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Liebe Freunden,



Von Manstein here. Reporting vrom zhe front. I am currently assigned to the 6th SS Panzer army. Preparing to strike zhe enemies of the german Reich. I regret OKH took over command of Germany but I also think OKH made zhe right decision. After all I do have 'some' experience in commanding Panzers.


This attack might lead me to Amsterdam. Sorry Herr Cain. But right now I am only following orders. I will do my best to lead our armies to victory and save Deutschland from defeat. Gott mit uns!



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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Hello Cain,


Well I suppose I could say that I would help out Germany because several of his TA's happen to be my neighbours, I could also say that you don't really help, both would be wrong. The only reason I would help germany against Denmark is because of the taint of the sponge.


But do not worry I'm having so much more fun playing with Czechoslovakia to join your little battle, perhaps we can talk in a turn or two. :(


Sir Smeg :(

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Hello Cain,


Well I suppose I could say that I would help out Germany because several of his TA's happen to be my neighbours, I could also say that you don't really help, both would be wrong. The only reason I would help germany against Denmark is because of the taint of the sponge.


But do not worry I'm having so much more fun playing with Czechoslovakia to join your little battle, perhaps we can talk in a turn or two. :o


Sir Smeg :(


Dear Sir Smeg,


Germany would welcome ANY help from the Polish nation. Rest assured that Germany will still be alive and kicking in two turns. Help will be rewarded. Either by me or by the allies of germany. :(


Good luck with your battle against Czecho!



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ssssir sssssssssssssmeg, it must be HELL to serve a master that you can not controll or even like :(


I regeat that we will be at odds but that is your choise.


What will be will be and so on and so forth.

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Hello Cain,


Well I suppose I could say that I would help out Germany because several of his TA's happen to be my neighbours, I could also say that you don't really help, both would be wrong. The only reason I would help germany against Denmark is because of the taint of the sponge.


But do not worry I'm having so much more fun playing with Czechoslovakia to join your little battle, perhaps we can talk in a turn or two. :o


Sir Smeg :(


Dear Sir Smeg,


Germany would welcome ANY help from the Czech nation. Rest assured that Germany will still be alive and kicking in two turns. Help will be rewarded. Either by me or by the allies of germany. :(


Good luck with your battle against Poland!





Did IQs suddenly drop? (Thanks Ripley).

Sir Smeg said he's having so much more fun playing WITH Czechoslovakia, not PLAYING Czechoslovakia.

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Well there seems to be a lot of split personalities around.... and a lot of sponge infected players as well... as far as I am concerned Sponge equals SARS and cannot be exterminated soon enough before it exterminates us all!



This must be the most confusing game the Wolf ever played in... I specialize in problem solving.... but nobody ever told me that it could be unclear what or who the actual problem might be....



I need a drink....



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Did IQs suddenly drop? (Thanks Ripley).

Sir Smeg said he's having so much more fun playing WITH Czechoslovakia, not PLAYING Czechoslovakia.


/Real life mode ON


:blink: oops :blink:


Mi scusi!




Oops! I'm moving to a new house and my Vic! paperwork is buried beneath some cement. It could also be behind the new kitchen. Anyhow I mix things up. Then there's this thing called "work" and I've started learning italian. Yes I need some time. Say 10 extra hours a day?


SirSmeg, whatever you're doing, wherever you're fighting: have fun! Sorry for mixing you up with your cannon fodder.




OKH, von Manstein, Nico

Now I need some sleep


/Real life mode OFF


I need a drink....




Now we're talking! :cheers:

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I feel the need to point out that just because the Danish Prime Minister follows a different religion "Spongianity" that this does not mean we should all fight against him. I dont subscribe to his beliefs but that does not stop me from seeing his will to fight for the freedom of Germany as a virtue and not a hinderence. So what if he follows the book of Sponge, who cares, hes dead now and far from our shores.


Im a little confused as to who is playing what nation at them moment so our reporters may have to investigate the wider situation in Europe. The GLA will continue to march to Rome.

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Von Manstein here. Reporting vrom zhe front. I am currently assigned to the 6th SS Panzer army.


As long as your not part of the 5th Army. My reporters tell me it full of old men and boys and as such incapable of moving (frontiers). Saying that your an old man yourself, deposed by younger more virile generals. You would fit in better with the 5th Army stationed in woods around Frankfurt. :drunk:

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Such entertaining stuff, :cheers:


Been really quite around the old island these days. Busy spending my days building breweries :cheers:

So who is fighting whom and to whom is everybody friends with, so very confusing. So I guess I should help the germans, since they seem to need it. :blink:


So I will declare war on japan to help him out..... :blink:


I mean I could attack denmark and the lowlands directly, but they would be too tough for me, so I will take over all there posssions in the far east and ship the supplies to germany under the flag of friendship. :pirate2:


So hopefully this will balance things out for all. :thumbsup:


Opps, forgot the paperwork I signed for the import license from both lowlands and denmark. :blink:


Sorry germany you are on your own. :drunk:


DezertCamel :robot:

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[As long as your not part of the 5th Army. My reporters tell me it full of old men and boys and as such incapable of moving (frontiers). Saying that your an old man yourself, deposed by younger more virile generals. You would fit in better with the 5th Army stationed in woods around Frankfurt. :drunk:



All is lost. I quit, I surrender...


Game over for Germany. Sorry friends, foes and Sponge. Wish it could have lasted longer. See you all in game 81.




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I wont believe you have surrendered until the last of your armies have laid down there arms. Until then I may expect another change in leadership at the head of the German people.


If another more reasonable leader comes to the front in German politics then maybe we can come to some agreement.


I beleive the Embassy in Berlin is still open even if it is manned by a skeleton staff.

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I wont believe you have surrendered until the last of your armies have laid down there arms. Until then I may expect another change in leadership at the head of the German people.


If another more reasonable leader comes to the front in German politics then maybe we can come to some agreement.


I believe the Embassy in Berlin is still open even if it is manned by a skeleton staff.


:cheers::blink::blink::robot: Ok I see I cannot fool you. Truth is I will fight well beyond my last army. As long as I have some rangers, some LDB's, a hidden province or anything that justifies a turn report I will continue the fight. Hell I could even spy for my allies if I have nothing left. :drunk:


And as for politics. I never ever close an embassy. It's just a game. (forget I said that)




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No kidding Predator, last time I checked almost every nation in central and northern europe where TA's to each other via one or two other nations.


Since it looks like Morroco, Canada and France are either gone or about to be gone, the alliances should start to sort themselves out, but at one point it was possible for sweden to cede a location to northern russia by going through their TA's.


Sir Smeg :drunk:

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