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Game 80


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Guest Spongebob

Okay sorry, bad day at the office.




That should do the trick but if you can hang on in there till about T70 then I can come and save you :cheers:


You know its the same ol same, everyone wants the Sponge to save them.


Ok quick change of subject - I have noticed that I have posted over 500 enlightening responses on this forum and am now regarded as an "Old Hand" This surpasses the "Veteran" status of many and as such I have not seen anyone else with the "Old Hand" status. Now obviously this makes me the most skilled and experienced player here and as such everyone else should bow down and kiss the royal ring :D But the question remains, are there any others out there who have this wonderful status and are there any others more advanced. If there are then they should let me know so I can declare war on them, there can only be one King Sponge.


Maybe Russ can enlighten all you minions of how wonderful I am and you can beg for you lives.

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Ok quick change of subject - I have noticed that I have posted over 500 enlightening responses on this forum and am now regarded as an "Old Hand" This surpasses the "Veteran" status of many and as such I have not seen anyone else with the "Old Hand" status. Now obviously this makes me the most skilled and experienced player here and as such everyone else should bow down and kiss the royal ring :D But the question remains, are there any others out there who have this wonderful status and are there any others more advanced. If there are then they should let me know so I can declare war on them, there can only be one King Sponge.


Maybe Russ can enlighten all you minions of how wonderful I am and you can beg for you lives.


Dear Sponge,


CONGRATULATIONS! :drunk: Must have been a lot of work and I admit: You do amuse some of us with your posts. Now onwards to 1000 posts... :cheers:


Von Manstein

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Awwwww, Feel the love :D:cheers: But it wont stop me wiping you from the face of the planet Manstain :drunk:


I'm glad I'm still your number one enemy.



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Guest Spongebob

Well its happened again. Im out before T10, Manstain was right. Syria counter attacked and wiped out my whole army.


Now I'm not one for crying :D over spilt milk but I really thought I had it covered this time.


So can someone tell me, if you are forced to retreat but you have one of your own armies in the retreat location then why do they not merge? in my case they did not merge and got wiped out. So the situation is now Syria has 20+ divisions on my border and I have a splatering of infantry.


I cant recover from this so I guess this forum will have to continue without me.


(Arnie Voice) I'll Be Back!!!! in 81


Hope to see some of you there. I may have to hide again to ensure I live past T10, I have in 79 Whooo

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Well its happened again. Im out before T10, Manstain was right. Syria counter attacked and wiped out my whole army.


Now I'm not one for crying :P over spilt milk but I really thought I had it covered this time.


So can someone tell me, if you are forced to retreat but you have one of your own armies in the retreat location then why do they not merge? in my case they did not merge and got wiped out. So the situation is now Syria has 20+ divisions on my border and I have a splatering of infantry.


I cant recover from this so I guess this forum will have to continue without me.


(Arnie Voice) I'll Be Back!!!! in 81


Hope to see some of you there. I may have to hide again to ensure I live past T10, I have in 79 Whooo

18 divs is the max. If the retreat location has too many divs the retreating force will die.

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Guest Spongebob

Ah yet another painful lesson has been learned. Ah well, it would have been nice if your divisions would retreat upto the max but i guess its a mechanic of the program.


Roll on 81 :P

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Ah yet another painful lesson has been learned. Ah well, it would have been nice if your divisions would retreat upto the max but i guess its a mechanic of the program.


Roll on 81 :P



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Ah yes :P but Denmark is still in the game :P the spirit of the sponge is alive and well :taz:


Game #4-Ireland (Survivor)

Game #12-Poland (Survivor)

Game #16-Great Britian (Survivor)

Game #24-United States (Survivor)

Game #38-Saudi Arabia (Survivor)

Game #70-Northern Russia (Survivor)

Game #78-France (Surviving)




Impressive list there Saint, can you enlighten us all on the magic tricks to stay in a game....?

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Ah yes :P but Denmark is still in the game :P the spirit of the sponge is alive and well :taz:


Game #4-Ireland (Survivor)

Game #12-Poland (Survivor)

Game #16-Great Britian (Survivor)

Game #24-United States (Survivor)

Game #38-Saudi Arabia (Survivor)

Game #70-Northern Russia (Survivor)

Game #78-France (Surviving)




Impressive list there Saint, can you enlighten us all on the magic tricks to stay in a game....?


Take a look at his scores.....

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Ah yes :P but Denmark is still in the game :P the spirit of the sponge is alive and well :cheers:


Game #4-Ireland (Survivor)

Game #12-Poland (Survivor)

Game #16-Great Britian (Survivor)

Game #24-United States (Survivor)

Game #38-Saudi Arabia (Survivor)

Game #70-Northern Russia (Survivor)

Game #78-France (Surviving)




Impressive list there Saint, can you enlighten us all on the magic tricks to stay in a game....?


Take a look at his scores.....





I run veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery fast :taz:


It's the play that I like,and I do not like to give up. I may not have won a game but I do my Damnedest not to loose one. :P

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It seems the French are not as weak as first thought. The French Resistance is alive and well. Time will tell if they can counter our offensive.


General Erich von Manstein, I see our diplomats have finally annulled that scrap of paper known as an alliance. I also see as always you are true to your word and have not Declared War on my nation.


However it did not stop you sending your spys to my beautiful country. They were spotted taking photos of our armament factories and drawing maps of our airfields while pretending to be tulip pickers.


I am wondering how long it will be before you send tulip pickers in tanks and planes? :P

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