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the eye will turn to the west in support of our brothers in Germany and Italy...


I think it's funny you don't even know you know longer have a brother in Italy. :blink::robot::alien:




Hee come to me baby :thumbsup: ... with every province you take you come one step clooser to total annihilation.... :pirate2:

btw....Italy is not as dead as at looks. :( .. ever hear of tactical retreat? lots more mountains to come....





but I see we have gained a new neighbour....

Yes you do and let me take this opportunity to say that Austria has been quite rude in welcoming me to the area. :thumbsup:



Well in that case I will take the opportunity to welcome both Spain and Portugal to Central Europe. We sure hope you will enjoy yourselves.


Now that was quite polite, right?



Best regards,

Von Manstein


Herr general...you are completely right. :blink: ... we zhould be more polite, after all we represent ze zivelized world...I make sure we put "with kind regards from austria" and "Welcome to central Europe" on every bomb we drop on these ursurpators. (next to ze "made in Germany zign") :D

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Herr general...you are completely right. :thumbsup: ... we zhould be more polite, after all we represent ze zivelized world...I make sure we put "with kind regards from austria" and "Welcome to central Europe" on every bomb we drop on these ursurpators. (next to ze "made in Germany zign") :D


Bombs are being painted as we speak. By zhe way, I smell something strange. Paella? Sangria? Tapas? I do admit I like spanish food better than Sauerkraut. Hell I shipped trainloads of zhe stuff to my allies.



Looking forward to this!

Von Manstein

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Hee come to me baby ... with every province you take you come one step clooser to total annihilation....

btw....Italy is not as dead as at looks. .. ever hear of tactical retreat? lots more mountains to come....


Tactical retreat huh? Ever hear of haven't run a turn in over a month? At any rate it started out as tactical retreat now it's just tactically being trapped. Plenty of mountains to come for sure but my engineers are cutting a road through them straight to Austria.



with every province you take you come one step clooser to total annihilation



Better get those troops back from Poland because you aren't going to annihilate anything with only the one army in Austria at xInnsbruck.... :thumbsup::D

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At any rate it started out as tactical retreat now it's just tactically being trapped.


Have to admit I dislike portugese jokes. But this one. :cheers::beer::cheers::D


Happy gaming!

Von Manstein


Where's my Limoncello?

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I mention zhe words Paella, Sangria and the next thing zhat happens is that Spain declares war on me?


Doesn't take much to get you upset, nicht?



Vell we will see vhat heppens.


Von Manstein


Who drank zhat Port?

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I mention zhe words Paella, Sangria and the next thing zhat happens is that Spain declares war on me?


Doesn't take much to get you upset, nicht?


Portugeuse troops rendevous with Spain just across the border from Switzerland to formulate plans and give the men some R&R and next thing you know the port is all gone and Spanish troops pick up their guns and go screaming off into the night.....those guys are crazy :beer:

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Portugeuse troops rendevous with Spain just across the border from Switzerland to formulate plans and give the men some R&R and next thing you know the port is all gone and Spanish troops pick up their guns and go screaming off into the night.....those guys are crazy :blink:



Save some Port for me may 12th. Need some good stuff to celebrate.


Hitting 40...

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indeed lets all :robot:

and drink one on behalf of Mansteins... big 40..

and on our mothers... indeed guys.. it is also mothers day..

so if you have one... do not forget the flowers and the breakfast on bed for your own wive...

bah... needless to see se can sleep out and well we as males have just to adept for a day..

damn that commercial enterprise as mothersday.. it is expensive and I have to be extra nice..


oh well it hurts less then thse paratroopers on my base... :D

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Come on Syria, come on Persia it is not so difficult to take back Damascus and Tonekabone. I give you one more try. And I will not strike back I promise…… :blink:


Monk old buddy, good to hear from you. It's been so long since you or your buddies have done anything that I was worried you guys were quick droppers like your erstwhile TA the Sponge.



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Come on Syria, come on Persia it is not so difficult to take back Damascus and Tonekabone. I give you one more try. And I will not strike back I promise…… :blink:


Monk old buddy, good to hear from you. It's been so long since you or your buddies have done anything that I was worried you guys were quick droppers like your erstwhile TA the Sponge.




I am still playing and I am not planing to change this......

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Come on Syria, come on Persia it is not so difficult to take back Damascus and Tonekabone. I give you one more try. And I will not strike back I promise…… :blink:


Hi Monk,


Good airborne attack on overlooked, unprotected city. Another relearned lesson, seems there are several of those popping up, unfortunately, regularly. You are right, I should have ran you out of xTonekabon two turns ago; I would guess the city is mine again now. Thanks for the reminder.



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