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The German's are justifiably proud of their victory on the Marne. Their initial offensives against the Danes had been costly failures and the Danish armies had been wrongly positioned to meet the German invasion. Nevertheless, they were able to redeploy their forces to launch a counterattack against the advancing German armies. The key event in the Battle of the Marne took place just north of xMarne. In heavy fighting the German army was caught between Icelandish and Danish troops, the German troops, which were halted, in there statigic withdrawl, were defeated at the steps of xMarne.


Up to date reporting by the free Danish Press-Alborg


(liberties taken from H.P. Willmott-World War 1)

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I can confirm from my luxurious position in my high and low flying planes that the landscape resembles one big scrap yard with a surplus of heavy metal in an ocean of blood...



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The German's are justifiably proud of their victory on the Marne. Their initial offensives against the Danes had been costly failures and the Danish armies had been wrongly positioned to meet the German invasion. Nevertheless, they were able to redeploy their forces to launch a counterattack against the advancing German armies. The key event in the Battle of the Marne took place just north of xMarne. In heavy fighting the German army was caught between Icelandish and Danish troops, the German troops, which were halted, in there statigic withdrawl, were defeated at the steps of xMarne.


Up to date reporting by the free Danish Press-Alborg


(liberties taken from H.P. Willmott-World War 1)




One battle lost, but the campaing continues and this war will be won by Germany.


BTW have to admire the sacrifices Iceland makes. This guy just keeps feeding his troops/ships/planes into the meatgrinder. Keep 'm coming!


(Nice post btw)




Von Manstein

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I'm even beginning to think to keep Denmark alive and keep him producing, call it wildlife preservation and control, once in a while we reduce the numbers to prevent extinction (and increase my score).


Iceland is easier, there's a sh%tload of water in between, naval forces don't stand a serious chance against air forces until a major upgrade of the game.

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Iceland is easier, there's a sh%tload of water in between, naval forces don't stand a serious chance against air forces until a major upgrade of the game.


NOT what I want to hear.......


get used to it <_<


a naval upgrade would benefit vic...

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Sorry for my late response, was to bussy running behind Polish deserters. :ranting: .. Now that problem seems to be resolved, i can inform you that the Austrian ski resorts now run al the way up through the tatra mountains to the Karpaten in southern poland... :blink: . Czechoslavakia is now almost liberated from Polish occupation and will happily join the great Bohemian Empire. :cheers:


as for my Hungarian Neighbours, they are either

A) a bunch of coward dogs,

B ) not playing

C) having Russian materials and waiting for a breakthrough in there material development (read T34)


I have a feeling we are soon going to find out...


Talking about coward dogs... where are the damn portugees armies... I bombed all over the place but did not find a single unit... :(



Emperial Bohemian Ruler

(I declare the Bohemian rapsody to be our new national anthem)


Yeah I figured you would like finding that little suprise, think of it as a frendly reminder that most of Czechoslavakia is still Polish :P , including that nice little backdoor to your capital :pirate2:


Sir Smeg :cheers:



He smegy, I think I just slamed the door back into your face :P


don't try to stop the ss panzers with infantry...it will not work...


but no hard feelings, I'm gonne make good use of your (former) country...




Spring is here and a new offensive will begin against the Italians. :ranting::blink::ranting::cheers:



did you already bring in the elefants to take you over the alpes? <_<



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News just came in that Italian Marines have managed to take over xLisbon.


The Troops have marched proudly through the Harbors of Belem.....


This is what we call a spring offensive


Well if that proves true which I have trouble believing without evidence than my hats off to any marine div that can defeat 360 chab, 1650 ldb, and legendary fort. Having said that it is a shame such a brave division would be sent on such a suicidal mission to deal with the other forces in the area by itself. Surely Italian blood is better spilled protecting the homeland.


We have entered the Alps.....

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News just came in that Italian Marines have managed to take over xLisbon.


The Troops have marched proudly through the Harbors of Belem.....


This is what we call a spring offensive


Well if that proves true which I have trouble believing without evidence than my hats off to any marine div that can defeat 360 chab, 1650 ldb, and legendary fort. Having said that it is a shame such a brave division would be sent on such a suicidal mission to deal with the other forces in the area by itself. Surely Italian blood is better spilled protecting the homeland.


We have entered the Alps.....



what's todays date? <_<

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