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Spain and Portugal.. well sometimes I get the urge to drop things....


I got that urge now...


Well have at it then--nothing I can do except dodge your planes as they fall from the sky....I think your pilots got lost though as after your war declaration they never showed up....perhaps you would like directions? :blink::blink:


they where there.. just too fast to be intercepted by your inferior fighters....

andnow I am dreweling over the intell... :blink:

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If you are British tech my fighters are hardly inferior...must have been small recon groups wetting their pants as they darted through the sky praying not to be intercepted....that's okay you find out what you want Austria can't do anything about it every army he tries to move forward will continue to get slaughtered :blink:

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.that's okay you find out what you want Austria can't do anything about it every army he tries to move forward will continue to get slaughtered :blink:

That may be true, but he's doing not so bad, alone against the combined armies and airforces of Spain, Portugal, USA, Tunisia and Algeria..

(while his allies fight off the rest of the known world).




THE SHeikh!

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That may be true, but he's doing not so bad, alone against the combined armies and airforces of Spain, Portugal, USA, Tunisia and Algeria..

(while his allies fight off the rest of the known world).


Indeed- he has a vast amount of production to draw from and it will be a tough fight for quite some time. He had an opportunity to make a break through this turn and failed to capitalize because he was afraid to take more losses to his armies. Had he pushed his advantage he probably could have broken out of the Alps and i would have been hard pressed to stop him.....but you know what they say about hindsight.....so now it will be a new fight with a different result perhaps.... :blink:


Perhaps the Wolf is not as invisible as he thinks himself to be.... :blink:

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Leave me out of this, I'm trying to figure out how to sink this fleet of Iceland CAs...


Yea you keep saying leave me out of this but i see you have danzig and poznan and it makes me wonder where you are going from there. Austria claims help is on the way and it can't be germany, it's not hungary (headed south), it's not Baltic (headed south), so that only really leaves you. Very easy for you to bus troops into danzig without losing ships, drop them down into poland and czech and across the bottom of germany. Absolutely no where else for you to go from poznan so I do think it is time to include you. If nothing else it helps protect my coastline....


DW Sweden :blink::blink:

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Leave me out of this, I'm trying to figure out how to sink this fleet of Iceland CAs...


Yea you keep saying leave me out of this but i see you have danzig and poznan and it makes me wonder where you are going from there. Austria claims help is on the way and it can't be germany, it's not hungary (headed south), it's not Baltic (headed south), so that only really leaves you. Very easy for you to bus troops into danzig without losing ships, drop them down into poland and czech and across the bottom of germany. Absolutely no where else for you to go from poznan so I do think it is time to include you. If nothing else it helps protect my coastline....


DW Sweden :blink::blink:

Shoot, I'll DW on Sweden too. :blink:

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Shoot, I'll DW on Sweden too. :woohoo:



Now let's not jump to any conclusions... I was just on my way back from too many wars to a sustainable amount, can't you pick on BS, he wants to set a new record...



DW Sweden :blink::blink:


Please... for your own good... leave me out of this.... :blink:

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Shoot, I'll DW on Sweden too


Hey tim I didn't know you were in this game send me an e-mail an tell me what country you are playing...


Wolf--sure wishing i had a tech i could build carriers with--I'll have to look and see if I have a plane that can reach to danzig and slow down troops coming out of scandinavia into europe :blink:

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Shoot, I'll DW on Sweden too


Hey tim I didn't know you were in this game send me an e-mail an tell me what country you are playing...

I'm not, just sounds like fun. In Vic81 I'm about to land a whole parcel of troops on an unsuspecting Sweden! :python: Especially since I have Russian tech. Surprise, Surprise! :cheers:

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Wolf--sure wishing i had a tech i could build carriers with--I'll have to look and see if I have a plane that can reach to danzig and slow down troops coming out of scandinavia into europe :cheers:


Nehhhh... I live a secluded live these days, just a bit of fleet bombing here, air base bashing there, as long as they come to me I've got no special interest to explore the world...



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.that's okay you find out what you want Austria can't do anything about it every army he tries to move forward will continue to get slaughtered :cheers:

That may be true, but he's doing not so bad, alone against the combined armies and airforces of Spain, Portugal, USA, Tunisia and Algeria..

(while his allies fight off the rest of the known world).




THE SHeikh!

Give me a break! That would be like saying Portugal is facing the combined armies and air forces of Austria, Germany Hungary and whoever else..... Hyperbole and bulls**t....


It is Spain and Portugal against Austria, which is probably bigger that those two put together (Austria has 20 IMDL 10 cities by my count). The Germans are out of it right now because he is being a goof with his economy. The Algerians and Tunisians occasionally help with an airstrike, that's about it, just like the Hungarians and Swedes occasionally help with an airstrike.


The US is faced with having to move across the Atlantic in order to accomplish anything.


Your group owns Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria, Poland, Baltic States, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, most if not all of Northern Russia, some parts of Central Russia, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Italy. Oh, and three quarters of Switzerland too. In other words, over a quarter of the total countries on the map. Oh, poor you!!!! :python:

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Give me a break! That would be like saying Portugal is facing the combined armies and air forces of Austria, Germany Hungary and whoever else..... Hyperbole and bulls**t....

Well, this is the propaganda forum..


The Algerians and Tunisians occasionally help with an airstrike, that's about it. The US is faced with having to move across the Atlantic in order to accomplish anything.

An enormous task. But those heavy bombers you've sent to 'occasionally help' your allies with, came over very well. The base you've established in North Africa must've helped.


In other words, over a quarter of the total countries on the map. Oh, poor you!!!! :python:

Although we're fighting the other 3/4 of the world map, in my message I've never said we we needed your pity. I just stated that Austria is doing well, under the circumstances.




THE SHeikh!

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Leave me out of this, I'm trying to figure out how to sink this fleet of Iceland CAs...


Yea you keep saying leave me out of this but i see you have danzig and poznan and it makes me wonder where you are going from there. Austria claims help is on the way and it can't be germany, it's not hungary (headed south), it's not Baltic (headed south), so that only really leaves you. Very easy for you to bus troops into danzig without losing ships, drop them down into poland and czech and across the bottom of germany. Absolutely no where else for you to go from poznan so I do think it is time to include you. If nothing else it helps protect my coastline....


DW Sweden :python::cheers:


Good intel my dear predator!


Guess you also noticed the ldb's in certain german provinces are suddenly gone? Swedish armored divisions rolling through Deutschland. German resources safe or shipped to my allies. Production in Austria und Sweden going through the roof as if there is no financial crisis. :blink: Soon you too will join the dark side. Soon!



Von Manstein

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Good intel my dear predator!


Guess you also noticed the ldb's in certain german provinces are suddenly gone? Swedish armored divisions rolling through Deutschland. German resources safe or shipped to my allies. Production in Austria und Sweden going through the roof as if there is no financial crisis. Soon you too will join the dark side. Soon


Not really i hadn't done any intel yet it was just a guess and putting 1+1 together based on how I played sweden in 72 and things Austria has said about help coming. Thanks for the confirmation though. Doeasn't really change anything though nor will it save Austria....Tell your buddy in Sweden to bring plenty of coffins as Austria is running out...or is that another one of the things Germany is supplying...free burial? :python:

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