cannot reach me, which would be a shame. We have to work out something else. So tell me were you are, I will inform you how far it is to me.


But I am happy to know that for some players it IS a interesting game. Maybe it will get it for me to. I have to wait I assume.


Greetings rednas Ruler of….of…..of……j cnhjagercjzgbzua

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Well I am having a right royal stomp over central Europe, not boring for me. Just wondering if Czech is still playing, I'm not getting much resistance.


So how many Major Generals did you have? I hope you had a spare... :beer:




Dear Njal....or DH


Since when is this game played with Major Generals. I heard something about the Major League, is that the same?


Well I did win some battles without any general, or even games without any of them. So please talk about divisions and stuff and keep the generals out of it.


So tell me where you troops are, or those of your opponent, Denmark I see, and I will pay a visit and drop some generals of me on them, so the both of you have enough of those, I will by-pass them and attack with my generalness army your country and conquer it. Because I am the only General in me army. Hmmm…I think you won’t tell me. But I can understand that, in that case I will bomb your air bases instead, I know where they are…..


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jh bwrwiuo zrnwzwu (somewhere in the neighborhood of Czechoslovakia, on an island)

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Guest Spongebob

Ok time to reveal all now that 81 has started.


I am still playing this game and to liven things up im gonna let you all know who I play.


Oh one more thing, its way past T10 so all DW on me if you wish, I dont care.


I play ICELAND - Ha!!

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Ok time to reveal all now that 81 has started.


I am still playing this game and to liven things up im gonna let you all know who I play.


Oh one more thing, its way past T10 so all DW on me if you wish, I dont care.


I play ICELAND - Ha!!




I personally thought you were playing the Faroer Islands, also such a desperate fight. It must be a new feeling and experience for you that you in a game still in T19 and it goes al the way till T73, but I think you never get this experience. Although you wrote you are alive and kicking....well you don't live long because I am gonna kick you out of Central Europe...very soon.

I wish you all the best in for your once again short appearance in VIC81.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of m,nnj hg zenrwzuo

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Guest Spongebob

Be careful what you wish for Redass, I do know who you are and you know who I am and we fight a common enemy. Ironic really :cheers: you have a stark choice as Cain did once he found out, you can either work with me or against me, make your choice, make your bed and lie in it.


Oh dont blame Cain, he's a noob, he had no idea who I was when he entered into his alliance with me but as a noob he needed allies and as such he got me what with the rest of Europe not wanting to side with Denmark with all its pre-arranged superpowers.


So make you choice continue our pact or come and get me. I may be hated the world over but those who have taken the risk to ally with me have found out there is no stronger ally than a Sponge.



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Be careful what you wish for Redass, I do know who you are and you know who I am and we fight a common enemy. Ironic really :cheers: you have a stark choice as Cain did once he found out, you can either work with me or against me, make your choice, make your bed and lie in it.


Oh dont blame Cain, he's a noob, he had no idea who I was when he entered into his alliance with me but as a noob he needed allies and as such he got me what with the rest of Europe not wanting to side with Denmark with all its pre-arranged superpowers.


So make you choice continue our pact or come and get me. I may be hated the world over but those who have taken the risk to ally with me have found out there is no stronger ally than a Sponge.



Dear Spongieboobie,


So, now you are Iceland. A few turns ago you were Denmark from VIC1 till VIC80 to be precise. So what proof do you have so we could, just could, maybe believe you this time. Yep, Iceland is an island, but that is also Corsica, Bornholm, Sardinia, Sicily, Kreta, Malta, Ireland, GB, Faroer etc.


Our only common enemy is us.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of kj ieurztn rui

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Guest Spongebob

Okay so I may not be Iceland but I know who you are and you fear me, why do you always have to spoil my fun. I was looking forward to kicking some life back into this game but no not you, you would rather play with the dead and decaying.


I will never tell who I am, I will remain hidden until the end and be assured Red there are plenty more turns to go until the end of this game. I wont see you there as you will be dead but I will. I promise.



Murrraaaaaghhhhh!!!!!!! Muuurrraaaaaaghhhhhhh!!!! :P:cheers::robot:

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Okay so I may not be Iceland but I know who you are and you fear me, why do you always have to spoil my fun. I was looking forward to kicking some life back into this game but no not you, you would rather play with the dead and decaying.


I will never tell who I am, I will remain hidden until the end and be assured Red there are plenty more turns to go until the end of this game. I wont see you there as you will be dead but I will. I promise.



Murrraaaaaghhhhh!!!!!!! Muuurrraaaaaaghhhhhhh!!!! :P:cheers::robot:



The Sponge is playing Bulgaria and Rednas is playing Iceland.


Good Luck to both of you, may you meet in a graveyard.

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Okay so I may not be Iceland but I know who you are and you fear me, why do you always have to spoil my fun. I was looking forward to kicking some life back into this game but no not you, you would rather play with the dead and decaying.


I will never tell who I am, I will remain hidden until the end and be assured Red there are plenty more turns to go until the end of this game. I wont see you there as you will be dead but I will. I promise.



Murrraaaaaghhhhh!!!!!!! Muuurrraaaaaaghhhhhhh!!!! :laugh::jawdrop::)



The Sponge is playing Bulgaria and Rednas is playing Iceland.


Good Luck to both of you, may you meet in a graveyard.


OK then, how about we just kill Bulgaria AND Iceland to be sure...

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