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Indeed the good Doctor no longer makes house calls now he sends the Wolf ;)



Dear predator,



Something tells me you have fond memories of zhe Doctor. I am zure he will soon make a 'house call'.


BTW Zhe Gestapo found some spanish and portugese spies. Normally zhey vould be tortured to death over a period of 2-3 years giving the word pain new meaning. But zhis time I decided otherwise. Some persuasion turned 'm into double agents. Be carefull what info you trust. It could be a trap. :unsure:




Von Manstein

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I don't think so my spies in Germany tell me they are furiously trying to learn Spanish ;)

Yes, the language barrier can be hard to overcome sometimes.

To prove this, watch this new Finnish citizen trying to speak her recently aquired language somewhere near the xMoscow area (great surroundings!).




THE SHeikh!

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Guest Spongebob

... but I've addressed this issue with you before...many times throughout these past years.


Dear Slicer,



I think you are referring to some other character on the forum. The character Von Manstein only exist a year or so. And I only use this german 'language' in game 80. I am NOT dr. Freud or any other character you have dealt with before.


If you have a problem with my postings on this forum take it up with Russ. It's his business, his income, his forum, his rules. Simple as that.


This is my last posting on this issue. Back to Vic!80 business!!



Best regards,

Von Manstein




I think some has upset the ManStain - Stop it, thats my job ;)

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I think some has upset the ManStain - Stop it, thats my job ;)






Yup! Traditions should not be messed with. I hereby declare zhat only der Sponge has the right to upset me. He has proven to do a great job upsetting people und me in particular. I cannot think of a better candidate for the job. So keep up zhe good work and give me your best!


BTW vhere are you hiding in Global Conflit game????? I promise I will not hurt you.



Wir fliegen gegen England,

Von Manstein

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oh by the way sweden and germany. Britain is still here........ ;)


It's going to be a long war for you two...........




That's good to hear, although I am a bit sad that you don't seem to have any higher ambition than defending your own country.


Let me see, almost turn 30 and how far have you expanded your territory...? Lemme guess... a staggering 2 or 3 provinces...? And that was without any serious resistance...



You know that the good part about your tactic is that you will keep providing the opportunity to score some AIR/SHIP/ARM points, something not possible if we just took over your little island...


Anyway, there's hope on the horizon, a whole bunch of Spanish and Portuguese pata negras, at least some decent fights to look out for!




Indeed the good Doctor no longer makes house calls now he sends the Wolf :unsure:


Everybody needs to move on, wait till you meet Wolf's successor... I'm sure that will offend some other people again...

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That's good to hear, although I am a bit sad that you don't seem to have any higher ambition than defending your own country.


Let me see, almost turn 30 and how far have you expanded your territory...? Lemme guess... a staggering 2 or 3 provinces...? And that was without any serious resistance...


So I guess my summer home in brussles doesn't belong to me...... :D

If I had not tried to help the lowlands fight france, ireland would have been long gone by now. ;)


As far as free arm/air/ship points, you want some, come and get some....... :unsure:


speaking of advancing, I don't see you or spain in germany yet, let alone into the now computer controlled areas that france took over. :cheers:


DezertCamel :beer:

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The fact that my best friend is playing in this game (I am not, but I read the forums) and that you are on an opposing side of his alliance was not a deciding factor to put this bounty on your capital's head (so to speak), but it is a side benefit. I'd always rather have him win than someone who butchers German...




The bounty stands.


Since Slicer is not in this game I can't put a bounty on his head, so....I'm offering a $10 bounty on his best friend's head, because, well just because he is Slicer's best friend ;)

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Wir fliegen gegen England,

Von Manstein


If thats the best you have I would stick to bombing concrete. :cheers:


you can fly over england, and your airmen can die over it too. :cheers:


Cheers mate....... :unsure::cheers::beer:


you and anyone else, who thinks they can control england. ;)


DezertCamel :D:taz:

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The fact that my best friend is playing in this game (I am not, but I read the forums) and that you are on an opposing side of his alliance was not a deciding factor to put this bounty on your capital's head (so to speak), but it is a side benefit. I'd always rather have him win than someone who butchers German...




The bounty stands.


Since Slicer is not in this game I can't put a bounty on his head, so....I'm offering a $10 bounty on his best friend's head, because, well just because he is Slicer's best friend ;)


I'm happy to see this section exploded, apparently Slicer added some juice which set off a whole bunch of other heated discussions which is a good thing. The Mother of all games is very much alive!



As far as I'm concerned this whole real life bounty thing is a bit silly, in fact it is so silly that I'll double Slicer's $10 on my own head if anybody is able to capture my Swedish capital.

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NUKE oh how Victory would benefit from a facelift to the 21st Century and the use of NUKES


Hmmmmm interesting and I fully agree. But they should be extremely expensive. Historically the Manhattan project consumed a great amount of resources, money, people and time.


But unfortunately zhis will not be implemented in Vic! as I understand. Try Hearts of Iron for a WW2 PC strategy sim with nukes. Great game, especially with a 'mod' to make it more realistic/harder. But don't think of this as a replacement for Vic! Nothing can beat 39 opponents on the RTG forum. ;)




Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

NUKE oh how Victory would benefit from a facelift to the 21st Century and the use of NUKES


Hmmmmm interesting and I fully agree. But they should be extremely expensive. Historically the Manhattan project consumed a great amount of resources, money, people and time.


But unfortunately zhis will not be implemented in Vic! as I understand. Try Hearts of Iron for a WW2 PC strategy sim with nukes. Great game, especially with a 'mod' to make it more realistic/harder. But don't think of this as a replacement for Vic! Nothing can beat 39 opponents on the RTG forum. :P




Von Manstein


When I said a face lift I was hoping for a face lift to the 21st Century game play, same map, border changes, modern weapons, remove the USA as its too powerful, maybe remove Russia also, not sure how powerful a nation she is in 2008.


I also fully agree with nothing beats Vic for interaction


OMG Im agreeing with the ManStain, cant have that :blink:

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Wir fliegen gegen England,

Von Manstein


If thats the best you have I would stick to bombing concrete.


you can fly over england, and your airmen can die over it too.


Cheers mate.......


you and anyone else, who thinks they can control england. :blink:




Yeah von Manstein, is that the best you've got? You only sank 7 AKs, you whimp!



BTW Camel, could you make some statement about when you do regard a strike impressive? 10 ships? 20? 50?


Running into 28 fighters is somewhat impressive. It was a turkey shoot again. In your harbor I mean. You might want to start thinking about changing the lyrics of



Now let's find that nice little base of yours... Can't stand fighters... Nothing personal.





Hey Slicer, can I collect my $10?


Saint used the forbidden .... word and I just de-capitalized him. So, put your money where your mouth is....





PS Saint: 1 thing I don't understand. All that concrete and only 800 LDB??? What kept you from building a couple of thousand? (like anybody else).


PPS this concludes Operation Daisy. xCopenhagen is free of industry and concrete, now we peace hugging Swedes will plant daisies all over the place. I'm sorry we cannot provide the required food for those hungry Danish people...

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PPS this concludes Operation Daisy. xCopenhagen is free of industry and concrete, now we peace hugging Swedes will plant daisies all over the place. I'm sorry we cannot provide the required food for those hungry Danish people...



Hmm there goes the storyof the peacefull Swedish people dropping whitebread from the planes to feed the people...


The Baltic High Command will se if there is enough food to sent to those poor starving people in liberated xCopenhagen... I mean we cannot have riots in the harbor there.. that would be bad for the resupply of The Imperial Baltic Navy...

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