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Game 80


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Von Manstein , I seriously doubt Sponge was able to understand what you meant when you said he should translate what is in your signature....I will help him along...


„Ein Krieg ist nur verloren, wenn man ihn verloren gibt.“


A war is only lost when one gives up the war...


From what many hear , when your position gets in any kind of trouble , you generally fold . Have you ever played a position until the position was completely destroyed ? I don't think so . Hey , by the way, whatever happened to your aspirations to destroy my supernova position? Give up on that one also?

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I would gladley take on any nation that anyone would like to pass on to me :laugh:


Hello Sponge,



Well I could donate Prussia to you... Oooh wait that's my last fortress where I'll make my last stand if needed. Sorry!


Tip: Next time keep playing till the end Sponge. Sure you'll be defeated but you'll learn a lot and have some serious fun too.




Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Who says I am not still playing? :cheers: You forget, the Sponge may well die / quit before Turn 5 but the sponge has many alter egos - Many have played many turns and gone on to bloody the noses of many enemies, I just dont see the point in playing a position with no allies :cheers: spending hard earned escusdos :laugh:

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did somebody tell that to the Greek as well??? last turn he was still attacking my armies in Yugoslavia....


well when we saw greece DW on Turkey we assumed he had joined your side because all along we thought he was with Turkey. Armies in Yugo as in more than one? Interesting.....


Portugeuse Commanders report that Austrian forces are in full retreat after being annihilated in the French plains and Swiss Alps the last three turns.....by spring Austria will be suing for peace.....and begging for mercy.....at least Germany can start saving mcr orders :cheers:


our armies are all over europe predator..... :cheers:


and just a semantic error....Austria is in tactical retreat.. :drunk: .. I don't see you move forward anywhere. :cheers: ..the next time you see Austrian troops it will be the last you see.... :laugh:



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I don't see you move forward anywhere


That is because you aren't looking in the right spot my friend...


the next time you see Austrian troops it will be the last you see....


So does that mean the next couple you stick out there is all you have left for me to kill? Have you refurbished the two we recently laid waste to yet?


Pretty soon your fighter pilots will refuse to take to the skies..... :laugh:

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Guest Spongebob

I just dont see the point in playing a position with no allies


Not only did you drop your position in this game long before any of your 3 TAs, you dropped before losing a single city.


He is right...... :cheers:


WOW IT LIVES - Where you been my arch nemesis? I miss our little tata tays. As for dropping this game I did not like the company I was keeping :laugh:

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what a silence on the bord....


did some one drop the :ranting: ?





You'll have to ask the wolf, he seems to have that sinking feeling again........ :rolleyes:


DezertCamel :robot:


that would be a major pain in the :blink:



anyway.. welcome all to the winter time..!!!

remember your TPL.. and my condolances to the troops fighting in the Artic...

and I hope everyone has got hughe stockpiles of food for this season if not

you could always try to write a leter to <_<

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Food is not the problem going into winter it is keeping the troops up with ammunition...who would have thought we would be killing so many Austrians! hopefully the supply trucks do not get stuck in the alps or we are in trouble....currently operating under the one bullet, one kill philosophy!!

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