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....The concussion of the portugeuse artillery seems to have started an avalanche that buried the Austrian 26th army......we were going to try to dig them out but then we would have had to bury them again soooo.....Perhaps the armies at xZurich and xBellinzona would like to surrender rather than die? :woohoo:

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Haven't seen a post from the Austrian in over a month now....Perhaps he was leading one of those armies we killed off....I'll have to go through the dog tags and check but that could take an awful long time.... :(


LOL... I know you are hoping that he drops by a miracle of faith... :P

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Haven't seen a post from the Austrian in over a month now....


Hardly any player posted over the past weeks, it seems most only dare to post when they are 110% sure they killed of their enemy.



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Haven't seen a post from the Austrian in over a month now....


Hardly any player posted over the past weeks, it seems most only dare to post when they are 110% sure they killed of their enemy.




feelgood posters.....


well ... hmm I feel comfortable on my south front.. unstable on my eastfront and totally under equiped on my west front...


still posting is fun :(

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feelgood posters.....


well ... hmm I feel comfarteble on my south front.. unstable on my eastfront and totally under equiped on my west front...


still posting is fun :(





If I read zhe map correct I am your westfront! Or do you want to say Germany is under equipped? I am sure Predator and his friends think so. :cheers:




Von Manstein

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well ... hmm I feel comfarteble on my south front.. unstable on my eastfront and totally under equiped on my west front...


UNSTABLE on your eastfront?! :cheers:

You've not been eating those German mushroom-sausages again, have you?!



THE SHeikh!


Mister Sheikh,



??? As usual zhey blame the germans... As EVERYBODY knows zhose mind blowing sausages are being imported from german occupied LOWLANDS! We germans have nothing to do with mushrooms und other filthy drugs. :( Beer on zhe other hand is an entirely different story. As you (should) know the best beer in zhe world comes from Germany. :cheers:


While I'm on the subject. It vould seem the spanish armies that have been stationed in the Elzas for the past 20 turns have finally decided they want to go sightseeing in Germany. Amazing how long some people take to make up zheir mind.


Zhe german population will welcome you with open arms und (molotov) cocktails. See you in xBerlin! :cheers:


/real life mode ON

Did I mention I recently discovered my ancestors are of german nobility? More reason NEVER to surrender this great country to some spanish paella eaters.




Von Manstein

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I think it is clear many are awaiting their results... :cheers:



One more tech... just one... almost there.... It feels like Valentine is almost here, I'm in love already, and the arriving tech is surely in love with the Great Swedish Industrial Wonder!





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