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Game 80


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Twist on an old saying:

"If everybody ignores a sponge, does it really exist?"



Vell this is a most interesting thought. My perzonal opinion is that zhe Sponge is an alias of Russ. Just his way of keeping the forumz interesting. But then again this Sponge could als be a computer virus. Who knows? :angry2:


Keep those Panzers rollin'

Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Yes that is right, I am Russ so all be nice to me or you will find your armies without munitions, your fleets without fuel and your airforce without... well without wings.


Or worse still you will as one has already put... find sponges on your beaches.

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Guest Spongebob

Ok 78 was an exception to the rule, I was ill, My mother had run off with that fish, Garry ate my homework, Patrick grew a brain, Mr Krabbs shut the Krusty Crab, Squidward found a sence of humour, Sandy developed gills.


However you wanna put it you got lucky. :angry2:

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Ok 78 was an exception to the rule. However you wanna put it you got lucky. :unsure:

Exception to the rule..

Remember Tunisia #74? Tech 9?

To refresh your memory: Cry for Help



THE SHeikh



Zhis is most interesting! So zhe Sponge never lives to see turn 10? Poor Sponge! I feel sorry for him. No this is not a joke.


I suggest you 'Sue For Peace' with me Sponge. Maybe that will save you from defeat. Admit it, even you want to play a game to the end nicht?


Save the Sponge! :angry2:



Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Well after that defeat I learned a lot, one of them is to not always play as the sponge and as such I have played other games and lived past T10. 73 was my re-introduction to the game 74 the learning curve, 75 the true test of the battle against the Monk mainly but even he will tell you I lasted longer than he did even if he had captured my capital. I dropped 75 on my own terms I was not defeated but was also not capable of winning. Im guessing that now we are in game 80 that this will be the one where victory will be mine. So go ahead my German friend SFP and i will let you live. :angry2:


Here is a List


73 - Norway - Defeat

74 - Tunisa - Defeat

75 - Denmark - Dropped

76 - USA - Dropped, first time playing a nation far away and I screwed up

77 - Did not play but pretended on the forum, most fun.

78 - Denmark - Defeat, first time the Monk and his cronies defeated me

79 - Still playing in but not telling for fear of eveyone ganging up on me my finger in all the pies

80 - Trans Jordan - My prediction Im going to win

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Well after that defeat I learned a lot, one of them is to not always play as the sponge and as such I have played other games and lived past T10. 73 was my re-introduction to the game 74 the learning curve, 75 the true test of the battle against the Monk mainly but even he will tell you I lasted longer than he did even if he had captured my capital. I dropped 75 on my own terms I was not defeated but was also not capable of winning. Im guessing that now we are in game 80 that this will be the one where victory will be mine. So go ahead my German friend SFP and i will let you live. :jawdrop:


Here is a List


73 - Norway - Defeat

74 - Tunisa - Defeat

75 - Denmark - Dropped

76 - USA - Dropped, first time playing a nation far away and I screwed up

77 - Did not play but pretended on the forum, most fun.

78 - Denmark - Defeat, first time the Monk and his cronies defeated me

79 - Still playing in but not telling for fear of eveyone ganging up on me my finger in all the pies

80 - Trans Jordan - My prediction Im going to win


Lieber Sponge,



You truly are a nice Karakter. :angry2: I hope you will last longer this game. But no chance in hell I'm gonna sue for peace with a Sponge. You started zhis, you finish it. One vay or another.




Erich von Manstein

Where is my turn?

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The Government of the Lowlands has pledged to come to the defence of Switzerland. Italy being the TA of France and Germany must understand that her actions cannot go unanswered.


Gutenmorgen Herr Cain.



Scheisse! What is zhis? Dutch cheeseheads and Belgium beer drinkers stabbing zhe grand french republic in the back? You have a problem with Napoleon and the french occupation of the low countries? You don't like beer anymore? You like french cheese better? You want to visit the Moulin Rouge?? :unsure:


As you will understand I cannot let this happen. France and Germany have an alliance. Halt all offensive operations on french soil or Germany will be forced to act in support of France.


By zhe way. My intel department informs me your tag "Vic #80 - Lowlands Ongoing, Peace all-round" is no longer accurate. :cheers:


This game is turning out to be very interesting indeed!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein


Ok DIE German, you deserve it :laugh:



Hehehehe it doesn't take much to get you upset hmmmmm?! :P

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Guest Spongebob

I was upset the day you started spouting your German propaganda, your existence is in violation of the convention of sponge rights and as such you are charged with crimes against sponges. Punishable by death.

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Ah Herr Manstein, YOU, also have an alliance with thee Lowlands. It would not be nice to brakeup such a close friendship. We are also allied but Mister Cain and I also rely on our friendship :laugh: It would not be nice to pick on Mister Cain, it just might start a long and nasty chain of events :P

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The Government of the Lowlands has pledged to come to the defence of Switzerland. Italy being the TA of France and Germany must understand that her actions cannot go unanswered.


Gutenmorgen Herr Cain.



Scheisse! What is zhis? Dutch cheeseheads and Belgium beer drinkers stabbing zhe grand french republic in the back? You have a problem with Napoleon and the french occupation of the low countries? You don't like beer anymore? You like french cheese better? You want to visit the Moulin Rouge?? :P


As you will understand I cannot let this happen. France and Germany have an alliance. Halt all offensive operations on french soil or Germany will be forced to act in support of France.


By zhe way. My intel department informs me your tag "Vic #80 - Lowlands Ongoing, Peace all-round" is no longer accurate. :laugh:


This game is turning out to be very interesting indeed!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein



Dear Von Manstein


Your aggressive invasion of our Total Ally Switzerland was a provocative action at the start but because the Lowlands were not allied with switzerland at the time of the invasion our nations government could not justify going to war.


Since that time we have pledged our support to Switzerland. Italys declaration of war on Switzerland cannot go unanswered and France being a total ally of Italy makes them and for that matter yourself a legitamate target.


Are you forgetting we have an alliance as well, are you forgetting the same terms exist between yourself and France.


Your theats against the people of the Lowlands will be seen by many around the world as the actions of an aggresive state.


I would suggest you withdraw your provocative comments before diplomatic relations are severley damaged and other nations realise the alliances they have with you are not worth the paper they are printed on

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