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Greeting General - I have had a troubling report that you have massed those famous Panzers on my border. I wonder what they are doing?

I think you should send them into the heart of the Lowlands, like a dagger.

I have many field hospitals waiting for your wounded and cemetrys for your dead, the Civillians are armed with pitch forks, the women are wearing there Chastity Belts and I have all the keys. Even the children are hold up in bunkers making sticky bombs and garlic bread.

Has the day arrived?.... Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

I await the mighty German war machine with glee :thumbsup:





Bacause you insist I am considering moving some troops to Amsterdam.


Wait and see.



Best regards,

Von Manstein


And Mine :woohoo: Germans and French stay out!


We're allready in... :woohoo:

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Hello my Dear Persian adversary!


My Generals didn´t report any of your divisions formerly seen on the front for several turns already, so we feel worried about your personal health status. Let me know if I shall send you my most expert personal physicians to your assistance...

Anyway please don´t stop your brave navy sending BB Colorados against our coastal defenses. We never had such realistic floating artillery targets for practicing!


To my most surprising Southern Russian guests:


We must apologize for our lack of hospitality ! :woohoo:

When we wanted to march against the combined forces of our beloved Iraqi opponent (because of the lack of Persian ones :woohoo: ), we accidently ran over your lightly encouraged expeditionary forces and completely destroyed them before recognizing. :thumbsup:

We are terribly sorry for that because we assumed them having retreated from their last meeting with our brothers in arms but you have not. So we apologize for colouring the sands at Basra black and red from your brave 9 KV-1a.

Last but not least we say thank you for sending a Marshal! :woohoo:

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Reports Just In


The French army holed up in Brussels today was dealt a deadly blow. Forced to retreat the frogs where heard saying - Run Away, Run Away the GLA are on to us.


General Erich - That huge army you positioned on our border seems to have disapeared. Rest assured the GLA in the north will find it and annihilate it.

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Not really... It just never occurred to me you might be talkin' about something else then vic....



It's Oregon football where it never has been. It was so close :ranting:

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Not really... It just never occurred to me you might be talkin' about something else then vic....



It's Oregon football where it never has been. It was so close :(


......the silence is deafening....


I guess Oregon football is the highlight of activities over the past week.... Which is disturbing by itself...

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How bout dem DUCKS :D:P:(;):thumbsup::(:(:D:P:(B):thumbsup:



When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong :(


Huh? Wass ist los?


Zhe ducks turned out to be armed? Vhat happened? I see danish divisions in my country so you did something right.


Aaaah wait, football?! Allmost as exciting as Vic!, almost...


Best regards,

Von Manstein

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football.. nah...

I prefer soccer .. hmm then again.... only the EU and World championships...

for the rest it is more fun to puzzle out all the nasty details in Victory....

besides waiting on Empire TotalWar....


hmmm and concerning VIC... WHAT WHERE YOU THINGKING..!!!

wasn't it not enough to sink my Beloved HOOD.. you also had to lay mines on my route back to

the most beautifull capital on the map.... you really must hate sailors.... poor guys...


I will ;) on my fallen Hero's they made a differnece in the total battle scheme. sigh...

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Reports Just In


The French army holed up in Brussels today was dealt a deadly blow. Forced to retreat the frogs where heard saying - Run Away, Run Away the GLA are on to us.


General Erich - That huge army you positioned on our border seems to have disapeared. Rest assured the GLA in the north will find it and annihilate it.


Gutenmorgen mein liebe Vic players,



Aaaaaaahhh zhe french. So predictable. In WW2 zhey did the same. Run north into Belgium only to be cut off by the famous sickleschnitt by... Von Manstein. ;) You english/americans might refer to it as zhe "back hand blow". Anyhow it was a great plan and zhe french were defeated because of zhis. But I see you let zhe frenchies escape as you say they were running avay. Olalala you should have trapped zhem and destroyed zhem. Now zhey will be back. Back with a vengeance. And I should warn you: angry frenchmen are... well some people wet their pants just thinking of angry frenchies. Don't say I did not warn you...


Now for my 'disappearing' army. As you know german armies don't disappear. Zhey just fade away. Oops quoting the wrong guy here. No vhat I ment to say is that german armies never disappear. They only move fast in unexpected directions. That, and zhe fact that you don't pay your intel guys enough. :(



Vell now I will enjoy a Port, plan my next move and listen to some opera.

By zhe way. Anyone see this movie Beowulf?


Best regards,

Von Manstein

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