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Game 80


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Its time to redistribute the wealth in Europe.....much like what they want to do in the U.S. these days :P:robot:


rofl.. wealth will not be redistribute... and certainly not in the US...


in vic terms or in US terms the richer are getting richer :pirate2:


you might wanna google on 'Zeitgeist' :thumbsup:

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you might wanna google on 'Zeitgeist'


read up on it and I do agree that our political and free enterprise system of our current day is not what our fore fathers envisioned and needs a major overhaul but the Zeitgeist movement screams to me of one people under one government without the influence of religion. To me that is even scarier.... :pirate2:


By the way good job sucking Greece over to your side....


Perhaps it is time for the Portugeuse to help their British allies in the norwegian seas.... :P

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Perhaps it is time for the Portugeuse to help their British allies in the norwegian seas.... pirate2.gif

Be careful, around Nor2. There is a huge pile of scrap metal blocking the channel between helmsdale and the shetland islands. :robot:


The swedish navy has started making a land bridge for his baltic allies to cross over on foot. :thumbsup:


But by all means join the party. :P


DezertCamel :pirate2:

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But by all means join the party.


Since the European nations were able to pull Greece and Hungary into their group I think it is important for our group to do what they can for the island nations of Iceland and Britain. Portugal is now building extra oil refineries and military assets to accomplish that goal. :P

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Since the European nations were able to pull Greece and Hungary into their group I think it is important for our group to do what they can for the island nations of Iceland and Britain. Portugal is now building extra oil refineries and military assets to accomplish that goal. :P


Can't say I'm disappointed :pirate2:

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But by all means join the party.


Since the European nations were able to pull Greece and Hungary into their group I think it is important for our group to do what they can for the island nations of Iceland and Britain. Portugal is now building extra oil refineries and military assets to accomplish that goal. :laugh:



did somebody tell that to the Greek as well??? last turn he was still attacking my armies in Yugoslavia....



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did somebody tell that to the Greek as well??? last turn he was still attacking my armies in Yugoslavia....


well when we saw greece DW on Turkey we assumed he had joined your side because all along we thought he was with Turkey. Armies in Yugo as in more than one? Interesting.....


Portugeuse Commanders report that Austrian forces are in full retreat after being annihilated in the French plains and Swiss Alps the last three turns.....by spring Austria will be suing for peace.....and begging for mercy.....at least Germany can start saving mcr orders :laugh:

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Portugeuse Commanders report that Austrian forces are in full retreat after being annihilated in the French plains and Swiss Alps the last three turns.....by spring Austria will be suing for peace.....and begging for mercy.....at least Germany can start saving mcr orders :laugh:




Don't think I will abandon my friends that easily. Guess I will be shipping MORE stuff to my austrian friend.



Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

You still pottering about Man Stain :cheers: I would have thought you would be dead by now, by the look of things your on your way out, defeated as I predicted. :laugh: Roll on V85 so I can find you again and we can resume our battles

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You still pottering about Man Stain :cheers: I would have thought you would be dead by now, by the look of things your on your way out, defeated as I predicted. :laugh: Roll on V85 so I can find you again and we can resume our battles


Dear Bobby,



I should know better responding to somebody with an IQ lower than my shoe size. But ok, let's make some time to respond to your mail.


Vic80 is now allmost in turn 40 and I am NOT defeated. Germany is still under my control. I kicked Lowlands, Denmark and Iceland (no credits for that) out of my country.

I am still helping my allies

I will continue helping my allies till hell freezes over

I will NEVER surrender

Try translating my signature...


But I just might join game 85 for four-five turns. Please give me your nationlist and I will be your neighbour. Do you still quit in turn 4 as usual?? :cheers:



Happy 85'ing

Von Manstein

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Wow that was quick - Mrs Man Stain said you were quick aswell, anyway....


:laugh: Yes I quit B4 T5, I will be Denmark as always, I will defeat you.


LOL Weirdo!



You should talk to Russ. Guess in Vic80 some nations will quit soon. Maybe you could play their positions after that. Or you will just have to wait till game 80 finishes. I'm sure we will meet again and I'm looking forward to our endless discussions and insults on the forum followed by a short war and two-three years of great gaming without you. :cheers:




Von Manstein

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Guess in Vic80 some nations will quit soon.


Just curious, who is dropping? It's taking a long time to carve up the former Sponge Bob alliance so I'm a little out of the loop on world affairs.


Hey Bobby, perhaps you could pick up another country in the east. It would be great fun to knock you out of the same game twice. As long as you promis to last more than one battle this time.

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