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Well after 2 weeks vacation on some beautiful Spanish Islands I come home to a cabinet and parliment in uproar. The diplomatic channels have been overtaken with a mishmash of nonsense. Time to return to the matters in hand.


General Erich and leaders of the Central Powers. Your continued aggression against a smaller defenseless nation has been noted with great dread. I fear the dimise of the Swiss people is something we may have to live with.


The important decissions need to now be considered. Now Switzerland is dead who will be next. What other nation will become breeding ground for the German people.


I fear it will be me as I am the only nation to have stood up to your aggressive actions since the start. Everyone else signed on the dotted line, an alliance that is only there to give you time to prepare.


They will be safe, for now, but the line has been drawn in the sand between ouir two nations. The Lowlands will be the front line but the nations defending it will be many and the people in the trenches from all around the world.


Do not mobilise your forces towards our border, any such actions will be deemed an act of war. We are patrolling all provinces on the look out for any, and i mean any agressive action on your part.


Goodday Sir


Well vhat can I say?



(first I hope you had a nice holiday) :laugh:


Concerning Vic! I am sorry to inform you zhere will be war between Lowlands and Germany. As from zhis turn I am trying to break our alliance. After zhat... May zhe best man win!


By zhe way: I hope the swiss leader has not quit yet? Allways play till zhe last LDB!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Looks like France, Austria, Germany, and Italy are thick as thieves. It is a dire hour indeed for the good people in Switzerland. The Government of the Lowlands has the political and military support of the people of Portugal in this dark hour.


Gutenmorgen Herr Predator,



Please let me assure you the people of Switzerland are in good hands. We will treat them well. After all zhey also speak german. Well at least the part of Switzerland I have occupied. Come to think of it, zhe dutch also speak a germanic language. Don't mention Belgium because nobody knows vhat zhey speak or where zhey belong. :laugh:


I am sure I speak for zhe entire Axis if I say ve are looking forward to meeting you all on zhe battlefield. I am sure we will have a lot of fun.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Well after 2 weeks vacation on some beautiful Spanish Islands I come home to a cabinet and parliment in uproar. The diplomatic channels have been overtaken with a mishmash of nonsense. Time to return to the matters in hand.


General Erich and leaders of the Central Powers. Your continued aggression against a smaller defenseless nation has been noted with great dread. I fear the dimise of the Swiss people is something we may have to live with.


The important decissions need to now be considered. Now Switzerland is dead who will be next. What other nation will become breeding ground for the German people.


I fear it will be me as I am the only nation to have stood up to your aggressive actions since the start. Everyone else signed on the dotted line, an alliance that is only there to give you time to prepare.


They will be safe, for now, but the line has been drawn in the sand between ouir two nations. The Lowlands will be the front line but the nations defending it will be many and the people in the trenches from all around the world.


Do not mobilise your forces towards our border, any such actions will be deemed an act of war. We are patrolling all provinces on the look out for any, and i mean any agressive action on your part.


Goodday Sir


Well vhat can I say?



(first I hope you had a nice holiday) :laugh:


Concerning Vic! I am sorry to inform you zhere will be war between Lowlands and Germany. As from zhis turn I am trying to break our alliance. After zhat... May zhe best man win!


By zhe way: I hope the swiss leader has not quit yet? Allways play till zhe last LDB!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein




It is sad, so sad :wub:

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It is good to hear a leader with honour who declares his intentions before hostilities Heir General.


It will be an honour to face you on the battlefield and may the best strategist win for the whole of Europes future depends on your defeat.


Obviously myself and my allies are the good guys :laugh: - If you win you can re-write history in your own image. :wub:

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It is sad, so sad :laugh:



Agreed, war knows no winners. Only loosers.



I am still only trying to break the alliance wizh Lowlands. No declarations of war yet. No other dirty tricks. I am allways open to suggestions to prevent war. But you all know my conditions: Please let France fight it out wizh Spain. No intervention from Lowlands.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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General - Did the nations of France and Italy follow the same doctrin when you DW on Switzerland and allow you both to fight it out.


I think not yet you try and impose such conditions on others.


Oops... B)


Well I euh stutter euh... <silence>. Ok I admit it. Foolish, dumb, mea culpa. Hit me!



Time for zome Port!


Von Manstein


Go on lowlands! Spain and portugal are on their way to Paris. Take your part of France and send him to hell. :laugh:

The Monk soon ruler of Amman (maybe not so soon... I hate NAPs)


Dark one,



Please go find a Sponge to kill! :wub:


And please break that NAP zoon. I have some serious doubts about zhe two ov you...




von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Ok Monk keep out - France is an ally of mine and as such comes under my protection. Lowlands will Die along with Spain and anyone else who steps foot on french soil.

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Does anybody really know what's happening in Europe...?





The nations of Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Austria have waged war on little Switzerland.


Lowlands has decided to come to the aid of Switzerland but I fear my efforts are too little too late. News that Spain and Portugal are also to come to my aid when these nations focus their war machines upon me is comforting to my people.

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