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Let me remind you all. Strategy should be like rubber, flexible! Clint E. once spoke the famous words:


"You improvise, you overcome, you adept." And zhat is what I do. All things are foreseen. Plans are in place. Zhere are NO surprises...



Ah yes, DAMN good movie, words to live by and yes I did not appreciate it untill after I saw it the second time and many time's since then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also, never give up, never surrender :thumbsup:

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btw i must admit... these tank crews in Geneve did deserve there medals


You are going to have to do better than that to beat me. A couple of GE against my army are never going to win this war for you. What is the matter too scared to try to finish the job!???? :thumbsup: Those medals you were going to give my survivng army at Geneva you can give to the ones that will die outright at Bern. You should have finished the job.....

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WHAT THE bleep...

having lunch at one of my newly liberated cities.. and before taking a single bite I was welcomed by the peasants of this rumanian backward land... they gave me a firework show I will never forget....

firetrails going down left and right.. it was an awesome sight.. still I am left wondering.. why those fireworks had iraqi markings on them.... seems they never learn :thumbsup:.. oh well I guess it is time to give them a Finnish treatment as well ROFLMAO........


hmm and some Icelander who wants to invade my piece of British soil... well it was fun to see that this was his first real landing .. chuckle... keep trying my friend.....


oh please .. you both made my day..... and you know it is now my turn :ph34r:


yep, I do feel your pain.....


but it is softened with the glass of champagne in my hand.... and a currywurst in the other ...



oh .. and I love the Force Peace actions... you just have succesfully killed yourselves... LOL

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Also, never give up, never surrender :thumbsup:


and for you we can add: to Infinity.... and Beyond!



Way beyond :drunk:



oh please .. you both made my day..... and you know it is now my turn


And you know that it is my turn before it is your turn!



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WHAT THE bleep...

having lunch at one of my newly liberated cities.. and before taking a single bite I was welcomed by the peasants of this rumanian backward land... they gave me a firework show I will never forget....

firetrails going down left and right.. it was an awesome sight.. still I am left wondering.. why those fireworks had iraqi markings on them.... seems they never learn :thumbsup:.. oh well I guess it is time to give them a Finnish treatment as well ROFLMAO........


hmm and some Icelander who wants to invade my piece of British soil... well it was fun to see that this was his first real landing .. chuckle... keep trying my friend.....


oh please .. you both made my day..... and you know it is now my turn :cheers:


yep, I do feel your pain.....


but it is softened with the glass of champagne in my hand.... and a currywurst in the other ...



oh .. and I love the Force Peace actions... you just have succesfully killed yourselves... LOL


Dear BS,



Baltic States: Fighting from Iceland to Iraq! I humbly bow before you. :cheers:


But... Currywurst?? :drunk: Try Saumagen, or Flammkuchen or anything. :ph34r:


Von Manstein

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But... Currywurst?? :cheers: Try Saumagen, or Flammkuchen or anything. :cheers:


Von Manstein



well you did not put your best stuff on a train to the Baltics....


hmmmm Vell I like you a lot. :cheers: And I'm allways ready to help you with a few thousand tons of food aid. But please do not expect me to ship our nouveau cuisine abroad. Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles! Remember?


BTW please mail your EM requests. I still have 40 slots available...




Von Manstein

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btw i must admit... these tank crews in Geneve did deserve there medals


You are going to have to do better than that to beat me. A couple of GE against my army are never going to win this war for you. What is the matter too scared to try to finish the job!???? :cheers: Those medals you were going to give my survivng army at Geneva you can give to the ones that will die outright at Bern. You should have finished the job.....


so true. :cheers: .the engagement in Geneve was kind of disappointing...the resposponsible generals have been demoted to "nassie-scheppers" and new more brave man have been promoted. :cheers: ..but the good news is help is on its way, the war machine is rocking and the kill ratio is still acceptable...and if you want bern...come and get it, you will definitly be in for a surprice :blink:



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but the good news is help is on its way, the war machine is rocking and the kill ratio is still acceptable...and if you want bern...come and get it, you will definitly be in for a surprice


Why would I want Bern? It wasn't mine to begin with....And your right about help being on it's way... :cheers:

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but the good news is help is on its way, the war machine is rocking and the kill ratio is still acceptable...and if you want bern...come and get it, you will definitly be in for a surprice


Why would I want Bern? It wasn't mine to begin with....And your right about help being on it's way... :cheers:





Help? ooooh you mean the trainloads with fuel, ammo, supplies, CP's und resources I'm shipping to my friend in the Alps. :cheers:



Von Manstein

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That's the first time I see 1 single CHAB gunner scare off a whole LSM fleet... Go Baltics, Go Baltics!





Yep, that was funny indeed :cheers:


2 CHAB firing at my LSM's Round 1 closing in... Round 2 RUN!!!! :cheers:


Hopefully my Ships are still there next turn to finish the job.. :blink:

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Yep, that was funny indeed


2 CHAB firing at my LSM's Round 1 closing in... Round 2 RUN!!!!


Hopefully my Ships are still there next turn to finish the job..


Well it was also the first time I saw a fleet shoot down a full maritime strike group before they had a change to attack...





BTW not sure if you believe in any higher deity, but the hard link between your fleets still being there or not solely depends on those higher powers able to influence the weather or Mr Murphy...





....And your right about help being on it's way... :cheers:

Mmm, according to the World News, Tunisia has altered its course to Greece..




THE SHeikh



Ah, I was wondering if it was us versus the rest but apparently there's not a single front yet :cheers:

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Well it was also the first time I saw a fleet shoot down a full maritime strike group before they had a change to attack...






I was going over the results saw an MS when I scrolled down and thought $@#%! but a few lines further...

nothing was left... :cheers:


Now lets hope the weather stays as it is...


BTW this is the last time I play with American Tech! Even at this stage it's still way behind the others imho...

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