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I see that German forces have finally gotten to go on the offensive.....one piece of advice for the german generals...don't run blind thinking your army will be somewhere else and then STA all your fuel to a neighboring force....apparently all the portugeuse generals didn't pass supply 101!



Dear Predator,



Don't worry. I'm sure the airforce from your alliance and some USA tanks will soon hit my troops. Leaves me with one less supply problem. :D


Yes they have just enough fuel/mun/gen for one turn.



Happy TASsing

Von Manstein

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Don't worry. I'm sure the airforce from your alliance and some USA tanks will soon hit my troops. Leaves me with one less supply problem.


Sorry my airforce is busy elsewhere for the time being.... :D




Does zhat mean I have to fight those lousy russian Yak's again? Or will the USA send some of his nice machines? :blink:



Von Manstein

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Does zhat mean I have to fight those lousy russian Yak's again? Or will the USA send some of his nice machines? :beer:



Von Manstein

Possibly the USA, but we apparently have the NAP from hell...... :(:blink:

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Does zhat mean I have to fight those lousy russian Yak's again? Or will the USA send some of his nice machines? :(

Von Manstein

Possibly the USA, but we apparently have the NAP from hell...... :blink::blink:


Hmmmm I'm not complaining. :beer:

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Possibly the USA, but we apparently have the NAP from hell...... :blink::drunk:





It seems you have to finish what your spanish friend failed to achieve. :( I even heard some spanish troops got executed recently. Rumors are zhat they are accused of cowardice. :blink:


Have fun. I know I will! :beer:



Von Manstein

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It seems you have to finish what your spanish friend failed to achieve. I even heard some spanish troops got executed recently. Rumors are zhat they are accused of cowardice.


No i think he just decided to wait for help while we finish off your Austrian neighbor.... :beer:

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No i think he just decided to wait for help while we finish off your Austrian neighbor.... :(





You mean Spain changed his strategy? When one vs one does not work (read Spain got beaten to SH*T by a bankrupt Germany) you guys switch to the old Predator strategy 'three vs one'. Smart... Or maybe your spanish friend was afraid he would loose that T34 army? :ph34r:


Well I guess I'll see you guys when you're done with Austria. Wait.... How many turns left? Looooong live the Austrian empire!



Von Manstein

60EM orders are soooooo effective...

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You mean Spain changed his strategy? When one vs one does not work (read Spain got beaten to SH*T by a bankrupt Germany) you guys switch to the old Predator strategy 'three vs one'. Smart... Or maybe your spanish friend was afraid he would loose that T34 army?


No it's more like Austria is so powerful that no one country can beat him and without U.S. help with germany we are just spread too thin. but I think the next four turns will put the Austrian problem behind us and allow us to turn our attentions elsewhere.....I certainly don't see a different strategy used by us that you guys didn't use on Switzerland and Poland? Had we not stopped Austria cold you guys would be owning pretty much all of Europe right now.... :(

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No it's more like Austria is so powerful that no one country can beat him and without U.S. help with germany we are just spread too thin. but I think the next four turns will put the Austrian problem behind us and allow us to turn our attentions elsewhere.....

Forces can't be spread too thin after you replaced the UK leader and activated your mole. (et tu, Brute?).



THE SHeikh!

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Forces can't be spread too thin after you replaced the UK leader and activated your mole. (et tu, Brute?).


I did not replace the britain player and have no idea who it is.... :unsure: but I can't deny the rest of the post...sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures....but all credit really must go to the Portugeuse Foreign Affairs Department working around the clock to bring it all together :thumbsup:


Can't wait for processing day :(:ph34r:

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Forces can't be spread too thin after you replaced the UK leader and activated your mole. (et tu, Brute?).


I did not replace the britain player and have no idea who it is.... :unsure: but I can't deny the rest of the post...sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures....but all credit really must go to the Portugeuse Foreign Affairs Department working around the clock to bring it all together :thumbsup:


Can't wait for processing day :(:ph34r:





I do think that all people are entitled to an honest trial and stuff like that. But moles and traitors generally end up hung with piano wire from roadsigns...


Only ingame offcourse.



Von Manstein

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I can't deny the rest of the post...sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures....but all credit really must go to the Portugeuse Foreign Affairs Department working around the clock to bring it all together

It's quite an achievement. But one that I think you've planned and achieved longer ago than you (understandably) show here on the forum. The actions I've witnessed from Hungary to 'support' his TA are not in line with the experienced player Templar is.


Templar, care to explain your most recent actions? Are you betraying your TA? Shifting the balance even further in favor of Pred&Co.?



THE SHeikh

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