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Game 80


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hears the cries of war against Germany


I will DW Germany this turn and will remain so for the rest of the game as it is obvious that since Austria can't stop the Portugeuse forces he rather intends to hind behind territory ceded to his allies.


but The General Baltic Staff has agreed that the Spanish and Portugees menace needs to be stopped...


Due to this recent development strategic protocols must be reassessed in anticipation of greater resistance in the Austrian held areas of czech. we do not feel however that Baltic is a threat to save Austrian home territories; matter of fact once unforeseen developments occur the Baltic HQ should have their hands full elsewhere :beer:

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the Baltic HQ should have their hands full elsewhere


:thumbsup: that would be indeed unpleasant... not unexpected :beer:


atleast the next 29 turns will not be dull... bring it on..!!


the only thing is that I do not get to achieve my goal I hoped to do...

and for that you will pay... :cheers:

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the only thing is that I do not get to achieve my goal I hoped to do...

and for that you will pay... :beer:


Now now now...


I won't tolerate you giving up on such an Admirable Goal as we discussed many months ago over that precious cognac...


After all, the only thing we have to do is keep Predje on a leash and how hard can that be?

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I won't tolerate you giving up on such an Admirable Goal as we discussed many months ago over that precious cognac...


Maybe he had too much cognac that day and doesn't remember that goal :P Or maybe the tread on those cheap british tanks isn't holding up the way you thought it would :(


After all, the only thing we have to do is keep Predje on a leash and how hard can that be?


HeeHee...I don't like leashes.....Grimor why don't you have some more cognac :beer::taz::robot::nuke:

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I won't tolerate you giving up on such an Admirable Goal as we discussed many months ago over that precious cognac...


Maybe he had too much cognac that day and doesn't remember that goal :P Or maybe the tread on those cheap british tanks isn't holding up the way you thought it would :robot:


After all, the only thing we have to do is keep Predje on a leash and how hard can that be?


HeeHee...I don't like leashes.....Grimor why don't you have some more cognac :beer::P:taz::nuke:


ahh my dear Predator.. I have enough whiskey and cognac to last me a .. euhmmm a weekend. :(

but don'nt worry I will resupply soon ....


and about the goal.. well it seems it is still open... do not know how.. but will see.. all I can say to my fellow comrads in arms.. THE RACE IS ON..!!!!


and indeed british armor is no match for those nice tiger tanks... and even my airforce will have a hardtime bombing them to smithereens.. but burn they will. besides where you will have 1 stack of uber tigers... I will have two mediocore brithish armor.... but as you know quantity beets quality ..


now where is that Turk hiding.....

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Friday afternoon but not too soon for some good Vodka....must have a drink to contemplate how many Austrians I can kill this turn...Unfortunately i have run out of room in switzerland to bury them so I must DW on Germany and sneak over at night and make a deposit. :nuke: OOps that's not germany anymore...... :beer:

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Friday afternoon but not too soon for some good Vodka....must have a drink to contemplate how many Austrians I can kill this turn...Unfortunately i have run out of room in switzerland to bury them so I must DW on Germany and sneak over at night and make a deposit. :D OOps that's not germany anymore...... :D




We will have fun. My only goals are killing portugese/spanish troops and making it to turn 72. Easy goals I admit.


Von Manstein

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General Manstein---


Permission to fly over Germany was not granted by air traffic control....we only wanted to scout the country to see where we could build our summer cottage to get away from the constant sea spray in Portugal....so we must DW and send in some scout planes to take pictures and choose a spot that way :D ....such an inconvenience....


Have just confirmed sponge did not pick up Britain...guess Russ wanted someone to last more than 4 turns

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General Manstein---


Permission to fly over Germany was not granted by air traffic control....we only wanted to scout the country to see where we could build our summer cottage to get away from the constant sea spray in Portugal....so we must DW and send in some scout planes to take pictures and choose a spot that way :D ....such an inconvenience....


Have just confirmed sponge did not pick up Britain...guess Russ wanted someone to last more than 4 turns


Dear Predator,



Aitraffic control rules. Aaah that explains everything. :D


I know a nice place for your summer cottage. Near Berlin there are some beautifull lakes. I have a cottage there myself. I admit it's a long drive from where you are now but feel free to visit. I understand if you want to find some other place for this summer cottage. Germany is sooo nice und there are many places. Please scout arund but do NOT fly over Berlin, Hamburg or Frankfurt. There are some nasty guys in planes there. There is even rumor of new technology zhat will make the old planes dated. The word 'jet' has been whispered. Herr Messerschmitt is working hard on zhis technology.


By the way. Is USA also looking for a place away from the 'sea spray'? My Intel shows some 'interesting' moves by our Yankee friend.


Glad we agree on Sponge. Would have been fun to crush him but the fun lasts only two, three weeks. And you have to check your mail/forum every 15 minutes.



Von Manstein

I noticed you changed your signature Herr Predator...

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Have just confirmed sponge did not pick up Britain...guess Russ wanted someone to last more than 4 turns


ROFL... he got you scared I guess.. a Sponge as an ally... now that would have been a defeating thought :D


but euhmm who is sending all those bombers then :D

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but euhmm who is sending all those bombers then :D


The Turk?




but who cares... the death toll in victory is rising borders are changing.. and a hard struggle up ahead what more do we want...!!


well I know... a nice victory game between 1700 and 1800.. and tomorrow I have TotalWar Empire in my little greedy hands... :D

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By the way. Is USA also looking for a place away from the 'sea spray'? My Intel shows some 'interesting' moves by our Yankee friend.


"Interesting" moves? We just can't find the damned autobahn passes........ :D:D:D


But we're looking, we're looking....... We should be on our way shortly....... :D

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"Interesting" moves? We just can't find the damned autobahn passes........ :D:D:D


But we're looking, we're looking....... We should be on our way shortly....... :rolleyes:



Say again? You can't find the Autobahn?... Honestly???


One more opponent I don't have to worry about. :D

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