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Game 80


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I see your signature line says game 80 and 81. Is this then your first game? If not were you in 72 with the group you are playing with now? If you were which country did you play?


As far as being in France he knew I was coming ahead of time given the recent history. I am only disappointed that he sent you instead of meeting me himself. Oh well he has my ally to deal with now; though I am sure my airforce may yet get to shed some French blood.


Good luck...... :woohoo:

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another fact of vic.. Baltics are the richest of all....


russians in my back garden and still money pouring out of my ears... YIHAA...


Hmm since when does money win a war? :huh: If I were you I'd convert some of those 'Reichsmarks' to factories or divisions.


Good luck against the ruskies!

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Let me tell you something, as soon as my morale gets better, my T-34's will be headed your way. So far your tactics are pretty cowardly if you ask me. DW on your first order, then attacking, then forcing peace on me. Why don't you come at me with a stand up fight, I'll even tell you where I am, look around the area of xArchangel. Bring it, if you got it. I would ask to bring Baltic States with you, but we both know he is fighting to stay alive in his own country.

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Let me tell you something, as soon as my morale gets better, my T-34's will be headed your way. So far your tactics are pretty cowardly if you ask me. DW on your first order, then attacking, then forcing peace on me. Why don't you come at me with a stand up fight, I'll even tell you where I am, look around the area of xArchangel. Bring it, if you got it. I would ask to bring Baltic States with you, but we both know he is fighting to stay alive in his own country.

Yes, It is well known I use cowardly tactics. But thanks for your info. I'll use the extra income from your cities to build some extra fightingpower to defend myself against your bold T-34's.

They are in the area of xArchangel, you say?! That's the region I cut of from the rest of your country, is it? What coincidence! Well, good luck keeping your tanks running. Winterconditions are harsh there. Especially without supplies.


And yes, the Baltics have given Central Russia some trouble. But that country seems to have its own troubles, according to the World News.




THE SHeikh

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me in trouble.... ???


The Baltic Maginot Line has served its purpose... The Evil Russians could be massacred in the cull du sac...

and now it is pay back time.....


production is higher then ever.. and thnx to Northern Russian cities I outproduce my enemies.. oh and my thanks for clearing those cities instead of boobytrap them......


I just am puzzled why Poland wanted to declare War on me...?? as if he had the time to Help the Crus from his approaching final Hour....


now I only need to get to that Crus army stack.. for the final blow.... grrrrrr

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Let me tell you something, as soon as my morale gets better, my T-34's will be headed your way.



All that nice heavy metal and no place to use it ... I'd say that's pretty good strategy from Finish perspectives...







But serious now... Saint... Poland.... 25 LDBs in home provinces... You're both joking are you????






Man the outlooks of this game are really changing every 4 weeks .....

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Let me tell you something, as soon as my morale gets better, my T-34's will be headed your way. So far your tactics are pretty cowardly if you ask me. DW on your first order, then attacking, then forcing peace on me. Why don't you come at me with a stand up fight, I'll even tell you where I am, look around the area of xArchangel. Bring it, if you got it. I would ask to bring Baltic States with you, but we both know he is fighting to stay alive in his own country.





Hmmmmm I am not sure zhis FP'ing that's going on in the north is something I like. It smells like politics to me. I prefer to face the enemy on the battlefield and fight an honest battle. But I guess it serves a purpose.


But let's study the objective of a war/campaign: "To remove the enemies will AND ability to continue zhe fight." It vould seem Northern Russia still has the will to fight. And ability is also still there because he does have cities left. Therefore I assume there will be some nice battles in zhe future.



Best regards,

Erich von Manstein

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Well FastFreddy might still have the will and ability, it's just that his people don't want him to...



Not the first time that a 'Great' Leader got his head so far up his a$% that he had trouble finding the light switch...




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Well FastFreddy might still have the will and ability, it's just that his people don't want him to...



Not the first time that a 'Great' Leader got his head so far up his a$% that he had trouble finding the light switch...


:huh: ROFLOL :D

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Hmmmmm I am not sure zhis FP'ing that's going on in the north is something I like. It smells like politics to me. I prefer to face the enemy on the battlefield and fight an honest battle.

Well, how honest is it to just burn your money (and more) to build countless armored units to throw at honest fights?

I think one of the things that makes Victory! the great game it is, is the possibility to counter (rock-paper-scissors) such short sighted vampire economic strategies and the financial crisis (subprime lending: mortgage meltdown) it generates. In Victory!, just like the real world, wars are not (only) won on the battlefield.


Just to make things clear: honest battles did occur. Northern Russia lost all of them and a lot of units with them. :huh:

I'm looking forward to cross swords again in the (distant?) future.



THE SHeikh

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Grimor I would be surprised if you out produced me even before S Russia attacked.

And don't kid yourself the only reason Southern attacked is because you went crying to him to get me off you.

So why don't you quit talking s$%t and come out to play.You had a chance to kill or atleast hurt that army and didn't.Don't be scared.



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Truthfully, it will take a while for them to take me out. There is now way they will kill me before I get T-34's, and when I do, the crap Motor and Infantry they build, won't even slow me down. I will cut through them like warm butter. I won't try to make it big secret either. When I get T-34's, they will be massed in 18 div. armies and sent towards xHelsinki and xRiga. I haven't said a whole lot because there isn't a lot to talk about. They are trying their best but it, just won't last long.
News from the front lines. Russian troops about to set up camp in xKingisepp and xHelsinki
OK Finland, do you yeild
You will have to wait and see your battle reports for the bad news.
Still here and still waiting for your unconditional surrender.
Do you give up yet, I've got bigger fish to fry.
Let me tell you something, as soon as my morale gets better, my T-34's will be headed your way.

Mmm, I detect a certain pattern... :huh:

And about that bigger fish, I advise you to get rid of that strategic advisor of yours..



THE SHeikh!

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