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but at one point it was possible for sweden to cede a location to northern russia by going through their TA's.





Well that doesn't stop me from taking xMurmansk....






At least... if I can oversee the consequences of your statement correctly....



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No kidding Predator, last time I checked almost every nation in central and northern europe where TA's to each other via one or two other nations.


Since it looks like Morroco, Canada and France are either gone or about to be gone, the alliances should start to sort themselves out, but at one point it was possible for sweden to cede a location to northern russia by going through their TA's.


I agree with you, DezertCamel. Very confused situation.


Unfortunately Canada, Morocco and France were the core of a single alliance so it might not clear up as much as you'd assume at first.




The Atlantic situation is also pretty murky. GB is a TA with Denmark and Lowlands, I guess I would look for him along the French coast. Of course, he is also a TA of Morocco.....


Iceland (you) have no TAs, but are also allied with Denmark and Lowlands.....


Ireland is TA'ed to Norway and Switzerland, allied to Turkey (?)......


The word wonders...... Where is everyone going?




Actually, this is all very Machiavellian and very, very interesting. should be fun....

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No kidding Predator, last time I checked almost every nation in central and northern europe where TA's to each other via one or two other nations.


Since it looks like Morroco, Canada and France are either gone or about to be gone, the alliances should start to sort themselves out, but at one point it was possible for sweden to cede a location to northern russia by going through their TA's.


Sir Smeg :drunk:


Is there not a game, Seven degrees of seperation, I think in this game any nation could cede a location to any nation via 1, 2, 3 others. I think it would be possible to win a war without shooting anyone.


As for the confusing situation in Europe, well I can confirm it is more confusing actually being in the thick of it.


The Germans have been quiet, the French have not and dark clouds gather on the horizon. My reporters tell me the French continue to be a problem on the front lines but it is the quiet stealthy Germans that trouble me more.


After there threats to invade us over the past few weeks the people of the Lowlands have been busy building shelters, filling sand bags and storing provisions. It seems all my reporters in Germany have gone to ground, the Gistapo must be hounding the free press again.


However all is not lost, at great personal cost and the loss of many freedom fighters a picture of Eva Braun topless has been smuggled out of Germany

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However all is not lost, at great personal cost and the loss of many freedom fighters a picture of Eva Braun topless has been smuggled out of Germany




Show us the Vic page 3 girl!!!




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However all is not lost, at great personal cost and the loss of many freedom fighters a picture of Eva Braun topless has been smuggled out of Germany




Show us the Vic page 3 girl!!!






This, I will second :cheers: More naked girl, less war!!! :blink::blink::robot:

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However all is not lost, at great personal cost and the loss of many freedom fighters a picture of Eva Braun topless has been smuggled out of Germany


JAWOHL! Now we're talking. Share zhis treasure with us please. :thumbsup:


Und yes. The Führerbunker ist complete. It now has running water, a kitchen (shitty job) and ten metres of concrete. I will be online zhis week to amuse you all with my postings and make my Vic turn. After zhat I will move all my belongings to my new bunker. Eh home I mean to zay.



Auf wiedersehen.

Von Manstein

Still with a panzer army somewhere near zhe dutch border




Wake up everybody, there is war to be to be done :jawdrop::drunk::pirate2::pirate2::woohoo:


Zhis time I have to agree with zhose hippies. Make nudies, not war! :D Allthough I'm sure some people in OKH think differently. :o



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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Zhis time I have to agree with zhose hippies. Make nudies, not war! :jawdrop: Allthough I'm sure some people in OKH think differently. :drunk:


Best regards,

Von Manstein


Dear general Von Manstein,


You are quite right. OKH does not share your perverted love for nude pictures of Miss Braun. You are hereby removed from command of the SS Panzer army! Your next assignment is filling sandbags in xBerlin...



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Berlin, 9th October 2007



This afternoon OKH tried remove General von Manstein from his command. The alledged reason were accusations made by OKH that General von Manstein insulted frau Eva Braun.


Whatever the reason, the army cannot and will not accept such actions against her most respected general. Especially since the leadership of OKH has led to an invasion by Denmark. As of this afternoon OKH is declared an illegal organisation and dissolved. Wehrmacht troops have occupied strategic positions. Radio, television and newspapers are under control of the Wehrmacht. A curfew is in place. The Wehrmacht intends to save Germany from defeat.


General von Manstein is now the leader of Germany! The Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine follow his orders.


A peace proposal will be made to Denmark.

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Civil War within Germany's border? If ever the need for the GLA the need is now. The leadership struggles can only be to the detriment of the German People.


However peace with Denmark may well mean peace with the Lowlands. We both only want what is best for the German people.

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However peace with Denmark may well mean peace with the Lowlands. We both only want what is best for the German people.


Gutenmorgen everbody,


Germany too wants what's best for Germany. Germany too wants peace with Lowlands. Unfortunately the only possible solution I see is the war that has been brewing for some time. With pain in my heart I have to inform you we have declared war. Soon we will Force Peace upon the Lowlands.


Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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However peace with Denmark may well mean peace with the Lowlands. We both only want what is best for the German people.


Gutenmorgen everbody,


Germany too wants what's best for Germany. Germany too wants peace with Lowlands. Unfortunately the only possible solution I see is the war that has been brewing for some time. With pain in my heart I have to inform you we have declared war. Soon we will Force Peace upon the Lowlands.


Best regards,

Erich von Manstein


....he said while Danish hordes were roaming his beloved german soil....




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