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On this forum I tend to 'roleplay'. Maybe not the best name to describe what I do but I intend to give some 'flavour' to the forum. Please read through all the game 80 posts and I hope you will get an better view of my character.

Look here for Slicers opinion of the combination roleplaying and using the word 'zhe'. Don't forget to scroll:




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BTW I recently tried this german 'currywurst' but I think german cuisine has MUCH better food to offer. As allways (and after the currywurst) I had some pretty good meals and VERY nice beer. Which reminds me, my supply of german beer is allmost gone. :jawdrop:



aah Mannschwein ich habe noch etwas Warsteiner im koelkast why do you not visit me ik zou zeggen 10 oktober would be a sehr guttes date .. lijkt me top... et au revoir mon ami....


zum wohl.....



ahh I also have some cottage cheese somewhere from far away out of zivilized world..

we could zlizz it up... and eat those nize zlices .... raw :angry2:


language freak... oui c' est moi .. hmm actually most Dutch.. lekker een troll in de forums...

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aah Mannschwein ich habe noch etwas Warsteiner im koelkast why do you not visit me ik zou zeggen 10 oktober would be a sehr guttes date .. lijkt me top... et au revoir mon ami....


zum wohl.....


ahh I also have some cottage cheese somewhere from far away out of zivilized world..

we could zlizz it up... and eat those nize zlices .... raw :angry2:


language freak... oui c' est moi .. hmm actually most Dutch.. lekker een troll in de forums...



Parlo italiano?


Beer shuld be Bitburg!!! Soooooooooo nice!


Netmeet on 10th October?? Gaming, Port, sigars, Oysters? Hmmm could be the date that I'm on holiday. MTB holiday in Corfu (greek island near Albania) but that's just a silly excuse. I'll ride the bike to the beach in the morning and back to the restaurant in the evening.


la dolce vita/Vitra






Von Manstein

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I thought we had been through this before and decided it was only a pebble in the mouth causing the mispronunciation :angry2:


Gutenmorgen my Baltic freund,



Jaaa please remind me again of all those trainloads of tasty german food (Sauerkraut, Flammkuchen, Wein, Weib, Gesang, Currywurscht) that were needed to support our Baltic friends. Say 'Danke' and kneel for the the nation that kept you alive during the long dark baltic winter.


Now send some planes to support us! Targets: on my intel results


uh-oh :jawdrop:

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I thought we had been through this before and decided it was only a pebble in the mouth causing the mispronunciation ;)



uh-oh :unsure:


well we will soon have this miscommunication cleared....

it is a matter of education and interest of good commedy.. and now after the whole world has seen it..

it is time for 'Zee Germans to learn also a lesson in good English comedy ...


they are one of the last countries to see it.. so when he turns on WDR4 or whatever to increase his knowledge of Zee German Language.. he will finally see where it all started...


this year in 2008 Zee Germans bought all the episodes of Allo Allo... woooooott






oh and the uh-oh ... well lets see if Germany put in enough fuel for my planes to even make it back.. and then we also have to take in acount that Finland has to sent the extra munitions and Sweden the Generals... otherwise it will be very silent ... and the winter was a very dark one indeed.. but the currywurst has enlightned the Baltic people.. and are ready to spread the word.. now where are those supplies.. ??

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species in which one, the parasite, benefits from a prolonged, close association with the other, the host, which is harmed. In general, parasites are much smaller than their hosts, show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life. Classic examples of parasitism include the interactions between vertebrate hosts and such diverse animals as the tapeworms, flukes, Plasmodium species, Grimors and fleas.


The harm and benefit in parasitic interactions concern the biological fitness of the organisms involved. Parasites reduce host fitness in many ways, ranging from general or specialized pathology (such as castration), impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for food, habitat and dispersal.






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$10 US for anyone who takes the capital city of the guy who keeps spelling the word "the" with the letter 'z'.


Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....


Just so we are clear - I am serious about the $10. Show me confirmed battle reports and I will have Russ transfer the money to your account! Consider it a fun motivation tool to attack one...


/real life mode on




On this forum I tend to 'roleplay'. Maybe not the best name to describe what I do but I intend to give some 'flavour' to the forum. Please read through all the game 80 posts and I hope you will get an better view of my character. BTW the name 'Von Manstein' was not chosen by accident. While I'm not german I am very interested in WW2/german history.


Sorry if I offended you but I will not stop using this language. As for the $10 reward. Please...


<Added after reading all the other posts>


Thanks a lot to all the people who supported me. Predator: For me this is a GAME. I like a good battle and I do not have any hard feelings about you kicking my ass in 72. I play this game without looking back...


Let's close this topic, stop wasting time and get back to politics, logistics and strategy!



Best regards, happy hunting and ENJOY!

Von Manstein

I've been enduring this horrible accent for many years now...about 5 or 6. Roleplaying is one thing, but if you roleplayed a Rastafarian or maybe someone from northeast Asia, you would not be receiving the same support, I suppose.


In any case, I totally realize that I am being thin skinned on this point, but all it has ever made me want to do is attack your country. That is why I did not use profanity nor did I do anything other than to respond to your in-game persona with in-game incentives. Others may find my position on this topic indefensible, but I've addressed this issue with you before...many times throughout these past years. I finally determined to incent others to do bad things to your country through bribery. I am having trouble finding the ethical issue with that.


If your roleplaying irritates someone, then isn't it completely appropriate for a response? I'm not angry or anything (except maybe for the double standard applied in German disfavor), but I think I have a very measured and in-game appropriate offer.


The fact that my best friend is playing in this game (I am not, but I read the forums) and that you are on an opposing side of his alliance was not a deciding factor to put this bounty on your capital's head (so to speak), but it is a side benefit. I'd always rather have him win than someone who butchers German...




The bounty stands. Even in the face of people thinking I am being a little thin skinned. I think there is nothing immoral about influencing this game with a different type of diplomacy. Besides, I didn't offer $100. Only $10. Incentive, not insanity. Ya know?

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Guest Spongebob

I am not in zhis game also :D Can i have z bounty on myz head allzo? :beer:


If only I had known zhat placing a 'Z' in zhe words was all it would take to send zte people overz zhe edge then I would havz donz itz earlierzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! ;):unsure::cheers:

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On this forum I tend to 'roleplay'. Maybe not the best name to describe what I do but I intend to give some 'flavour' to the forum. Please read through all the game 80 posts and I hope you will get an better view of my character.

Look here for Slicers opinion of the combination roleplaying and using the word 'zhe'. Don't forget to scroll:




That is a good point...to a degree. My post was a transliteration of gramatically correct Russian. Not a caricature of someone else's accent.

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$10 US for anyone who takes the capital city of the guy who keeps spelling the word "the" with the letter 'z'.


Personally, I am 100% German and normally have incredibly thick skin, but I cannot help but find the butchering of the language to be sufficiently annoying to put a real-life, US Dollars, bounty on his (Victory! game) head (errr..I mean capital city)...how anyone can be so disrespectful to us Germans without anyone else being annoyed is beyond me....


Just so we are clear - I am serious about the $10. Show me confirmed battle reports and I will have Russ transfer the money to your account! Consider it a fun motivation tool to attack one...


Currently, I would only accept euros or pounds, since us dollars are worth less....... :beer:


oh by the way sweden and germany. Britain is still here........ :D


It's going to be a long war for you two........... ;):unsure::cheers:


DezertCamel :taz:

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Currently, I would only accept euros or pounds, since us dollars are worth less


Than why are the oil companies trying to get it all if it's worthless ;) .......


oh by the way sweden and germany. Britain is still here


I don't think so my spies in Germany tell me they are furiously trying to learn Spanish :unsure:

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I've been enduring this horrible accent for many years now...about 5 or 6. Roleplaying is one thing, but if you roleplayed a Rastafarian or maybe someone from northeast Asia, you would not be receiving the same support, I suppose.

In any case, I totally realize that I am being thin skinned on this point, but all it has ever made me want to do is attack your country. That is why I did not use profanity nor did I do anything other than to respond to your in-game persona with in-game incentives. Others may find my position on this topic indefensible, but I've addressed this issue with you before...many times throughout these past years. I finally determined to incent others to do bad things to your country through bribery. I am having trouble finding the ethical issue with that.

You don't seem to realize that Mannstein isn't the same player as drFreud in #72..

Which makes me conclude that you put a real life bounty on anyone using the 'zhe' word.

Might be a good idea to make a seperate 'sticky' thread so everybody knows this forum has a mozherator.

Does it include SN too?


Zhe ZHeikh

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... but I've addressed this issue with you before...many times throughout these past years.


Dear Slicer,



I think you are referring to some other character on the forum. The character Von Manstein only exist a year or so. And I only use this german 'language' in game 80. I am NOT dr. Freud or any other character you have dealt with before.


If you have a problem with my postings on this forum take it up with Russ. It's his business, his income, his forum, his rules. Simple as that.


This is my last posting on this issue. Back to Vic!80 business!!



Best regards,

Von Manstein

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