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Game 79


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You still have friends left? I mean in the game. But I like the attitude I quote: "saw the results of those RNAs and knew my friend was doomed", very good.


So in that case you have no problems left to tell everybody which country I am playing, and also I am curious which one it will be. And honestly I will tell you all what country it is, after I have eliminated some countries more. Works in progress.


Alright, if you're asking for me to tell everyone.... What I meant was not that your name was enough to convince me Switzerland was dead, but your name showing up as France and the Schmitter brothers as Lowlands and Italy told me he was not going to make it. Especially when Austria and Germany seemed to be ending up on different sides as well. I'd say Switzerland gave you a good fight though, especially considering it was his first game.

And about those friends..... I think you're one of them. :cheers: I'd call my TAs buddies, but my allies would qualify as friends I suppose. Only downside to that reasoning is that if Sponge really is playing Iceland, he's my friend too. :o


Hopelapop that are many statements, informations and also partial lies. For instance my name allone should be frightening at least....I can be very mean, but okay. I am France? could be but as I promised if more peapole do try to guess I will reveal it, and that is the truth btw. Well as in real life it is the same here: communication is the key to succes and certain countries did not communicate well or simply were talking in an othe language than I did or to put it simply didn't fit in the concept., for instance Switzerland. Did he put up a good fight, well yes, within the limits of his possibilities and in respect of the circumstances as Switzerland he didn't do it to bad. The most positiv thing about it was he didn't gave up inmediately, he fought and didn't drop. Respect, I like that, we all like that I assume.

The assumption that I could be a friend of you...well very tricky, but I feel flattered, we will see how the game is developping.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of ???????soon.

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The British Prime Minister should take note that their command of the seas is about to be tested. Any blockage or exclusion zone around the faeroes will be challenged.

So, how is that going for you Cain?

btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s.

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btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s.


He probably means active countries, not ones you are war with but no longer play. Otherwise 20 vs 1 at one time would be hopeless. :o


DezertCamel :taz:

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The British Prime Minister should take note that their command of the seas is about to be tested. Any blockage or exclusion zone around the faeroes will be challenged.

So, how is that going for you Cain?

btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s.


What interest do you guys have about a location without population......it's only use would be a staging point against Iceland...... :taz:

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The British Prime Minister should take note that their command of the seas is about to be tested. Any blockage or exclusion zone around the faeroes will be challenged.

So, how is that going for you Cain?

btw, 8 countries isn't close, when you get over 20, you can whine, but if you are really fighting, you need to get into the 20s.


What interest do you guys have about a location without population......it's only use would be a staging point against Iceland...... :taz:

No idea what you are talking abou limburgia, but I am quite sure there is population in Copenhagen and Odense.

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Faeroes was the island in question, however with the loss of Copenhagen and Odense then my chances of survival have been greatly reduced. Compliments to the British High Command. However I will now frustrate the British as long as I can.


Yep indeed I was talking about the Faeroes, thanks Cain :thumbsup:


I am correct to assume that the royal navy has siezed the provinces of Odense and Copenhagen? :pirate2:

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Yes the provinces of Odense and Copenhagen have fallen :pirate2: Its a blow and limits Denmarks ability to wage war on Europe but not the high seas. Iceland will take care of Europe now, all that I can do is harass the English fleet and coastal towns.


The Danish nation will return to its roots, Piracy seems to be the desperate throws of this once great nation.

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Yes the provinces of Odense and Copenhagen have fallen :pirate2: Its a blow and limits Denmarks ability to wage war on Europe but not the high seas. Iceland will take care of Europe now, all that I can do is harass the English fleet and coastal towns.


The Danish nation will return to its roots, Piracy seems to be the desperate throws of this once great nation.


So far Cain you have predicted lots of bad things for the British. I suspect this piracy silliness will be as effective as the Scottish rebellion, the destruction of the British coastline, and the domination of the Royal Navy. Amazing that the British are able to survive such horrors.


Limburgia, who are you playing in this game? I have seen no posts from you until now.

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Who said anything about me loosing :pirate2: I will fight as long as I can, I can never win and will die before the end but I will fight the best I can with the resources available.


My next plan for the destruction of Great Britain is to drop propaganda leaflets on all the major cities thus causing a rebellion from within.


Its as much chance as any of success.

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Who said anything about me loosing :beer: I will fight as long as I can, I can never win and will die before the end but I will fight the best I can with the resources available.


My next plan for the destruction of Great Britain is to drop propaganda leaflets on all the major cities thus causing a rebellion from within.


Its as much chance as any of success.

I love that attitude Cain, and it will be a pleasure to help you look forward to your next game. Truthfully, I wish every player would play to the last man, but it just does not work out that way.


Ok Limburgia, have we fought before? Are you in game 79? What country are you?

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