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Dear Von Manstein


Your aggressive invasion of our Total Ally Switzerland was a provocative action at the start but because the Lowlands were not allied with switzerland at the time of the invasion our nations government could not justify going to war.

Since that time we have pledged our support to Switzerland. Italys declaration of war on Switzerland cannot go unanswered and France being a total ally of Italy makes them and for that matter yourself a legitamate target.

Are you forgetting we have an alliance as well, are you forgetting the same terms exist between yourself and France.

Your theats against the people of the Lowlands will be seen by many around the world as the actions of an aggresive state.

I would suggest you withdraw your provocative comments before diplomatic relations are severley damaged and other nations realise the alliances they have with you are not worth the paper they are printed on


Gutentag Herr Cain,



Swiss cheese is not as good as french or italian cheese. :laugh: Zo we rightfully decided to get rid of Switserland and the smelly product zhey call cheese. Switserland can not win this war. It's being besieged by two nations and an alliance with Switserland therefore does not make much sense. I understand you TA'd with him but zhis is not to your advantage.


True, the German-French alliance seems to be a normal alliance. But in reality it's much more. Only because I need my TA slots I did not offer France a TA. According to zhe rules of our pact your attack on France forces me to take action. I therefore urge you to cease hostilities.


We like dutch cheese ('Old Amsterdam' is very nice :P especially with some Port) and the german nation has no desire for a war with the Low countries. Please reconsider, it is not to late.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Ah Herr Manstein, YOU, also have an alliance with thee Lowlands. It would not be nice to brakeup such a close friendship. We are also allied but Mister Cain and I also rely on our friendship :laugh: It would not be nice to pick on Mister Cain, it just might start a long and nasty chain of events :P


Gutentag Saint Michael,



True I have an alliance with Lowlands and I do NOT want to break this alliance. Therefore I do not send bombers and Panzers but I send diplomats. My goal is simple: I would like to see that Lowlands ceases the hostilities against my ally France.


Let's be clear about this. Lowlands did not invade France to help Switserland. Switserland cannot be helped! France is being attacked by Spain and maybe Portugal. So an attack by the Lowlands zeems to be a stab in zhe back. I could be wrong but I zhink Herr Cain wants to secure the industrial north of France before Spain gets zhere. A most logical step but not the way a gentleman would behave.


We have no desire for war with Denmark, we have no desire for war with Lowlands. So please help avoid war by speaking with Herr Cain of the Lowlands. You can prevent this "nasty chain of events" as you call it.


Hope to hear from you soon. My embassy is open 24/7.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Dear Von Manstein


Your aggressive invasion of our Total Ally Switzerland was a provocative action at the start but because the Lowlands were not allied with switzerland at the time of the invasion our nations government could not justify going to war.

Since that time we have pledged our support to Switzerland. Italys declaration of war on Switzerland cannot go unanswered and France being a total ally of Italy makes them and for that matter yourself a legitamate target.

Are you forgetting we have an alliance as well, are you forgetting the same terms exist between yourself and France.

Your theats against the people of the Lowlands will be seen by many around the world as the actions of an aggresive state.

I would suggest you withdraw your provocative comments before diplomatic relations are severley damaged and other nations realise the alliances they have with you are not worth the paper they are printed on


Gutentag Herr Cain,



Swiss cheese is not as good as french or italian cheese. :laugh: Zo we rightfully decided to get rid of Switserland and the smelly product zhey call cheese. Switserland can not win this war. It's being besieged by two nations and an alliance with Switserland therefore does not make much sense. I understand you TA'd with him but zhis is not to your advantage.


True, the German-French alliance seems to be a normal alliance. But in reality it's much more. Only because I need my TA slots I did not offer France a TA. According to zhe rules of our pact your attack on France forces me to take action. I therefore urge you to cease hostilities.


We like dutch cheese ('Old Amsterdam' is very nice :P especially with some Port) and the german nation has no desire for a war with the Low countries. Please reconsider, it is not to late.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein


I find your constant reference to my nation and its people and the tone of your dispatches to be offensive. I think you will find that Switzerland has more resolve than you think and if I am not mistaken a shorter route to the Swiss alps is via Germany. So if you wish terminate the alliance between us, you will find our soldiers more than willing to defend against your tanks and planes.


As for Spain, I am sure when the time comes we will come to an agreement on the division of resources. There is more than enough in France and Germany.

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I find your constant reference to my nation and its people and the tone of your dispatches to be offensive. I think you will find that Switzerland has more resolve than you think and if I am not mistaken a shorter route to the Swiss alps is via Germany. So if you wish terminate the alliance between us, you will find our soldiers more than willing to defend against your tanks and planes.


As for Spain, I am sure when the time comes we will come to an agreement on the division of resources. There is more than enough in France and Germany.


Dear Herr Cain,



You sound upset. Strange as I thought we were doing all right. Please calm down before you make a mistake. Wise decisions require a clear head.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein.

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I find your constant reference to my nation and its people and the tone of your dispatches to be offensive. I think you will find that Switzerland has more resolve than you think and if I am not mistaken a shorter route to the Swiss alps is via Germany. So if you wish terminate the alliance between us, you will find our soldiers more than willing to defend against your tanks and planes.


As for Spain, I am sure when the time comes we will come to an agreement on the division of resources. There is more than enough in France and Germany.


Dear Herr Cain,



You sound upset. Strange as I thought we were doing all right. Please calm down before you make a mistake. Wise decisions require a clear head.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein.


My only mistake was to believe an alliance with Germany would be to our mutual advantage. I was wronge. :laugh:

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My only mistake was to believe an alliance with Germany would be to our mutual advantage. I was wronge. :P


Dear Herr Cain,



I think you are wrong. Our alliance is to your advantage and to my advantage. You have your hands free to attack France, I have my hands free to attack Switserland. Tonight I will drink (Port) to this! :cheers:


Agreed we both don't like each others target. But that is a minor detail. I suggest we let the issue rest for some time before we come to any conclusions.



Have fun!

Erich von Manstein


Now where is zhe Sponge? I haven't heard from him in an hour. Has he dried out? :laugh:

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So what you are saying now is you are not going to Invade Lowlands. Is that a correct understanding of your position?






Copy, paste: I suggest we let the issue rest for some time before we come to any conclusions.


I will rethink the situation. Rest assured that I will not undertake any action without informing all parties involved.



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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Come on now Von Manstein - Be clear, tell the world what your intensions are towards the people of the Lowlands. Surely you are not afraid of Public Opinion are you?


I will be clear I have no plans to invade Germany

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Come on now Von Manstein - Be clear, tell the world what your intensions are towards the people of the Lowlands. Surely you are not afraid of Public Opinion are you?

I will be clear I have no plans to invade Germany



I am only afraid of the Sponge! :laugh: I cannot and will not make a decision now. I have to talk to my allies, drink some Port and think it over. Remind me the next turn. I'm in no hurry.



/Offtopic: Man that was a fast reply. Turns out game 80 is getting more exciting every day!

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Guest Spongebob

And you should be afraid of the Sponge, however by the time this Cain has done with you there will be nothing left for me to capture. Maybe I will DW on Lowlands as well as whoever else I said I was going to DW on. :unsure:


And as for me being quiet I could not get a post in edgeways with you two gibbering like a pair of old women over a garden fence.


Its about time you both grew a pair and stopped talking for long enough for you to start fighting. The only problem will be what weapons to use.


Handbags or Purses. Watch you dont break a nail girls :laugh::P:cheers:

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And you should be afraid of the Sponge, however by the time this Cain has done with you there will be nothing left for me to capture. Maybe I will DW on Lowlands as well as whoever else I said I was going to DW on. :blink:


And as for me being quiet I could not get a post in edgeways with you two gibbering like a pair of old women over a garden fence.


Its about time you both grew a pair and stopped talking for long enough for you to start fighting. The only problem will be what weapons to use.


Handbags or Purses. Watch you dont break a nail girls :P:cheers::unsure:



LOL! :laugh::DB):P

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