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Game 80


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the rest of this game is gonna be a bad case of deja vue for Baltic and company :D .....our diplomats have arrived home successful in their endeavor and the good news has filtered down to the troops on the front lines who are anxiously awaiting their attack orders into Austrian home territory....now if we could only break again with Germany.... :python:


deja vu..???


and why so soon.. I have not burried Turkey yet....


got my hands full of bloody England.... :thumbsup:


I see USA getting more and more lands... starts in the Lowlands.. visits Ireland... :D


Iceland is building up and also has a nice extra island form those once lovely people known as Danes... that is if you can remember them.... :D


Italy is like a pizza divided into nice slices....


Oh and I forgot those Russian T34 moving towards my lovely harbour of Odessa


where will this all lead to....

The US forces in the Lowlands are just, umm, sightseeing, yea that's it, sightseeing......

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The British people have spoken, I have been voted out as prime minister. The following reasons are why I lost the people's favor. :D


I have not upheld the tradition of expanding the empire. :P


I let barbarians invade the homeland. :D


They have chosen a new leader to carry on the fight, and I have been given a new assignment. I am a governor of one of her majesties colder territories. :python:


So I say goodbye, but not farewell to my enemies. See you again somewhere in a different time and place. :thumbsup:


DezertCamel :D

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They have chosen a new leader to carry on the fight, and I have been given a new assignment. I am a governor of one of her majesties colder territories. :python:

So I say goodbye, but not farewell to my enemies. See you again somewhere in a different time and place. :D

DezertCamel :D

Too bad. See you in another dimension. And maybe not as an adversary.

About that new leader you have choosen.. He/she coincidentally doesn't (like the new Tunisian leader) happen to be closely related to Predator and co. ?



THE SHeikh!

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Predator, just curious. How many more allies do you need to have you feel secure?



THe SHeikh


Hmmmpf Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff




The British people have spoken, I have been voted out as prime minister. The following reasons are why I lost the people's favor. :(


I have not upheld the tradition of expanding the empire. :cheers:


I let barbarians invade the homeland. :(


They have chosen a new leader to carry on the fight, and I have been given a new assignment. I am a governor of one of her majesties colder territories. :o


So I say goodbye, but not farewell to my enemies. See you again somewhere in a different time and place. :cheers:


DezertCamel :ranting:




Thanks for the nice fights. Have to admit they were few and not very very bloody but still lots of fun.


Enjoy the next game!



Von Manstein

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the rest of this game is gonna be a bad case of deja vue for Baltic and company



Apologies for the silence, a RL struggle with internet providers is preventing me access most of the time....



But really Predator... As long as you keep failing to deal with your inferiority complex you just keep acting in the way we are used to the last years.

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But really Predator... As long as you keep failing to deal with your inferiority complex




you just keep acting in the way we are used to the last years.


Ohh you mean the way I/we (cause i can't take all the credit) have been kickin your butts all across Europe!! Woohoo!!


Heavy B--This is usually the point in victory you drop, when things go wrong, so how about it you gonna let me fight my way through austria or you gonna quit again?

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Time to yank my own chain again....Heavy B has been silent far too long...Manstein you don't suppose he's pulling a hitler somewhere in a bunker just waiting to pull the trigger do you? :python::D What I really want to know is did he get all those fighters out of bregenz in time!? :thumbsup:


Hmmm things und emotions are heating up. Vell that's only a sign we do take this game seriously.


'Pulling a Hitler'? :D LOL


Nein! As you remember Hitler only shot himself (after taking cyanide) when the end was near. So when Heavy B decides to drop now it will not be known as 'pulling a Hitler' Besides we're close to finding a replacement player. Something like the UK construction. :P


BTW I will be imitating our austrian guy with the moustache. I will fight till the end. But I intend not to imitate his end. I am sure my allies will cede a little piece of dirt somewhere in Russia where I can live comfortably in my Dasha and keep in contact with my spy network. :D


There are sooooo many ways to enjoy this game... 90-120 EM orders for instance.



Von Manstein

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Ohh you mean the way I/we (cause i can't take all the credit) have been kickin your butts all across Europe!! Woohoo!!

Now Predator, don't be so modest. The current victories at the western front are solely the result of your superior strategic insight and your cunning diplomatic planning.

Your ever growing number of allies have very little to do with them, apart from giving you a nice zone of comfort. You could have done this without them.

You know that, we know that and they know that. So you can leave out the pleasantries. Just tell it the way it is: you're simply the best and it is only a matter of time you win this game.


As I don't remember having being kicked all across Europe by you, I think Wolf meant the way you seem to enjoy humiliating beated opponents on this board to glorify yourself.


But then again, I could be wrong.





THE SHeikh!

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Now Predator, don't be so modest. The current victories at the western front are solely the result of your superior strategic insight and your cunning diplomatic planning.

Your ever growing number of allies have very little to do with them, apart from giving you a nice zone of comfort. You could have done this without them.


I have to disagree. without spain austria would have walked all over me. Heck for much of the game he has outproduced spain and myself in arm alone by a 2:1 margin easy. Also don't know about growing allies as i have no idea as to who the new British player is or if there even is one. but I will take credit for my recent diplomatic trip to ?, it turned out to be a brilliant move and one that at least gives our group a chance to win where we had none before! <_<


You know that, we know that and they know that. So you can leave out the pleasantries. Just tell it the way it is: you're simply the best and it is only a matter of time you win this game.


Never bragged to be the best, wouldn't want to offend Marklen X. i do though enjoy fighting your group and i think we came out on top of it in 72 and can only hope to continue to compete in this game.


As I don't remember having being kicked all across Europe by you, I think Wolf meant the way you seem to enjoy humiliating beated opponents on this board to glorify yourself




wasn't humiliating anyone just talking a little smack trying to draw Heavy B out; but like i said I think he's hiding in his bunker somewhere waiting for the end.





To Victory :drunk:

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The British people have spoken, I have been voted out as prime minister. The following reasons are why I lost the people's favor. :P


What is exactly the reason you're withdrawing? Can't be the fight...


And who will be the new player? Somebody we know?

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The British people have spoken, I have been voted out as prime minister. The following reasons are why I lost the people's favor. :nuke:


What is exactly the reason you're withdrawing? Can't be the fight...


And who will be the new player? Somebody we know?


The reasons are stated, plus I was getting bored with the position. I cound not win, or really expand. So why pay to do very little. :nuke:


At least I played till turn 40 and found someone willing to takeover..... Better the giving it to the computer, so you could take everything over the easy way. :nuke:


I have started another adventure in a new game, so I have more important things to worry about , then a bunch of barbarians in scotland. :nuke:


As far as the new player, that is up to him to announce, I am just letting you know it's no longer me running the show..... :P


Good luck, and have fun :nuke:


Dezertcamel :nuke:

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At least I played till turn 40 and found someone willing to takeover..... Better the giving it to the computer, so you could take everything over the easy way. :nuke:

Dezertcamel :nuke:




and the whole time we were seeing those Britains as barbarians .. and still do :P

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The reasons are stated, plus I was getting bored with the position. I cound not win, or really expand. So why pay to do very little. :nuke:



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