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Now lets hope the weather stays as it is...


BTW this is the last time I play with American Tech! Even at this stage it's still way behind the others imho...



Cannot agree more on the tech, but the good thing is we're on equal footing! :cheers:



And the weather... don't mention the weather... the amount of air strikes or recons that have not been executed is staggering... no US tech and no Arctic weather country for me next time!

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....And your right about help being on it's way... :blink:

Mmm, according to the World News, Tunisia has altered its course to Greece..




THE SHeikh


Um...dem Greeks wuz in my way...but only a little. Big Greece ain't got no worries.


Abdul Slicer bin Jihadi Tacomani

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but the good news is help is on its way, the war machine is rocking and the kill ratio is still acceptable...and if you want bern...come and get it, you will definitly be in for a surprice


Why would I want Bern? It wasn't mine to begin with....And your right about help being on it's way... :blink:



well Lisbon was not mine to begin....but i still want it.... :blink:



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What is up with the war declarations against Portugal and Spain? :wub::wub: Are Greece and Turkey not keeping you busy enough?????




you forget Iraq.. and Southern Russia to add to that list.... :woohoo:

Greece would be new... and it would be meaning he is not invading Turkey for the needed cash..


hmm I could add the teeth less Persian to that list... :blink:



ohh well...


sent peace loving mails to Turkey.. never got them answered... not that I expected him to :blink:

but who knows it also just could be delayed....

saw some Iraq bombers flying over... although they where hard to spot due to all those spits in the air...


also I saw a hughe Iceland fleet appear before my beloved Shetland.. and disappear again....

yep I have seen many things but for you both



Spain and Portugal.. well sometimes I get the urge to drop things....


I got that urge now... :blink:

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also I saw a hughe Iceland fleet appear before my beloved Shetland..


I don't think they are your beloved islands.... :blink:


DezertCamel :blink:


I think I proved you wrong it is mine....

mine.. all minre.. yes mine .. mine mine...

whoehahahha... MINE...


:blink: a bubbeling thought crossed my mistified brain.... that if I am right... (ofcourse) then you must be wrong (and I am always right).. (ofcourse) so if shetland is mine.. that would mena that GB is also mine..

from which we conclude that you are trespassing.. checking the balance book I still miss your monthly morgage payments... which ofcourse can only leed to the final conclusion


you need to be evicted....

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Well I'm not so happy with all those fleet movements before MY coasts.


Not sure what it is but planes are dropping left and right with this particular Icelandic fleet combination. :blink:



Only one conclusion: time to step up the air war effort.

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Spain and Portugal.. well sometimes I get the urge to drop things....


I got that urge now...


Well have at it then--nothing I can do except dodge your planes as they fall from the sky....I think your pilots got lost though as after your war declaration they never showed up....perhaps you would like directions? :blink::blink:

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also I saw a hughe Iceland fleet appear before my beloved Shetland..


I don't think they are your beloved islands.... :blink:


DezertCamel :woohoo:


I think I proved you wrong it is mine....

mine.. all minre.. yes mine .. mine mine...

whoehahahha... MINE...


:wub: a bubbeling thought crossed my mistified brain.... that if I am right... (ofcourse) then you must be wrong (and I am always right).. (ofcourse) so if shetland is mine.. that would mena that GB is also mine..

from which we conclude that you are trespassing.. checking the balance book I still miss your monthly morgage payments... which ofcourse can only leed to the final conclusion


you need to be evicted....


Scary, you are starting to sound like the sponge.... :wub:


I suggest you see a doctor or something, otherwise you could turn yellow and start sprouting holes.. :blink:


PS. You haven't proved anything yet :blink:


DezertCamel :wub:

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:blink: a bubbeling thought crossed my mistified brain....


Guess I know who 'borrowed' my Grappa und Port. :blink:

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