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Game 80


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No we got him exactly where we want him. He fights his way of of zurich he dies, if he stays in the city he dies, if he fights his way out of bellinzona he dies, if he stays in the city he dies. The army at zell will be too late to save switzerland. Austria will lose 6 armies trying to take Switzerland, hope it was worth it...


Counting your chickens before they've hatched again, eh?


All you can do about it is sit and watch!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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Had back surgery and have been flat on my back the past three weeks, literally, just happen to coincide with Austrian annhilation.....who knew!.....nice to see the germans feeling so good about themselves.....fat lazy soldiers are easier to kill..... :laugh:



Back Surgery? Does not sound nice. Hope you're ok now. Take care!

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All you can do about it is sit and watch!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:



Oh we're watching, we're watching!!


Give Russ a siiiiiiiiigar, results are in :wub:



....although I personally prefer Saturdays very early in the morning, you get up, boot the machine, find the results,print them out, get your coffee and go back to bed and analyze.... ahhhh, those special moments in life of tranquility, peace, ultimate glory...





And still counting your chickens before they've hatched, eh? :cheers:

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Doesn't look good for the austrians....clearly they were defeated and disappointed in both major attacks, .....how much longer before the desertions start?????? :(:laugh:


"A warrior still dressing for battle should not boast like a warrior who has already won.""


or like wolf said :wub:



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A warrior still dressing for battle should not boast like a warrior who has already won.""


or like wolf said


Well whatever except say good bye to Switzerland....eviction notices are served.......the battle front to your guys' west is about to collapse in a big way...cannot wait to see what the retreat location for the 27th army is going to be.....hopefully xBellinzona! :wub::laugh:

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Our Great Beloved German Fuhrer is too busy with excelling in Solitaire to be bothered by anything else.


Ahhh too bad he's missing a really good game. Maybe some day my allies will let him play again. Or maybe not who can predict the future. <_<


Here's to the my Spanish ally... :alien2::alien2::cheers::drunk:


Heavy b...cat got your tongue? I have never seen someone lose so many armies so quickly. Is there any hope or are you ready to drop as soon as I enter Austria? <_<

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Our Great Beloved German Fuhrer is too busy with excelling in Solitaire to be bothered by anything else.





Aah yes solitaire I am sehr good at zhat game! Thank you for giving me the time to practice!


BTW tech 41 arrives. Giving us germans the Tiger. Finally an answer to zhose filthy T-34's. This pussy is an ugly bitch but till zhe arrival of the Panther <_< we will have to do with ugly piece of steel.



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Ahhh too bad he's missing a really good game. Maybe some day my allies will let him play again. Or maybe not who can predict the future. <_<


Gutentag Predator,



We shall see what your buddies Spain&USA are able to achieve in Germany. Untill then I only remember your spanish ally who was acting as your 'slave'. Hammering Austria on your command instead of rolling into Germany. Spain could have been in xBerlin by now!!! <_<


Keep boasting about destroying some austrian armies. Looks to me you guys are sloooooow. Turn 40 and the two of you still only conquered France and a few bits of Swiss cheese. :drunk:


And I am sure I will get a few battles zhis game. After all, where else vill your allies go? I'm sure I will see their armor closing in on my concrete soon. :alien2:


Have fun!



Von Manstein

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Keep boasting about destroying some austrian armies. Looks to me you guys are sloooooow. Turn 40 and the two of you still only conquered France and a few bits of Swiss cheese.


Admittedly it has been slow going. But terrain comes into play there and the fact that your group was so big that the Austrians and Italians had no fear from the rear and have been able to throw everything they had at us. Especially Austria as his production was very big very early in the game. I am very surprised we have had the success we have against him. If he had chosen to play a little differently there is no way we would ever have made it through Switzerland. We should be able to pick up the pace in upcoming turns........ <_<


We shall see what your buddies Spain&USA are able to achieve in Germany. Untill then I only remember your spanish ally who was acting as your 'slave'. Hammering Austria on your command instead of rolling into Germany. Spain could have been in xBerlin by now!!!


At your request I hereby release my slave.....good luck..... <_<

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