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Soon the world will see that you choose the wrong way. :cheers:


Turkey chose to ally with Syria, and Egypt chose to ally with Trans-Jordan. Let history judge who chose the wrong way.



Choosing the Sponge should improve the difficulty level of this game, and it did. But I have now to realize that Syria did everything to lower it again. :cheers: The action of Turkey counts for him, that was the reason why he got the offer before he attacked. But at least this is an error because he wastes his power which he should use to improve his position in Europe. He can do what he wants if his allies continue to fight like this. Fighting at two fronts was never a good idea.


You are right we will see who is right and who is wrong, nice hunting :(


The Monk

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Fighting at two fronts was never a good idea.


You guys are wimps down there south... Try 5 fronts at the same time... Come join our nice little battles up North, any warmth created by the shelling and raging fires in the cities is more than compensated by the extreme cold and blizzards....



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Fighting at two fronts was never a good idea.


You guys are wimps down there south... Try 5 fronts at the same time... Come join our nice little battles up North, any warmth created by the shelling and raging fires in the cities is more than compensated by the extreme cold and blizzards....





May I come back to this invitation later? :cheers:


The Monk

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You guys are wimps down there south... Try 5 fronts at the same time... Come join our nice little battles up North, any warmth created by the shelling and raging fires in the cities is more than compensated by the extreme cold and blizzards....



Now you're talking Herr Wolf!


Let's take France for example. Under attack from Portugal, Spain, Lowlife, UK and God knows who else. And then I read zhe frenchies have taken most if not all Belgium cities.


Let's take Germany who is under attack from Lowlife (again), Denmark and Iceland. Sure, xBerlin will fall soon but does this mean Germany will surrender? NEIN! We will just fight harder.


Let's take the viking nations. They seem to attack zhe whole world without problems. Cutting through Russia like a warm knif zhrough butter.


Nein lieber Freunde. Zhe action is in zhe north. Winter or not it's hot up here!



/ real life mode ON

Man do I love this game. Over ten years old but NOTHING can beat it! A BIG thank you to all allies & enemies past, present and future for making this such a great game.

/ real life mode OFF



Best regards,

Feldmarschall Von Manstein

Reporting from a bunker in ...?

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Lowlife? LOWLIFE?????? I'll show you low life, you have now upset me now and the result will be retaliation of the greatest magnitude.


Just remember that while my beloved country is being ripped apart so is yours General.


As my nation falls then maybe I should set up a new home in Northern Germany, call it New Lowlands.


The end result is I will always remain even after defeat.

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Lowlife? LOWLIFE?????? I'll show you low life, you have now upset me now and the result will be retaliation of the greatest magnitude.

Just remember that while my beloved country is being ripped apart so is yours General.

As my nation falls then maybe I should set up a new home in Northern Germany, call it New Lowlands.

The end result is I will always remain even after defeat.


Did I call you zhat? Strange guess I drank too much Port. Sorry bout zhat. But on zhe bright zide: an angry opponent makes wrong decisions. :cheers: Please rush your panzers forward so I can destroy some more... Too bad you don't have nukes otherwise I'm sure you vould drop 'm on xBerlin. Oooh wait! Zhat city is full of danish divisions. :cheers: Guess that's the sad reality of life.


But I'm glad we both intend to keep playing even if our homelands are occupied. I myself intend to retreat to my mountain fortress. Loaded up on supplies and Wunderwaffen I can survive till the end of this game. Remember my famous quote (tagline).


Good luck! :(

Von Manstein

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But I'm glad we both intend to keep playing even if our homelands are occupied. I myself intend to retreat to my mountain fortress. Loaded up on supplies and Wunderwaffen I can survive till the end of this game.

Von Manstein


I get the feeling I am watching Der Untergang II



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But I'm glad we both intend to keep playing even if our homelands are occupied. I myself intend to retreat to my mountain fortress. Loaded up on supplies and Wunderwaffen I can survive till the end of this game.

Von Manstein


I get the feeling I am watching Der Untergang II




Well all he has to do is watch Denmark's moves. Concrete all the way up to the mountains, fighters fighters everywhere, not a bomber in sight, and a small army irritating the hell out of your enemy...




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I get the feeling I am watching Der Untergang II



Great movie BTW. But I don't intend to end as Hitler. :cheers:

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But I'm glad we both intend to keep playing even if our homelands are occupied. I myself intend to retreat to my mountain fortress. Loaded up on supplies and Wunderwaffen I can survive till the end of this game.

Von Manstein


I get the feeling I am watching Der Untergang II




Well all he has to do is watch Denmark's moves. Concrete all the way up to the mountains, fighters fighters everywhere, not a bomber in sight, and a small army irritating the hell out of your enemy...






Thank you, thank you, thank you :cheers:

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