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Game 80


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I'm with Spongy on this one. I will DW Germany----well maybe I'll just start with his neighbor France and see how that goes first.


Hey USMC Pointman--Hey buddy you are really disappointing me right now...what happened to Canada? Did you forget you are playing that country!?


To victory!! :D:jawdrop::woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob

Let me get this right German Dicktator, you tell your neighbours your going to attack them before you do it.


Do you tell them like this.....


Errrm Excuse me Czechoslaveakia, can I build a road through your nation to the Greek islands, I need a holiday, Or....


Hello Denmark I understand your nation is prone to floods, I can send a million Jack Boots for your people along with some men in Jack Boots to deliver them so your people dont get there feet wet. Orrrrr.... :woohoo:


Greetings from Germany to the people of Poland, I see your a poor impoverished people who need help in the fields growing corn. I can send some tanks your way to help plough up your fields along with some German farmers dressed in nice uniforms and standard safety helmets. Oh and dont worry about the pitch forks, a single spike is as good as a forked one.


Give me a break... your all hot air and no substance. I will make it my personal quest to take your lands from you.


In fact I will make you a bet. You pick a province and I will capture it, If I take your named province you surender to me and become my servant. Go on pick one, I bet i can take if from you. :woohoo::jawdrop::woohoo::woohoo::D

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Let me get this right German Dicktator, you tell your neighbours your going to attack them before you do it.


Do you tell them like this.....


Errrm Excuse me Czechoslaveakia, can I build a road through your nation to the Greek islands, I need a holiday, Or....


Hello Denmark I understand your nation is prone to floods, I can send a million Jack Boots for your people along with some men in Jack Boots to deliver them so your people dont get there feet wet. Orrrrr.... :woohoo:


Greetings from Germany to the people of Poland, I see your a poor impoverished people who need help in the fields growing corn. I can send some tanks your way to help plough up your fields along with some German farmers dressed in nice uniforms and standard safety helmets. Oh and dont worry about the pitch forks, a single spike is as good as a forked one.


Give me a break... your all hot air and no substance. I will make it my personal quest to take your lands from you.


In fact I will make you a bet. You pick a province and I will capture it, If I take your named province you surender to me and become my servant. Go on pick one, I bet i can take if from you. :woohoo::jawdrop::woohoo::woohoo::D



Lieber Sponge,



Not a province. A city: xBerlin. Fortified all the way and flak, militia, troops, planes and guns everywhere...


I don't like the fat guy but I do agree with Winston on one thing. We shall fight on <bla bla bla. We shall never surrender. Just to let you know what you're up against. Good luck.


Best regards,

Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Oh come on General, your not giving me much of a chance are you. Even if I was playing Czechoslovakia it would be hard neh impossible to take your capital city from you.


I think this is just because you fear me, your scared of what I am capable of. You know im a sponge of his word and capable of taking you out. That medateranian sea and Italian mountain region is not much of an obsticle.


Come on make it a fair challenge, pick a province do the honourable thing.


Predator due to your obvious support of all things sponge you can become my second disciple and as such I will not kill you. Both you and St Michael can become members of the club.

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While I am not your biggest supporter on some of the material you post I will concur with you about Germany. As fate would have it ( Germany's fate that is) geography dictates that Mannstein will probably be a future enemy. As fate would also have it (Germany's fate again) I believe we knocked him out of the last game we played in together (72) so I am quite sure he is not long for this game. Sooo let him build up Berlin--we like knocking down fortresses. :D


I still am not convinced you and Dark Monk are enemies in this game. :jawdrop:

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While I am not your biggest supporter on some of the material you post I will concur with you about Germany. As fate would have it ( Germany's fate that is) geography dictates that Mannstein will probably be a future enemy. As fate would also have it (Germany's fate again) I believe we knocked him out of the last game we played in together (72) so I am quite sure he is not long for this game. Sooo let him build up Berlin--we like knocking down fortresses. :D


I still am not convinced you and Dark Monk are enemies in this game. :jawdrop:


Dear Predator,


Agreed. We will meet on the battlefield. And let's have some serious fun!


Best regards,

Von Manstein




Oh come on General, your not giving me much of a chance are you. Even if I was playing Czechoslovakia it would be hard neh impossible to take your capital city from you.




You're saying you are weak?? :woohoo:


Best regards,

Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

No not weak my dear General just a realist.


So on this subject lets talk seriously here. The only way I can get to you is via the sea so I bet I can get xHamburg city. Thats a fair challenge and if I do then you will quit, run away, hide under a rock like Patrick and become my servant and disciple of all things Bob.


I think if you ask the world they will agree this is a fair challenge for the nation of Trans Jordan to attain.

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No not weak my dear General just a realist.


So on this subject lets talk seriously here. The only way I can get to you is via the sea so I bet I can get xHamburg city. Thats a fair challenge and if I do then you will quit, run away, hide under a rock like Patrick and become my servant and disciple of all things Bob.


I think if you ask the world they will agree this is a fair challenge for the nation of Trans Jordan to attain.


Lieber Sponge,



I do not agree with you. You are running away from challenges You do not have the guts to invade xHamburg. You trow the towel before you have even fought. OR TRIED. I on the other hand accept challenges. The city of xHamburg has just seen the opening of the second german shipyard. Soon (turn13) I will build the Bismarck and Tirpitz. These mighty juggernauts will form the backbone of my fleet. Offcourse I will include support ships and some tenders/freighters/tankers. This way I will have enough supplies to make a loooong journey.


And then... I will set sail to your coast! Have you allready started building forts in your port cities? :D


BTW I do not intend to quit. I have allies (spying will not reveal them, TA's not yet offered) who will cede me a place where I can survive till the end of the game. But before that Germany will have been liberated.


No. I will not hide under a rock, and I will never be anyone's servant.




Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

So I have run away from your challenge have I? :D okay I will bite.


I will accept your terms if you accept mine.


I will control xBerlin and you will quit, surrender and become my slave.

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