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Game 80


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Keep boasting about destroying some austrian armies. Looks to me you guys are sloooooow. Turn 40 and the two of you still only conquered France and a few bits of Swiss cheese.


Admittedly it has been slow going. But terrain comes into play there and the fact that your group was so big that the Austrians and Italians had no fear from the rear and have been able to throw everything they had at us. Especially Austria as his production was very big very early in the game. I am very surprised we have had the success we have against him. If he had chosen to play a little differently there is no way we would ever have made it through Switzerland. We should be able to pick up the pace in upcoming turns........ :drunk:


We shall see what your buddies Spain&USA are able to achieve in Germany. Untill then I only remember your spanish ally who was acting as your 'slave'. Hammering Austria on your command instead of rolling into Germany. Spain could have been in xBerlin by now!!!


At your request I hereby release my slave.....good luck..... <_<


<_< Trust me. The austrian production still is :alien2:


And thanks a lot for your spanish slave. I will make good use of him.



Von Manstein

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hmm in the movies the ones who wants to 'assimilate' anything mostly get there buts kicked

after a few glories and nerve wrecking battles


Yea well in case you hadn't noticed this isn't the movies and the front now moves into Austria....Six armies didn't save switzerland so i doubt the two left in Austria will stem the tide......coming to a baltic state near you!!!!!! :P:wub::laugh::cheers:

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hmm in the movies the ones who wants to 'assimilate' anything mostly get there buts kicked

after a few glories and nerve wrecking battles


Yea well in case you hadn't noticed this isn't the movies and the front now moves into Austria....Six armies didn't save switzerland so i doubt the two left in Austria will stem the tide......coming to a baltic state near you!!!!!! :nuke::woohoo::beer:B)


laugh all you want.. xZurich will be revenged...


and seeming you want to meet the Baltics.. I think it is time to meet your demands..

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laugh all you want.. xZurich will be revenged...


and seeming you want to meet the Baltics.. I think it is time to meet your demands


You declared war on me more than five turns ago I have been watching the skies waiting.....let me get out my map.....let's see Baltic....maybe someone in Germany will know :beer:


Someone over there take the gag out of Heavy B's mouth..... :nuke:

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Switzerland is lost as well as all the armies stationed there.....finally we stand at the highest point of the Alps and can look down into Austria at what is sure to soon be Portugeuse territory. Prepare to be ASSIMILATED :woohoo::beer::nuke:


Gutenmorgen Predator,



Standing on the Alps, looking 'down' into Austria you see... MORE ALPS!!! Und behind those Alps there are massive amounts of Arm factories. All working hard for HeavyB. It will be a loooong struggle.


Grimor, love your new pic. You old Teutonic knight!



Happy mounteneering,

Von Manstein

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Standing on the Alps, looking 'down' into Austria you see... MORE ALPS!!! Und behind those Alps there are massive amounts of Arm factories. All working hard for HeavyB. It will be a loooong struggle


I am glad his factories are still running as I need all the kills i can get......I do not anticipate it being the struggle that you are imagining...you see we have a plan we think is brilliant....top secret though....5 turns and Austria will be a statistic....I don't suppose he is letting me have xBellinzona again? :beer:

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not briliant just bashing...

but it is indeed a functional plan...


but the road ahead will still be bloody


Indeed to this point it has been bashing but it is about to turn brilliant but no denying it has been and will continue to be bloody.....are the people of the Balkans prepared for such a war?...do they have the guts for it?....we shall see.....and what of the Hungarians...content to be allies of Portugal?

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I am glad his factories are still running as I need all the kills i can get......I do not anticipate it being the struggle that you are imagining...you see we have a plan we think is brilliant....top secret though....5 turns and Austria will be a statistic....I don't suppose he is letting me have xBellinzona again? :)


Dear Predator,



A brilliant plan? Congratulations but remember Moltke said 'No battle plan survives contact with the enemy' :cheers:




Which reminds me. I gotta send 1000 CP's to my austrian friend... I heard him saying things like 'legendary forts', 'never surrender' und 'massive casualties'.



Happy slashing,

Von Manstein

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why would he build SS div if he was going to defend behind fort.? Better start building them in Czech because it's too late to save Austria....... :)





Hmmmm I do remember the german Panzers are about to get decent DSM values... Tigers are ok but soon zhe Panther wil arrive. Beautifull machines! Too bad Russ did not use the JS2 or JS3 in the russian tech. :cheers:



Happy bunker busting,

Von Manstein

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