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Game 80


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What? There IS a Luftwaffe?!?!? :woohoo:




Shiny Göring and his fat toys (oopz Fat Göring and his shiny toys) are active on two Fronts. Luftflotte Nord is bombing concrete und Luftflotte Süd is taking care of our spanish/portugese friends.




Von Manstein


Nice, do you have the same trick for his Bismarck that - against ALL odds - is still floating?

Mmm, it seems your request came in too late...







Zhe mighty Bismarck und Tirpitz are still active. VERY active. Which reminds me. Gotta build zome extra mun factories to supply those CB monsterz.



Zum Wohl

Von Manstein

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Luftflotte Nord is bombing concrete und Luftflotte Süd is taking care of our spanish/portugese friends.


I was unaware that the Germans had attacked any Portuguese troops. We are too busy taking the spaghetti factories from the Italians to be bothered with Germans. :beer:

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Germany is still in the game :jawdrop:


Tranzlate my 'tag' and you can predict germanies future. :angry2:

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I was unaware that the Germans had attacked any Portuguese troops. We are too busy taking the spaghetti factories from the Italians to be bothered with Germans. :angry2:


? Huh ? Scheisse!!


I do not remember zhe name of my intel guy but it does not matter sinze I will have him shot! Wait intel is done by this Canaris dude. Why did this dumb fool not tell me I am NOT at war with this portugese dictator? Zhere I go boasting my achievements against portugal while all I do is bomb zhe sh*t out of Spain, Denmark und England.


Oops. Spoiler alert. Should not have mentioned England. :jawdrop: Sorry Winston.




Von Manstein

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Oops. Spoiler alert. Should not have mentioned England. :angry2: Sorry Winston.




Von Manstein


I'm sure he is aware by now that he was the topic of the discussion....


Anyway, I guess he will need proper protection in zhe near future from

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Oops. Spoiler alert. Should not have mentioned England. :angry2: Sorry Winston.




Von Manstein


I'm sure he is aware by now that he was the topic of the discussion....


Anyway, I guess he will need proper protection in zhe near future from



$10 US for anyone who takes the capital city of the guy who keeps spelling the word "the" with the letter 'z'.


Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....


Just so we are clear - I am serious about the $10. Show me confirmed battle reports and I will have Russ transfer the money to your account! Consider it a fun motivation tool to attack one...

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My good friend Slicer it is so good to have you back and look forward to the possibility of working together in the future. I knocked him out of 72 that should be worth something :jawdrop: i will leave it to my Spanish partner this time I have some Heavy B lifting to do. :angry2:

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Hi Slicer!


Maybe you should read the whole game 80 forum to understand it better.

Or maybe I get you wrong - do you want Manstein or Wolf being "de-capital-ed"?


But to me, and I am also German (in RL), with a kind of skin like yours, I thought Mansteins comments were very entertaining and since my parents (like most of this generation) had there problems with the correct "th" I can live with that funny joke of his nicely.


I have been to the US and Canada for about a dozen times and profited from the advantage of learning English early in school which my parents couldnt for obvious reasons.


So I think this part of your skin must be a little thinner than the rest but of course everyone has got those regions :angry2:

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Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....


Vould it help if we picked on zhe French?

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$10 US for anyone who takes the capital city of the guy who keeps spelling the word "the" with the letter 'z'.

Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....

Just so we are clear - I am serious about the $10. Show me confirmed battle reports and I will have Russ transfer the money to your account! Consider it a fun motivation tool to attack one...

This is the 'propaganda' part of the RTG forum about Victory!. Which is a game. I am quite sure the use of the word 'zhe' isn't ment to be disrespectful, but an in-game joke.

Apart from that, this thread is about game #80. A game that you don't even participate in!

I resent you mixing game world and real life. I find it unacceptable you try to influence the outcome of a game in this way. I hope your action isn't caused by the fact he wiped you out of game #72 (without any out-game reward?)


I suggest you keep your frustrations to yourself. If you don't like something on this board, use the private message option.


THE SHeikh

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$10 US for anyone who takes the capital city of the guy who keeps spelling the word "the" with the letter 'z'.


Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....


Just so we are clear - I am serious about the $10. Show me confirmed battle reports and I will have Russ transfer the money to your account! Consider it a fun motivation tool to attack one...


/real life mode on




On this forum I tend to 'roleplay'. Maybe not the best name to describe what I do but I intend to give some 'flavour' to the forum. Please read through all the game 80 posts and I hope you will get an better view of my character. BTW the name 'Von Manstein' was not chosen by accident. While I'm not german I am very interested in WW2/german history.


Sorry if I offended you but I will not stop using this language. As for the $10 reward. Please...


<Added after reading all the other posts>


Thanks a lot to all the people who supported me. Predator: For me this is a GAME. I like a good battle and I do not have any hard feelings about you kicking my ass in 72. I play this game without looking back...


Let's close this topic, stop wasting time and get back to politics, logistics and strategy!



Best regards, happy hunting and ENJOY!

Von Manstein

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zhe end......



waz gibts noch mehr Heute aahh Sauerkraut und Bratwurst.. oh nein es ist Heute CurryWurst.....

ze Baltzz have a full und round belly now.. danke mein Herr Mannstein.. :angry2:


Gutenmorgen my Baltic freund,



Jaaa please remind me again of all those trainloads of tasty german food (Sauerkraut, Flammkuchen, Wein, Weib, Gesang, Currywurscht) that were needed to support our Baltic friends. Say 'Danke' and kneel for the the nation that kept you alive during the long dark baltic winter.


Now send some planes to support us! Targets: on my intel results. :jawdrop:




Von Manstein


/real life mode ON


BTW I recently tried this german 'currywurst' but I think german cuisine has MUCH better food to offer. As allways (and after the currywurst) I had some pretty good meals and VERY nice beer. Which reminds me, my supply of german beer is allmost gone. :pirate2:

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