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Game 80


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Always open to the right alliance Sir Smeg but not I'm someone who will beg for it, you see Im not very good at puzzles and prefer the direct approach. This 'Game' you want to play and for that matter all the others who play the Hiding game I fear I have no time for.


I would rather have an honest and open debate with Heir General that may result in War than a clouded one with the hidden. Dont play games Sir Smeg, tell the world who you are. I can assure you if we become allies then I am a trusted and loyal friend if not then a feared enemy I will be.


Its upto you to decide what side of the fence my nation falls on.

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Krik would be correct, the best way to defend your border is to expand after all the neighbour that you can be certain wont attack is the neighbour that currently has your troops sitting in its citys. B)


Still also the diplomatic discussion for Game 80 seem to be runing down, since there is still a week before turn 3 starts, I shall bring myself out of the darkness an anounce my nation. Unfortuantly I have always belived in making people work for information so you can work out which nation I am by yourselves, if anyone want's to PM me for hints or to propose alliances or declarations of war feel free. :taz:


Sir Smeg :pirate2:


Have a look to your turn result Sir Smeg; next turn is turn 2 and not turn 3........not the best advertisement for your high command.


The Monk

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In germany it is a wonderfull day. The sun is shining and I plan to have a walk along the Spree this afternoon. I will buy ice cream and look at all thos beautifull german ladies. Life sure is good.


Meanwhile my staff has prepared all the plans for the buildup of troops and industrial production. They have been working day and night. Still there are a LOT of unemployed people around. Fortunately the german Reich has plans to solve this problem. I guess I can put them to work in new armament factories or even as cannon fodder. Well, Speer will find a use for them.


As for diplomacy. I have to disagree with Sir Smeg. The politics on zhis forum are not so active but personal meetings with all my neighbours are taking place. I have ambassodors visiting me every day! It seems all my neighbours are friendly. This pleases me soo much! So, invisible to this forum a lot talking is being done. Deals are being made, alliances forged and... Soon very soon we will see the results. But I also worry. I have information a lot of countries are planning for war.



Best of luck to all of you! B)

xBerlin bleibt deutsch!

Von Manstein.



Still also the diplomatic discussion for Game 80 seem to be runing down, since there is still a week before turn 3 starts, I shall bring myself out of the darkness an anounce my nation. Unfortuantly I have always belived in making people work for information so you can work out which nation I am by yourselves, if anyone want's to PM me for hints or to propose alliances or declarations of war feel free. :taz:


Sir Smeg :pirate2:

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Krik would be correct, the best way to defend your border is to expand after all the neighbour that you can be certain wont attack is the neighbour that currently has your troops sitting in its citys. B)


Still also the diplomatic discussion for Game 80 seem to be runing down, since there is still a week before turn 3 starts, I shall bring myself out of the darkness an anounce my nation. Unfortuantly I have always belived in making people work for information so you can work out which nation I am by yourselves, if anyone want's to PM me for hints or to propose alliances or declarations of war feel free. B)


Sir Smeg :pirate2:


Have a look to your turn result Sir Smeg; next turn is turn 2 and not turn 3........not the best advertisement for your high command.


The Monk



Dear little Monkey, it would appear that we do not interpret information in the same way. You would appear to view the 15 days after the receipt of turn results as the turn, while I would appear to interpret as the other way around. It would appear that we are destened to be at war with each other, I understand that it is nice an warm down where you are I will need to send my forces down there for a nice little vacation. :pirate2:


Sir Smeg :taz:

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It would seem ##### and Egypt will soon be at war. :pirate2: The two rulers seemed so friendly. As usual I suspect that Sponge has got something to do with this. I think he likes to provoke people. Yesterday I stepped in some doggy Poo and I thought I heard the Sponge laughing. I even suspect this Sponge has got something to do with the recent events in Lebanon. Ahhh well I guess der Monk will solve das problem.


And yes I removed the name of the country SirSmeg is playing because he does not like to have that revealed. BTW, Darwin Australia? Hmmm we PBM players sure are an international bunch of people.




Von Manstein



There is not interpretation at all; I simply read the Turn counter at my turn results. :taz:
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undefinedIt would seem ##### and Egypt will soon be at war.


Erich Von Mannstein: It is a dangerous game you play keeping secrets from the rest of the world. The Portugeuse have already declared their distaste for the Germanic peoples. Furthermore you state that negotiations are underway with all your neighbors yet no invitation of peace has been sent our way. So are we so far removed that we are not a threat or perhaps those factories you are building are to be used against the good people of Portugal?


By the way that poo on your shoe wasn't put there by the sponge, but you can use a sponge to get it off.

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Grüss Gott,



Moi keeping secrets from the world? No no no I am only respecting my fellow leader Sir Smeg who does not want do disclose which country he plays. I myself have secrets but surely no more than other nations. So I do not think it is fair to accuse me of keeping secrets. :pirate2:


As for the 'trouble' between the portugese and german people. Thinking about this I must come to the conclusion that there is no reason for this. We consume lots of port and the Gestapo has discovered that there are tons of illigal knackwurst shipped to Portugal. I can only suspect that they end up on the black market. I did not know our knackwurst was so popular in Lissabon? But then again. German products are the best and I can understand that you like our Wurst.


So I guess our people share a love for food. Let's forget the fact that we are not neighbours yet and work on improving our relationship ja? Since their are no wars yet I will soon drive in my Daimler through France und Spain to visit you and we can talk politics. Maybe a non agression pact. We could even talk about moving this to an alliance? Such a shame I do not yet have a luxury yacht otherwise I could sail to you and we could go fishing together. A well german shipyards are working on building some floating stuff so this will soon change.


So rest assured. Us germans have no problems with Portugal, it's people or it's leader.


As for der Sponge. Most of you seem to dislike this karakter. Must have something to do with past experiences. I myself must say he's a very nice guy. It is just that when he has used drugs he start to provoke people. I now have Sponge locked up in a german hospital so soon he can be cured and the middle east will be a better place. BTW I will send the hospital bill to Dark Monk.



Best regards,

Von Manstein



undefinedIt would seem ##### and Egypt will soon be at war.


Erich Von Mannstein: It is a dangerous game you play keeping secrets from the rest of the world. The Portugese have already declared their distaste for the Germanic peoples. Furthermore you state that negotiations are underway with all your neighbors yet no invitation of peace has been sent our way. So are we so far removed that we are not a threat or perhaps those factories you are building are to be used against the good people of Portugal?


By the way that poo on your shoe wasn't put there by the sponge, but you can use a sponge to get it off.

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As for der Sponge. Most of you seem to dislike this karakter. Must have something to do with past experiences. I myself must say he's a very nice guy. It is just that when he has used drugs he start to provoke people. I now have Sponge locked up in a german hospital so soon he can be cured and the middle east will be a better place. BTW I will send the hospital bill to Dark Monk.



No problem, I will go with my tanks to xBerlin and pay the bill cash. :D .... sorry Erich that's my dark side....

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

You know people there are so many multiple threads in this game I dont know who to have a go at first so I guess I will just have to have a go at everyone.... errrm :D


Monk - Pointless.

General Erich - Even more pointless, you and your tanks are going to be your own downfall.

Predator - Now what can I say about you, oh yes I know - Loser

Monk - Errrrm did i mention you were pointless

Sir Smeg - Kill the German, do it or die at my hands

Cain -Kill the German or die at Sir Smegs hands, another loser

Smedly - Daddy, I want my daddy, help me dad all these others are picking on me

Everyone else - My dads bigger than your dad and hes going to batter your dad, and he smells worse, has longer hair, wears silly shoes, dodgy pants, browner sandles with whiter socks so be warned.


This has been a public service announcement

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I have refrained from getting into any debate with the Sponge because as he puts it, it is Pointless. The sooner Dark Monk or someone else eliminates him the better for all off us as we wont have to listen to all his useless talk :D

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I have refrained from getting into any debate with the Sponge because as he puts it, it is Pointless. The sooner Dark Monk or someone else eliminates him the better for all off us as we wont have to listen to all his useless talk


Don't worry he is usually conquered before turn 10. :D

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undefinedIf he is so crap then why does he keep turning up, I have looked through many old threads and he crops up everywhere, has he got money to burn.


He is in every game because he is always killed off before the next one starts. Game 79 might be the lone exception I think because I still see him posting there. Not sure if he is playing there still as I am not in that game. :D


I am curious as to what my SIM POL brings back on you this turn.

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