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Game 80


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Since I am not Iceland, Great Britain would have to go through northern france and the lowlands to get to germany...... :blink:

Unless I want to take the long way and go through the US, Russia, Poland and then finally Germany. :pirate2:

You can have the ship points, I will take the airpoints in return. :unsure:

DezertCamel :unsure:





<BANG> intel officer shot. :blink:


I just cannot ztand it vhen I am not informed correctly. Now if you vill excuse me. It is time for my injection. Zhe doctor tells me I have a problem. I go berserkr from time to time. Especially once every two veeks when it is time to give orders to my troops.


Ahhhhhhh :robot:


BTW I have a job offering: Head of german intel. Pay is excellent but if the candidate does not provide outstanding results...



Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

I wish to apply for the Job Von ManStain


Here are my credentials


Many years active service, never won anything but great at disception, Gizza Job or I will tell the world you wear womens underwear under your uniform and Jack Boots :robot::blink::P:pirate2:

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I wish to apply for the Job Von ManStain


Here are my credentials


Many years active service, never won anything but great at disception, Gizza Job or I will tell the world you wear womens underwear under your uniform and Jack Boots :robot::unsure::P:pirate2:


hmmpff you better tell us something new..... :blink:

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I wish to apply for the Job Von ManStain. Here are my credentials


Many years active service, never won anything but great at disception, Gizza Job or I will tell the world you wear womens underwear under your uniform and Jack Boots :pirate2::unsure::P:blink:


hmmpff you better tell us something new..... :unsure:




Naturally I am not zhe person you can blackmail but now zhat you bring out zhe serious rumours... :robot:Sponge, you have zhe job! Start espionage operations in Spain and Portugal immidiately. Gimme all the sleezy details on zheir leaders, all the info on their troops and all info on their industry und logistics.


Success will be rewarded (german blonde busty babes) but failure... Vell I allways wanted your head so please please please...


Vhere ist mein Bier?

Von Manstein

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Vhere ist mein Bier?

Von Manstein

Here you go. :laugh::angry2::cheers::cheers::jawdrop:


"Holy brotherhood of brewmasters"?? You muzt have german ancestors right? Cheerz! :cheers:



Von Manstein

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"Holy brotherhood of brewmasters"?? You muzt have german ancestors right? Cheerz! :laugh:

You would think so, but no, my ancestry is English, Dutch and Irish. :angry2:


Aaaaaaah but zhe english, dutch und irish also make zome nice beerz.


Zum Wohl!

Von Manstein

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Can we get back on topic, all these tourists on our beloved vic80 discussion...


What's the status on the Southern Europe front? Is this a reliving of vic72 of the invasion of the desert people in Central Europe only with the players reversed?

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What's the status on the Southern Europe front? Is this a reliving of vic72 of the invasion of the desert people in Central Europe only with the players reversed?


It does seem to be the case and let me say that thank god I don't have 42 more turns of Sweden to play--ugh :laugh: not to say that the portugeuse don't have one eye on sweden at all times. This turn austria will be sorry he attacked the portugeuse while they were trying to resettle italy.


Cheers to Sweden on the capture of the Danish capitol. +1 vic point! Have fun shipping food there THE REST OF THE GAME! :angry2:

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"Holy brotherhood of brewmasters"?? You muzt have german ancestors right? Cheerz! :laugh:

You would think so, but no, my ancestry is English, Dutch and Irish. :angry2:


Aaaaaaah but zhe english, dutch und irish also make zome nice beerz.


Zum Wohl!

Von Manstein



The Dutch do make the best beeeeeeeer :jawdrop:

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The Dutch do make the best beeeeeeeer :jawdrop:




In real life I'm dutch but I don't fancy dutch beer (not counting Brand). Belgium und german on zhe other hand... :laugh:


Sorry Wolfie! It's summer und zhis is only a game. :angry2:


Enjoy trhe weekend

Von Manstein

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What's the status on the Southern Europe front? Is this a reliving of vic72 of the invasion of the desert people in Central Europe only with the players reversed?


It does seem to be the case and let me say that thank god I don't have 42 more turns of Sweden to play--ugh :angry2: not to say that the portugeuse don't have one eye on sweden at all times. This turn austria will be sorry he attacked the portugeuse while they were trying to resettle italy.


Cheers to Sweden on the capture of the Danish capitol. +1 vic point! Have fun shipping food there THE REST OF THE GAME! :jawdrop:


You should know by now that I have some unorthodox ways of playing this game. I'm not gonna ship food over there, xCopenhagen is giving back to Mother Nature. I will plant daisies all over the place.


And playing for another 42 turns isn't bad as long as the UK and Iceland keep sending ships and zhe planes our way. And the closer you come the more I will enjoy it as well!



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What's the status on the Southern Europe front? Is this a reliving of vic72 of the invasion of the desert people in Central Europe only with the players reversed?


It does seem to be the case and let me say that thank god I don't have 42 more turns of Sweden to play--ugh :jawdrop: not to say that the portugeuse don't have one eye on sweden at all times. This turn austria will be sorry he attacked the portugeuse while they were trying to resettle italy.


Cheers to Sweden on the capture of the Danish capitol. +1 vic point! Have fun shipping food there THE REST OF THE GAME! :cheers:


You should know by now that I have some unorthodox ways of playing this game. I'm not gonna ship food over there, xCopenhagen is giving back to Mother Nature. I will plant daisies all over the place.


And playing for another 42 turns isn't bad as long as the UK and Iceland keep sending ships and zhe planes our way. And the closer you come the more I will enjoy it as well!




your wish is our command! :laugh:


I vote Belgium and German beers too! :cheers::cheers:

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