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Game 80


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Serious question:


What exactly is the FUN in playing US or Canada? I understand UK, Ireland or even Iceland can quickly join the fun but being on the other side of the Atlantic seems so... Lonely... No action for a loooong time.


What's the fun???


Best regards,

Erich von Manstein



Well, to tell the truth I wanted to understand the Naval system better. I had started a game as Canada, playing cooperativley with the USA, but that didn't work out well at all.


By the end of the game I will certainly have that system down pat...... And probably won't try to cross the Atlantic again......

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By the end of the game I will certainly have that system down pat...... And probably won't try to cross the Atlantic again......


Come on guys, let's give him a hand, everybody start building ark's and let's leave this desolate place called Europe....

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Ok, so after all that, my best guess? TP 20 to 23.... And even then not a really big force when you need to sustain it over the Atlantic.... Local assistance to my allies is all I'll be able to do for a long while.


Hey, Ghost


Do you seriously expect them to still be around by then?


Alright Morocco, your situation is hopeless! Four to one and no local allies, everyone says so! (Even that maroon SBSP......) So just quit fooling around and die, Die, DIE!!!! Btw, also stop invading Algeria..... And pounding everyone in sight with those damned Ju-88s..... Stop It!

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Ok, so after all that, my best guess? TP 20 to 23.... And even then not a really big force when you need to sustain it over the Atlantic.... Local assistance to my allies is all I'll be able to do for a long while.


Hey, Ghost


Do you seriously expect them to still be around by then?


Alright Morocco, your situation is hopeless! Four to one and no local allies, everyone says so! (Even that maroon SBSP......) So just quit fooling around and die, Die, DIE!!!! Btw, also stop invading Algeria..... And pounding everyone in sight with those damned Ju-88s..... Stop It!



G'day Ghost


Why don't you pull your finger out and get over to North Africa quicker.

That way, you can make it 5 against 1.

As if that will help.

BTW, I've been drinking home brew, so I probably shouldn't send this reply.

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Hmmmm... Good question actually. I could launch my little pocket navy right now, but they would have no where to go, really. Not much going on, as far as fleet actions go.... To tell the truth, I don't think most people have had time to build up substantial navies.

And as far as armies go, well first I need to complete conquoring Canada, then reassemble, rebuild, load on transports and then sail.... sail....sail.....

Ok, so after all that, my best guess? TP 20 to 23.... And even then not a really big force when you need to sustain it over the Atlantic.... Local assistance to my allies is all I'll be able to do for a long while.


Serious question:


What exactly is the FUN in playing US or Canada? I understand UK, Ireland or even Iceland can quickly join the fun but being on the other side of the Atlantic seems so... Lonely... No action for a loooong time.


What's the fun???


Best regards,

Erich von Manstein


Unprotected and under developed territories are a disgrace to every serious vic player.... Look at the Saint, he decided to do something about the dreadful situation in Northern Germany and I don't hear Germany complaining...

Do something about it. Norway was a woos, I'd hate it if you turn out to be another....



Agreed! Just fight and fight HARD! Don't whine. Kick ass.


Saint: Keep it coming! :(



Erich von Manstein


If you insist :beer:

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If you insist :woohoo:





I know I'm having fun. I also assume you're having a good time. So let's continue our little adventure. :nuke:



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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If you insist :woohoo:





I know I'm having fun. I also assume you're having a good time. So let's continue our little adventure. :nuke:



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein


Ah yes, let the games continue B)



Saint Michael

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Well, to tell the truth I wanted to understand the Naval system better. I had started a game as Canada, playing cooperativley with the USA, but that didn't work out well at all.

By the end of the game I will certainly have that system down pat...... And probably won't try to cross the Atlantic again......


Hmmmm that makes sense. The only use I have for a navy is some coastal bombarding and minelaying. Have to admit I never ever played with a big navy and I guess the navy side of Vic! can be quite interesting.


But not as Germany...


Good luck trying to cross the Atlantic!



Best regards

Erich von Manstein

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OK Finland, do you yeild




Did you drop some Airborne troops in ALL his 40+ cities? Did you blitz through Finland with 100 T-34 divisions? Please enlighten us. Maybe some battle reports?



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

Reporting from rainy xBerlin

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You will have to wait and see your battle reports for the bad news.





Well nothing can beat a good battle report. :woohoo: Looking forward to seeing some action in the cold north.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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