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Game 80


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We play a clean game and let the best man win....there is no honor in winning dishonorably :drunk:



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I just don't figure how our actions toward Germany can be construed as cowardly. It is simply logistics, if we had not FP on him we lose the war hands down. It was all Spain and myself could do to contain Austria at the time. We had to allow the U.S. time to build up and then when Spain went back to war U.S. could not break his NAP with germany further hindering our plans.


I said you were a coward, not that you were stupid :D (don't know what would be worse...)


maybe i did not underestimate you but over estimated myself, after the easy victories in czech, Poland and yugoslavia.. :drunk:

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Let correct some statements that may have been influenced emotionally:


Mr templar has never done anything against me (or it must have been ceding Edolo back to me, while i needed that to block the portugees...).


He also done very little to help me as a good TA should have to my opinion.


Where I ceded several times key positions for Hungary to move through to our supposed common enemies I have seen no bennefit of that. I left coridors open for him to take key production area's etc etc.

we agreed he would block the portugees, which he has not done. We agreed over 10 turns ago he would attack the greeks, which he has not done yet... etc etc..


I am disappointed and frustrated, in the support i got from Hungary and stopped asking for things as I was convinced I would not get support anyway.


If a game of survival means dig in 50 turns and just pick up the spoils of other peoples war

I have to admit Templar you have done a great Job so far.


Lets agree two things in public now: I dont count on you contributing anything to me and you don't have to count on me. We go our own way in this game peacefully and never TA again in the future. :D




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Let correct some statements that may have been influenced emotionally:


Mr templar has never done anything against me (or it must have been ceding Edolo back to me, while i needed that to block the portugees...).


He also done very little to help me as a good TA should have to my opinion.


Where I ceded several times key positions for Hungary to move through to our supposed common enemies I have seen no bennefit of that. I left coridors open for him to take key production area's etc etc.

we agreed he would block the portugees, which he has not done. We agreed over 10 turns ago he would attack the greeks, which he has not done yet... etc etc..


I am disappointed and frustrated, in the support i got from Hungary and stopped asking for things as I was convinced I would not get support anyway.


If a game of survival means dig in 50 turns and just pick up the spoils of other peoples war

I have to admit Templar you have done a great Job so far.


Lets agree two things in public now: I dont count on you contributing anything to me and you don't have to count on me. We go our own way in this game peacefully and never TA again in the future. :D









I'm not going to argue on this matter anymore. I'm glad you're still fighting and have not dropped. Good luck against Spain/Portugal.



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I said you were a coward, not that you were stupid


That's nice, I'm being called a coward for not attacking somebody I can't get to on the ground anyway while I am fighting a war with someone else... :D:drunk:


That's okay i have a very nice suprise for your forces this turn....enjoy! :cheers:

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Well this might turn out to be a very boring end. All Peace is breaking loose across Europe, it's like a disease!


"Peace has been declared between Portugal and Germany"



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Peace has been declared between Portugal and Germany


how could you know that my turn just ran yesterday?!! Anyway call me a muppet if you want but why should i be at war with someone I can't even attack. So you can come in at will and nail my airforce? Yea, right!


And why is austria suddenly giving ground away? I feel like the fish who is being dangled a worm on a hook!

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Peace has been declared between Portugal and Germany


how could you know that my turn just ran yesterday?!! Anyway call me a muppet if you want but why should i be at war with someone I can't even attack. So you can come in at will and nail my airforce? Yea, right!


And why is austria suddenly giving ground away? I feel like the fish who is being dangled a worm on a hook!


Dear Predator,



Never underestimate the german Intell organisation...


You wrote feb 24th:


"I will DW Germany this turn and will remain so for the rest of the game as it is obvious that since Austria can't stop the Portugese forces he rather intends to hind behind territory ceded to his allies."


But I guess you FP'ing me is a compliment to the german Luftwaffe und their TBSA skills. :blink: Unfortunately there are disadvantages (for you) to a NAP with Germany. You'll zoon find out. :taz::unsure::(



Yeah it's a dirty strategy but somebody has to do it.

Von Manstein

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Never underestimate the german Intell organisation...


You wrote feb 24th:


"I will DW Germany this turn and will remain so for the rest of the game as it is obvious that since Austria can't stop the Portugese forces he rather intends to hind behind territory ceded to his allies."


But I guess you FP'ing me is a compliment to the german Luftwaffe und their TBSA skills. Unfortunately there are disadvantages (for you) to a NAP with Germany. You'll zoon find out.


Yes indeed but I am now at zell and strongly suspect I have an army trapped in the city. I now border the first of Austria's three biggest cities so the tactic of ceding you territoy will no longer be effective against me.


While the German Luftwaffe was quite effective it is unfortunate that so many pilots did not make the return trip back to germany. :unsure:


And I don't feel that ceding territory is a dirty strategy, simply an attempt by a ta to help their fellow alliance members. :taz:

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And I don't feel that ceding territory is a dirty strategy, simply an attempt by a ta to help their fellow alliance members. :unsure:


I was NOT referring to the zeding of soil... I was talking GRAND strategy... Vell soon you will feel, euh, find out what Ich mean.



Von Manstein

(Damn spring has arrived und I am working :taz: )

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Don't know about the others but I miss your tactics like I miss a splitting headache... Nothing personal, just your way of playing.



I prefer 10 Predators to 1 Concrete Fetishist any time!



Hail to The Predator! :taz::unsure::(:blink:;)

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