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Game 80


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Well the lines in the sand have been drawn.


Germany has DW on my ally, this is not a good move by Germany, so how long will it be before he DW on Lowlands. Yet again we find a dictator in central europe willing to destroy the peace for his own personal gain.


Today is a sad day indeed for the people of Europe.

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Well the lines in the sand have been drawn.


Today is a sad day indeed for the people of Europe.



Well I agree... it is bad... very bad....


yep all those Russians are in bed with each other... playing a game of close friends.....

who knows they want to go to the Northsea ... nah....

they got too much Turkish blood.. and probably go south...

hmm although I get the feeling they wanna make a detour just across my beloved lands....

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Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob

Why did you decare war on the good ole US of A

Did I smack you round the head too much when you were younger?

Did I loosen a few bolts, is the light on but nobodys home,

feel free to add your own Cliché

Now you have that big powerful block do you feel safe?

Libya will have to watch out though, wont he

Oh the horror, the horror

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Well the lines in the sand have been drawn.


Germany has DW on my ally, this is not a good move by Germany, so how long will it be before he DW on Lowlands. Yet again we find a dictator in central europe willing to destroy the peace for his own personal gain.


Today is a sad day indeed for the people of Europe.





ONE dictator? You're sure about that? I guess there are about 40 in this game. :pirate2:


Und trust me. The swiss people will be much better off under german rule. Those guys have been saving their money, putting it in zhe bank. Stupid cheeseheads. Everybody know you have to SPEND zhis money. No no no today is a GREAT day for Switserland. The dawn of a new era!


And no worries my dear (democratic) leader of zhe Lowlands. My alliance proposal still stands.



Best regards,

Von Manstein.


It is good zhat I have not yet made my turn. I think I will DW you this turn. Just as all the other 39 nations I'm sure.


Cut the crap Erich.... Just read the news....


And we all knew the Americans never liked the Canadians but to declare war on them...? Tsssss.....




Read zhe news? Aaaaahh you mean the recent developments in Nord Amerika nicht? Sorry for not realising this. I was overwhelmed with joy when I learned that my Panzer Armee broke through the swiss defences in Zurich. I must say those new machines are very efficient. Even in zhe rough swiss terrain. After my victory there I can quickly redeploy zhem to another front. I can smell zhe russian hordes even here.


Best regards,

Von Manstein

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There's war going on :pirate2:



Just a minor border correction. I would no call it a 'war'.



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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A very goodmorning to you all,



And especially to 'you know who'. Thank you for your latest diplomatic move!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Northern Russia checking in.



Another player known to us. Thanks! The list of anonomous players is getting shorter and shorter. Now all we need to know is where this Winston Wolfe is located.


BTW 'Pulp fiction' still is a great movie!



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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You mean you do not know--------------------Very Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnteresting :rolleyes:


I have been wondering more about Nixuebriq and Laserwolf :drunk:

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You mean you do not know--------------------Very Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnteresting :rolleyes:


I have been wondering more about Nixuebriq and Laserwolf :drunk:



Well at least there was this blink in the smiley. Otherwise I could have had reason for concern. I don't like Winston Wolfe in my cities/on my shores/anywhere in Germany. With the identety of one of the other players I can help you...



Von Manstein.


Just like the way you did me in game 74, huh Grimor.


Oh Grimor, by the way, what tech did you go with in this game, (please say American).



Hmmm I smell revenge! Old enemies? Old scores to settle? Big ego's, small armies, long battle reports?

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