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Game 80


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Guest Spongebob

How the hell can you be $300,000 in the red and still keep playing. Is there no penalty for such a fiscal disaster or is this another secret I am not privvy too?

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How the hell can you be $300,000 in the red and still keep playing. Is there no penalty for such a fiscal disaster or is this another secret I am not privvy too?

Biggest penalty is that your morale crashes and you (and your TA's.. :) ..) loose the game (check out Germany#80 morale).

Once your morale goes negative you cannot declare war and cede territory anymore. And you get FP'ed at will.


For other tips: ask the Greece (or Californian) government..

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A special shout out to the Middle Eastern alliance who ambushed the heck out of me on our approach to Suez. I certainly learned my lesson!


The battle for eastern Egypt got off to a nice start for us, but in the end you got your revenge and more. Suez saw a lot of action as Dark Monk also made us pay dearly to take it from him.


A special thank you to the Sponge for playing true to form and handing me Trans-Jordan without a fight.

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congrats to all in my alliance who came out victorious. I really thought the final tallies would be closer than they were. Special thanks to scott for picking up tunisisa when we needed a player and for sticking with it the whole game. I only ran a couple turns in the last six or seven turns but that was because militarily portugal had expended herself with all the heavy fighting all the way to the end of the game. our enemies in this game were fearless and well organized and put up a hell of a fight in the alps. I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a country get off the mat like austria did in this game time after time, it was like he was printing his own arm stockpile! Good gaming to our enemies as in 72 i dont feel the war was over when the game ended. I have to give a special shout out to hungary, without his agreement the north european group would have won this game going away...Hope to see you all in future victory games, especially sweden, finland, and baltic.....now to finish 82 and make it three in a row!

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congrats to all in my alliance who came out victorious. I really thought the final tallies would be closer than they were. Special thanks to scott for picking up tunisisa when we needed a player and for sticking with it the whole game. I only ran a couple turns in the last six or seven turns but that was because militarily portugal had expended herself with all the heavy fighting all the way to the end of the game. our enemies in this game were fearless and well organized and put up a hell of a fight in the alps. I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a country get off the mat like austria did in this game time after time, it was like he was printing his own arm stockpile! Good gaming to our enemies as in 72 i dont feel the war was over when the game ended. I have to give a special shout out to hungary, without his agreement the north european group would have won this game going away...Hope to see you all in future victory games, especially sweden, finland, and baltic.....now to finish 82 and make it three in a row!



What you guys always underestimated was the enourmous production i pulled out of Poland and the central part of Czechoslovakia. Even at the moments i had only Vienna and Graz left from my original country i still had up to 1500 arm points to spend.



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But also to you for 648 points at the end! Well done!


Of course, I never thought it possible for a country to be -$393,341 in their treasury like Germany! Now, THAT HAS TO BE A RECORD!!!

W-O-W ! ! ! ! ! ! !



And where exactly did you get that info from....?

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And kudos to the US and Spain!


And shame to the UKs, Icelands and Irelands! What a push overs they were, fighting the computer took more turns and effort than chasing you away, and it is also more frustrating!

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congrats to all in my alliance who came out victorious. I really thought the final tallies would be closer than they were. Special thanks to scott for picking up tunisisa when we needed a player and for sticking with it the whole game. I only ran a couple turns in the last six or seven turns but that was because militarily portugal had expended herself with all the heavy fighting all the way to the end of the game. our enemies in this game were fearless and well organized and put up a hell of a fight in the alps. I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a country get off the mat like austria did in this game time after time, it was like he was printing his own arm stockpile! Good gaming to our enemies as in 72 i dont feel the war was over when the game ended. I have to give a special shout out to hungary, without his agreement the north european group would have won this game going away...Hope to see you all in future victory games, especially sweden, finland, and baltic.....now to finish 82 and make it three in a row!



Congrats on your win, it looked like a really close game from the outside.


Not sure how 82 will be three in a row for you, since the best you can probably hope for is a draw. You guys might be ahead, but we'll probably never drop. I am sure Iceland won't either and with 4 of you having German tech there is less than a zero chance of dislodging him from home and the states. It will be fun to play at least!

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  • 2 weeks later...
But also to you for 648 points at the end! Well done!


Of course, I never thought it possible for a country to be -$393,341 in their treasury like Germany! Now, THAT HAS TO BE A RECORD!!!

W-O-W ! ! ! ! ! ! !



And where exactly did you get that info from....?

Umm. The Hall of Victory?




Germany 390 Points

G# 80 Nico van Ooijen

German Unit Nationality

National Statistics

Naval Losses Inflicted 7,418

Air Losses Inflicted 34,549

Army Losses Inflicted 66,430

Av. National Morale (-633.62)

Av. National Treasury (-113,965)

Navy Size (in SHIP) 2,755

Air Force Size (in AIR) 40,259

Army Size (in ARM) 18,826

Final Treasury (-393,341)

Final Morale (-999)

Total IMDL totals 148

Total ADL totals 122

Combined Total (cities &

provinces) Territory 75

Overall Territory Inc. (-23.47) %

Controlled Territory of

Denmark 71.43 %

Germany 61.22 %

Lowlands 30.00 %

Total Allies

Baltic States (Djurre Rijpsma)

Finland (Arjo Verweij)

Sweden (Djeevan Schiferli)

Austria (Erik van Buren)

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks again to everyone who was playing in this game. I had lots of fun...

it started out badly because Central Russia invaded me...

not that he could get at my industry centres... as he walked into my wall of death... and after that it was easy mobbing him up from .. well euhm three sides :thumbsup:

only thing he did do was trash my food supply... so we had to live on German sausages for a while.. after that the food gathering begun..:thumbsup:

no food means .. no generals.. and no gens means no troops....

after that small starting hickup it was just a matter of going South.. to build me an Empire...

But to keep it honest I had luck when I went to war with Turkey as Greece saw an opportunity to grab him some land there.. Turkey reacted and sent some troops to defeat Greece.. leaving some behind to defend his borders against me... now if the Turk would have kept all his troops at my border he could have crushed me as he had way more divisions.. (half of mine where in Britain, Austria and Russia at the time) but unfortunate for him.. he was too much spread out and the divisions he had (which where stil a lot) I could seperate and encirkle and destroy them...

too bad I never could break with Greece.. I tried believe me I tried.....

and what a good fights around Austria... and what a pain with Hungary in the way....

my biggest mistake in this game was actually trying to be everywhere and having troops all over the place it made me vulnarable.. but then again it also gave me a lot of fun..

and some good stresfull waiting on game results....


anyway I promised my end turn so here it is...

I hope others will also post or mail me their turns .. as it is always fun to read.. and well

the holiday seasons is coming so I need some beach reading material :ranting:



Last Baltic turn


End Map of vic80

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's been a while, too busy catching up with real life! :-)

But finally I found some time to create this video of our 3 and a half year period of fun: Movie


Can't find the words. :thumbsup:


Great game! Even better movie. Brings back lot of good memories.

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