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Oh no it seems the Dark Monk is my secret brother; seperated at an early age by an exploding car. We must join once again my brother, we must rule the world together. Or at least until its just you and me and then I'm gonna whupp yo ass with a can of special whupp ass :laugh:B)


I have such fond memories of you two growing up. :D There was the time that we were all on the road to xMoscow (from xRiyahd). Every rest stop your brother would try to flush you down the toilet. Fortunately he was only able to succeed twice. :woohoo:


The exploding car was definitely not my fault no matter what your mother says.

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....Also after reading my latest report you have not attempted to break our alliance. I think I will assist you by attempting to break it for you.



Hmmm... I have no ambition to take sides in your nice conflict but it does seem you Cain are the one escalating the situation....



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Poor little spongey, why not Declare War on everyone and get it out of the way, or is your morale to low for something that bold. B)


Perhaps I should send you an offer for an Alliance, it doesn't look like your going to do anything but talk in this game and you might need the boost to moral. :woohoo:


Sir Smeg :laugh:

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Guest Spongebob

Yes your right my morale would not take a total armaggedon scenario, Im not as stupid as you look. :woohoo: Anyway yet again the rest of the world has not got the kahunnas to follow through whats they say. No one DW on me again this time.


Anyway I have done all the Declaring now for this game, I have finally found the target I wanted and the war has begun.


I will now remain silent for a time while me and my generals decide on how to cut up the monk. :laugh:

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Perhaps I should send you an offer for an Alliance, it doesn't look like your going to do anything but talk in this game and you might need the boost to moral. B)


Sir Smeg :laugh:


Glad to see Sir Smeg is still in the game!



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Hey Wolf, I am still around. Truthfully, it will take a while for them to take me out. There is now way they will kill me before I get T-34's, and when I do, the crap Motor and Infantry they build, won't even slow me down. I will cut through them like warm butter. I won't try to make it big secret either. When I get T-34's, they will be massed in 18 div. armies and sent towards xHelsinki and xRiga. I haven't said a whole lot because there isn't a lot to talk about. They are trying their best but it, just won't last long.

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German Forces seen massing near the French Border


General Erich von Manstein, are these forces readying for an invasion of my nation. I feel I must hasten the disolution of our alliance so that my people can defend themselves against the facist jackboot of German rule.

You were warned to keep troops away. I have honoured that pledge by keeping my own forces away from our border. Your actions remain aggressive.


Gutenmorgen Cain,



Let me assure you, zhere are only LDB's near our border... So I think you need to spend more money on quality intel. My other troops are on autumn maneuvres. And I ordered zhem NOT to go near the border. I am testing zhe performance of my latest SS divisions. Until now those politcial soldiers are quite disappointing. But some training by my prussian generals might make decent soldiers out of zhem.


Since we still have an alliance there can be no offensive actions by my forces. But if you feel you need to break our alliance I have no problems with that.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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To stop the Sponge expansion I will declare war this turn.... I promise. :woohoo:

The Monk still breaking...... B)


I guess this means Sponge will be out of zhis game in turn 10? :laugh:

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Guest Spongebob

Oi General Manstain :laugh: I fully intend to be here well after turn 10. That Monk does not realise I have already DW on him and taken his key province.


Ooooo I just love the morale gains from conquest, more than enough to suppliment my Armaggetiniton quest :woohoo:B):DB):drunk::P:cheers::D:woohoo::thumbsup:

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Poor little spongey, why not Declare War on everyone and get it out of the way, or is your morale to low for something that bold. B)


Perhaps I should send you an offer for an Alliance, it doesn't look like your going to do anything but talk in this game and you might need the boost to moral. :woohoo:


Sir Smeg :laugh:



Ah, but Sir Sponge will not declare war on me :D , He know's I follow the true belief!

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/real life mode ON


Goodmorning allies, friends, enemies and all other Vic80 players,



The coming weeks I will be quite busy. 6th September my new house is finished. Getting this pile of concrete and bricks ready to live in will take some time. Gotta do a lot of the work myself. I hope to be finished mid-end October.


My Internet connction will hopefully stay alive and I will try to read my email daily. Whatever it takes, I WILL make time for my Vic turns. But I will not have much time for socialising and Sponge bashing on the forum. So if you don't hear from me the coming weeks please know that I still pretend to hate the Sponge, I will still support my TA's and I will lead Germany to glory!



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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