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Guest Spongebob

Face it Monk, the masses follow me now, they will never follow someone such as yourself. You will suffer at the hands of the Sponge, they will be wrapped around your neck and will squeeze the life from you.


How many have "you" listed in there interests? eh? how many come to you for guidence? your a has been, an after thought on the world stage.


As I have said so many times..... POINTLESS :beer::nuke::nuke::nuke:

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Face it Monk, the masses follow me now, they will never follow someone such as yourself. You will suffer at the hands of the Sponge, they will be wrapped around your neck and will squeeze the life from you.


How many have "you" listed in there interests? eh? how many come to you for guidence? your a has been, an after thought on the world stage.


As I have said so many times..... POINTLESS :beer::nuke::nuke::nuke:


Lieber Sponge,



It is good that I am old and intelligent enough not to be part of the 'masses' nicht? :nuke:



Freundliche Grüsse,

Erich von Manstein


Where is that Port?? :o

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Manstein, Manfeld, Manfred Man !

I must really say I am not sure about your state of mind!?


I mean we, HP Ibn Abu Ibn Abas Ibn El Al "§$%, King of UAE,

United American Emirates - aahhhm - Arabian of course! -

just recently received your "newest highlight" from

the ourselves much doubted German Inventory Power:

The "U-Boat" -


I mean -

What is a blown up Cigar Tube good for? :drunk:



But your "boat" does not even take this little step!


So what did you invent for dozens of years? To sink a boat?? :wacko:

We only managed to keep it on the surface by filling petrol into the "water tanks" :o

So the solution to make your boat finally swim is very simple:

Remove the imprint "Water-tanks" and install "Petrol tanks" in there

so you can finally use them as oil-tenders at least... ts ts ts :nuke:

I mean what else can you do with this one AA GUN at a SEA BATTLE ??? :wacko:


We must hereby complain and reject this strange offer

obviously directed to counteract the powerfull UAE Navy :nuke::beer:


We are really not sure about your scientists mental constitution - so we

await your immediate correction and never send us those stupid "U-boats" again,

which are 300 foot long but you can hardly step outside with 2 persons at the same time!?!? :cheers:


Ah these Germans... All crazy! :cheers:


Take it more easy my friend: Dig a hole in your garden and wait for oil to come out.

Thats how we make money over here as well. Cant be too hard my friend, can it?

I mean what kind of drilling machines do you have over there ?!?! :robot:

If you do also need our brilliant assistance in that field, let me know. :nuke:


Now need to go off to get these crazy self sinking "U-boats" out of my head... :wacko:

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We all would feel much better if you would die silently.


Thanks for your cooperation! :beer:


The Monk


I second that.


Silently... With a capital 'S'...

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Guest Spongebob

And what nation do you play again Wulf???? I would like to know so I can DW on you. Now make sure you spell it correctly, Use CAPITALS so I dont miss it, you see I think your nation is sooooo insignificant DW on would be a benefit to you and your people, raising your profile, its not Mongolia is it, that must be your nation, sat upon a hillside, howelling at the moon. CHASING SHEEP - Baaaahhhhh!!!!! Now dont get excited Wulfy just remember to put the sheeps back legs in your wellies and you will be okay :beer::nuke::nuke: Oh and avoid the cliffs. Baaahhhh!!!!

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(besides your dad of course)

Infamy Infamy Spongbob's got it in for me

Fratricide eh! boy

Well two can play at that game You shall Die the death of a thousand bad jokes.


A young Chinese couple gets married. She’s a virgin. Truth be told, he is a

virgin too, but she doesn’t know that. On their wedding night, she cowers

naked under the sheets as her husband undresses in the darkness.

He climbs into bed next to her and tries to be reassuring. “My darring,"he

whispers, “I know dis you firss time and you berry frighten. I pomise you, I

give you anyting you want, I do anyting - juss anyting you want. You juss

ask. Whatchu want?” he says, trying to sound experienced and worldly, which

he hopes will impress her.

A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for her

request. She eventually shyly whispers back, “I want to try something I have

heard about from other girls… Numbaa 69.”

More thoughtful silence, this time from him. Eventually, in a puzzled tone

he asks her…


“You want… Garlic Chicken with corrifrowa?”


Take that you raskel

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Oooooo - :blink: I think somones finally got upset. Okay back to the war - YOUR GONNA DIE SUCKA


Well Sponge,



It is good zhat I have not yet made my turn. I think I will DW you this turn. Just as all the other 39 nations I'm sure.


When do I get my Marines??



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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It is good zhat I have not yet made my turn. I think I will DW you this turn. Just as all the other 39 nations I'm sure.


Cut the crap Erich.... Just read the news....


And we all knew the Americans never liked the Canadians but to declare war on them...? Tsssss.....



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