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ona side note... for you all loving WWII freaks out there....

do not buy: War Leaders: Clash Of Nations on its release date...

wait till you can read some reviews from customers (not the game developers or magazines)

then you might consider buying it... was a very buggy game when released in Germany

and still is... could have been good... but with the English release 27 feb.. I would say

save the cash and buy Total War Empire which come out 4 March :)

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ona side note... for you all loving WWII freaks out there....

do not buy: War Leaders: Clash Of Nations on its release date...

wait till you can read some reviews from customers (not the game developers or magazines)

then you might consider buying it... was a very buggy game when released in Germany

and still is... could have been good... but with the English release 27 feb.. I would say

save the cash and buy Total War Empire which come out 4 March :thumbsup:


Gutenmorgen Teutonic knight,



Vhat? Who cares?! This year we will have Empire Total War und (falls on his knees and praises Paradox) Hearts of Iron 3!!! :):):thumbsup::cheers:


It will be a great year!


BTW there are rumors that the tank museum in Bovington (UK) will have a tankfest this summer. Vhat is is? Normally it is a great museum but for two days zhey will show and/or DRIVE a lot of tanks (panzers this year) around for all to see. And zhey have the mighty Tiger... Don't forget your earplugs!



Happy gaming,

Von Manstein

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Switzerland is finally liberated but there is no time to celebrate as Portugeuse troops ready for the offensive into Austrian territory. It is rumored that the troops are dug in behind fortifications and will fight to the death.....I think I hear the junkers warming up their engines.....so many brave Austrians have died already....and soooo many more soon will join them..... :)


It appears the Portuguese Diplomats are as busy as their generals... :cheers::):thumbsup:

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Does the museum also have the King Tiger?

Or the Jagdtiger?


Not sure. I think there are a few good tank museums. Planning to visit one this summer.


Bovington, UK

Munster, Germany

Saumur, France

Kublinka, Russia (the best but it's in Russia. Not my favorite country)

Koblenz, Germany


Might have missed the USA one.


Oh and where I live we have a nice Panther D out in the street. Yes, I visit once every week and admire the beauty of this machine.



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the rest of this game is gonna be a bad case of deja vue for Baltic and company :D .....our diplomats have arrived home successful in their endeavor and the good news has filtered down to the troops on the front lines who are anxiously awaiting their attack orders into Austrian home territory....now if we could only break again with Germany.... :)

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the rest of this game is gonna be a bad case of deja vue for Baltic and company :D .....our diplomats have arrived home successful in their endeavor and the good news has filtered down to the troops on the front lines who are anxiously awaiting their attack orders into Austrian home territory....now if we could only break again with Germany.... :)

Predator, just curious. How many more allies do you need to have you feel secure?



THe SHeikh

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the rest of this game is gonna be a bad case of deja vue for Baltic and company :D .....our diplomats have arrived home successful in their endeavor and the good news has filtered down to the troops on the front lines who are anxiously awaiting their attack orders into Austrian home territory....now if we could only break again with Germany.... :)


deja vu..???


and why so soon.. I have not burried Turkey yet....


got my hands full of bloody England.... :thumbsup:


I see USA getting more and more lands... starts in the Lowlands.. visits Ireland... :D


Iceland is building up and also has a nice extra island form those once lovely people known as Danes... that is if you can remember them.... :D


Italy is like a pizza divided into nice slices....


Oh and I forgot those Russian T34 moving towards my lovely harbour of Odessa


where will this all lead to....

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Predator, just curious. How many more allies do you need to have you feel secure?


no more i am done....see you on the battlefield....


where will this all lead to


your demise........see you in Poland in about ten turns.... :python:





Would be fun...

but we both know it is not going to happen..

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Would be fun...

but we both know it is not going to happen..


Will be fun an I am sorry to see you are in denial.....don't worry over the next three or four turns I will peel back the layers for you and let the chilling realization settle in :python:


now you made me curious....

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