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I think you will find General that "EXTRA" was not mushrooms but had a strange odour and a tinge of yellow to it.


Murrraaaghhh!!!!! :ph34r:




He "who's name shall not be mentioned" has returned from his holiday. :ph34r:


WELCOME BACK SPONGIE! Have a good time?



Best regards,


Infiltrating the dark side

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Left click the alias of the character (or thing) you want to filter.

Choose 'Profile options' in the upper right of the screen.

Click 'ignore member' to achieve what you want..


Well not a complete wipe of the thing's posts but definitely an improvement...




I did do some research and came up with the following very interesting site: Advanced Sponge Filter


Hope it helps..



THE SHeikh

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I did do some research and came up with the following very interesting site: Advanced Sponge Filter


Hope it helps..



THE SHeikh




I could put sponge in my watercooled computer! That way he is usefull.

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Guest Spongebob

You dont get it do you, my morale is sky high, I can keep doing this till all other 39 nations are at war with me.


Guess what your next on the war list, those icy ballstics are going to feel the warmth of a war mongering sponge



Murrraaghhhhh!!!! Murrrraaaaghhhh!!! :ph34r::ph34r::laugh::laugh:

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Watch it Grimor the Baltics are looking like a nice target for my next Declaration of War. :woohoo:


WHOEHAHAHAHAHA.... :ph34r::ph34r::laugh::laugh::woohoo:



like you have any Morale left....


oh boy this must be the joke of the day...... :oops:



Damn... The sponge doesn't get filtered in comments...


But a suggestion Grimor, pre-emptive war declarations are very modern since the Bush administrations........ I was so stupid to wait politely...


Just think about that... The Wolf being even slower than a sponge...



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Ok Monk offer the TA and I will Accept :ph34r: Weirdo




I am very dissapointed to see that you are showing mercy to an invertibrate, even one as evil as the new sponge. You know you are better off crushing him and making the carcass into a mop. :ph34r: I raised you better than this. If you do not cease this kindness immediately, I shall be forced to do the most evil thing one creature can do to another. I will tell the life force sucking parasites on this forum stories about your childhood. Its for your own good. You must come back to the dark side son. :laugh:


The Dark Monk‘s Dad

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Gutentag mein liebe fellow players,



I will not let you in on zhe details (some serious spying on Germany will tell you vhat you need to know) But I just received some interestin news! Playing Vic! in itself is enough to put a smile on your face but zhis news... :cheers::woohoo::thumbsup::drunk::laugh::P:DB)


Zum wohl!



Best regards,

Von Manstein.

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Guest Spongebob

Ok Monk offer the TA and I will Accept B) Weirdo




I am very dissapointed to see that you are showing mercy to an invertibrate, even one as evil as the new sponge. You know you are better off crushing him and making the carcass into a mop. :laugh: I raised you better than this. If you do not cease this kindness immediately, I shall be forced to do the most evil thing one creature can do to another. I will tell the life force sucking parasites on this forum stories about your childhood. Its for your own good. You must come back to the dark side son. :ranting:


The Dark Monk‘s Dad


LOL - Now thats funny :D:P:thumbsup::drunk:


Gutentag mein liebe fellow players,



I will not let you in on zhe details (some serious spying on Germany will tell you vhat you need to know) But I just received some interestin news! Playing Vic! in itself is enough to put a smile on your face but zhis news... :cheers::cheers::thumbsup::drunk::woohoo::P:DB)


Zum wohl!



Best regards,

Von Manstein.


What news are you whittering on about General Manstain :woohoo: You talk more rubbish than a rubbish thing talking rubbish. Anyway I have set sail this turn on my conqest of Europe, it will take in Portugal, Germany and finally the Baltics.


seeyawl soon

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