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Game 80


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what a silence on the bord....


did some one drop the :ranting: ?





You'll have to ask the wolf, he seems to have that sinking feeling again........ :rolleyes:


DezertCamel :blink:


that would be a major pain in the :blink:



anyway.. welcome all to the winter time..!!!

remember your TPL.. and my condolances to the troops fighting in the Artic...

and I hope everyone has got hughe stockpiles of food for this season if not

you could always try to write a leter to <_<

Food is not a problem in Iceland! Finally got that sorted out nicely! :cheers:


Energy however is a different problem :robot:


Nice going GB! :ph34r:

Thought those subs were just a waste of money and resources... I'll rethink my strategy :cheers:

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Food is not a problem in Iceland! Finally got that sorted out nicely! :robot:

Energy however is a different problem <_<

Nice going GB! :ranting:

Thought those subs were just a waste of money and resources... I'll rethink my strategy :rolleyes:


bah.. I just do not understand why GB subs are having a shoting frenzy and mine... are just floating there...

and we even have the same submarine types... bah bah bah.... last turn GB made me rethink the whole sub concept... but still no fun on my side... who knows someday...


hmm would mixing be a viable option ?


aah whatever .. those subs burn my fuel supply like a madman.. by means of destroyers who gobble up fuel like a madman.. allthough they also went to the bottom like stones.. I could add a carrier but darn that would be an expensive loss... atleast I am fortunate enough that my energy supply is enough till the end...

now I only need a bit more oil factories... it is still a long way to travel towards London..


hmm that is if I have the ships LOL..

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It has been my experience that if you don't keep subs operating at 100% effectiveness they have trouble catching convoys because they are essentially damaged. Also doesn't hurt to have a commander with them. In game 78 our enemies are routinely sinking my allies ak-s with german subs even though there are destroyers in the task forces. they even engaged my surface battle fleet passing through last turn though they didn't sink anything....

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It has been my experience that if you don't keep subs operating at 100% effectiveness they have trouble catching convoys because they are essentially damaged. Also doesn't hurt to have a commander with them. In game 78 our enemies are routinely sinking my allies ak-s with german subs even though there are destroyers in the task forces. they even engaged my surface battle fleet passing through last turn though they didn't sink anything....



my subs are at 100%..

but well to be honest no commander with them... I guess I use that guys too little...

then again I might have become a bit more cautious with them .. as the first commander I sent on the seas was killed in action before the Danish coast ...


I must say that those subs where really rocking... even with that destroyer fleet... I was amazed and shocked... untill this game I have seen zero effect from subs... so I am pleased they are rocking

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Question: Do any of you long-time Victory! players have any of the Total Victory! newsletters that RTG published for a few years? I saw it mentioned in the rules in Chapter E. I asked Russ but RTG no longer has copies. He also said that the old newsletters were probably superseded by the 1995 update, but I am interested if they could shed any light on the naval combat mechanics (which is what the rules referred to). Thanks. <_<

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Question: Do any of you long-time Victory! players have any of the Total Victory! newsletters that RTG published for a few years?


Hmmm... I might, would have to look in the storage department. As in that part of the house which is difficult to reach... Which is the same reason for not being very active lately, just a matter of having bought a new house and in the middle of refurbishing...


I've been wondering myself about the subs. Mine were at 100%, had the admiral with them and floated for 8 turns before the port of Reykjavik and not a single intercept. Worse, I'm still getting intercepted by Danish subs at 50% effectiveness.... and those are impossible to intercept, wasted a whole lot of maritime strikes on them. Must be some intriguing rule set there...


No sweat, I haven't dropped, seeing all those LSMs getting sunk was to be expected, 1 fleet per turn is acceptable <_<


I guess it's my turn again?

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Question: Do any of you long-time Victory! players have any of the Total Victory! newsletters that RTG published for a few years?


Hmmm... I might, would have to look in the storage department. As in that part of the house which is difficult to reach... Which is the same reason for not being very active lately, just a matter of having bought a new house and in the middle of refurbishing...


on them. Must be some intriguing rule set there...


I guess it's my turn again?


here we go again..... our lsm fleets are ready to boldly go where no fleet has been...

from london to dublin and reykjavik as long as there is fuel... we will be there..



no fear for intriguing rulesets.. as we figured that one out... 1 bottle of cognac is on your way Russ.. <_<


hmmm and sorry no victory newsletters here.. although I know someone who still has his old Gotcha's from the EU Victory time...

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here we go again..... our lsm fleets are ready to boldly go where no fleet has been...

from london to dublin and reykjavik as long as there is fuel... we will be there..



More than enuf fuel... and food... man... MOUNTAINS of it....


But where oh where is the Iceland fleet hiding?!?!?! <_<:rolleyes::ranting:

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But where oh where is the Iceland fleet hiding?!?!?!


Behind the Icebergs.....



A predator with humor.. :angry2: .now life becomes realy dangerous :python:




nah we will just have to melt those icebergs to flush him out... we might need the sponge to think of an idea that could do that... but untill that time comes.. we will just bomb every iceberg we see..

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but untill that time comes.. we will just bomb every iceberg we see..


And rather effectively you must admit....


And not limited to icebergs on sea...


If it moves: shoot it.


If it doesn't move: bomb it. Just to be safe.



3 more turns and life will become miserable... 5 more turns and the word miserable will have to be written in capital letters. About time too I must say, all that flying American tech crap... I'm sick of it, time for some serious hardware...

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there is a buzzzzzzz there is the smell of war in the air


That smell is probably just the Austrian dead you are starting to smell that have been killed over the last several turns. The wind blows east it has just taken awhile to get to you....Blame the germans they couldn't keep up with the demand for coffins....

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