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wot's all this nonsense about BS troops on British soil?



I must admit I'm amazed about the paranoid defensive tactics of GB and Denmark. But hey, it might be slow but we all know how it is going to end. Just a matter of outproducing I guess...



paranoid defensive tactics ? I am fighting a two front war, being bombed by people I can't hit with a battleship right now. :(


So I am confused, defending myself against sweden, baltic states, germany, and who knows what else. Or am I supposed to build ak's and troops and ship them over to france, and leave everything else unguarded? :cheers:


I can't help it, that it takes time to get anything done with an island nation. Especially since ships are so easy to sink.... :python:


And as for out producing me, that's a given, I can't win this game, I can only cause people problems.... <_<


And I really enjoy causing problems for people, and now wolf, you get to find out...... :ranting:


So enjoy it, since you really have nowhere else to go........... :woohoo:


DezertCamel :robot:


Or I could join the other large group from the south, but then again what fun would that be. <_<

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paranoid defensive tactics ? I am fighting a two front war, being bombed by people I can't hit with a battleship right now.


So I am confused, defending myself against sweden, baltic states, germany, and who knows what else. Or am I supposed to build ak's and troops and ship them over to france, and leave everything else unguarded?


I can't help it, that it takes time to get anything done with an island nation. Especially since ships are so easy to sink....


And as for out producing me, that's a given, I can't win this game, I can only cause people problems....


And I really enjoy causing problems for people, and now wolf, you get to find out......


So enjoy it, since you really have nowhere else to go...........


I know all about those two front wars.....There is sooo many in their group it's like stepping on ants.....Bellinzona sure looks like a nice city...at night I can see the lights of Innsbruck.... :python:

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wot's all this nonsense about BS troops on British soil?



I must admit I'm amazed about the paranoid defensive tactics of GB and Denmark. But hey, it might be slow but we all know how it is going to end. Just a matter of outproducing I guess...



paranoid defensive tactics ? I am fighting a two front war, being bombed by people I can't hit with a battleship right now. :(


So I am confused, defending myself against sweden, baltic states, germany, and who knows what else. Or am I supposed to build ak's and troops and ship them over to france, and leave everything else unguarded? :cheers:


I can't help it, that it takes time to get anything done with an island nation. Especially since ships are so easy to sink.... :python:


And as for out producing me, that's a given, I can't win this game, I can only cause people problems.... <_<


And I really enjoy causing problems for people, and now wolf, you get to find out...... :ranting:


So enjoy it, since you really have nowhere else to go........... :woohoo:


DezertCamel :robot:


Or I could join the other large group from the south, but then again what fun would that be. <_<



AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH---What allies---I would watch thy self in our next meeting.

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WHAT--Me Paranoid :python: Just like covering the back door, front door, side door, Roof entrance, Tunnels, any inter-dimensional portals, warp points and or a stargate <_< . Doesn't sound Paranoid to me. :woohoo:

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I know all about those two front wars.....There is sooo many in their group it's like stepping on ants.....Bellinzona sure looks like a nice city...at night I can see the lights of Innsbruck.... :wub:


Wimps... Whine all you need but from the beginning I have found myself fighting on 4 fronts, things are relatively quiet at the moment being at war with only 7 countries.


The current 'group' that Predator likes to bitch about only came into existence under pressure from 3 other groups moving in and some of them doing rather well. Some of the current members actually were at war between themselves. Fact is that a series of major screw ups, lack of a decent offensive strategy and not making use of the intel capacities has resulted in the tide turning.


Saint, I have never understood why you did not delay your turns to get intel about what Swedish forces had done to you. Or the total lack of bombers...


And Camel: how long have you been on the continent now? 15 turns? With just one LSM fleet in ENG3 and one in NOR13 you are able to transport 4 marine units EACH TURN, that's 30 units! Surely you could have been in the heart of Germany by now. And for invading Ireland those numbers are even higher...

But rest assured, Iceland is out of reach for me and Britain too far for Swedish bombers to do serious damage worth the damage I would have to sustain each turn. Getting to you would mean building up a major fleet that would probably be blown out of the water immediately, that's nice for invading Denmark but unsustainable for invading GB.



I know Predator doesn't believe me (he never seems to do) but the current group he keeps referring to is rather balanced given the groups and aggression around it. I'm sure all of the current players will make it till the end of the game and I don't dare making a bet who will win.



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Well now!!!


There was some miss communication problems at time's, most probably by me and I was not cosidering a problem from the north.


I will be more watchful from fronts that I thought were not a problem.

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I know all about those two front wars.....There is sooo many in their group it's like stepping on ants.....Bellinzona sure looks like a nice city...at night I can see the lights of Innsbruck.... B)


Wimps... Whine all you need but from the beginning I have found myself fighting on 4 fronts, things are relatively quiet at the moment being at war with only 7 countries.


The current 'group' that Predator likes to bitch about only came into existence under pressure from 3 other groups moving in and some of them doing rather well. Some of the current members actually were at war between themselves. Fact is that a series of major screw ups, lack of a decent offensive strategy and not making use of the intel capacities has resulted in the tide turning.


Saint, I have never understood why you did not delay your turns to get intel about what Swedish forces had done to you. Or the total lack of bombers...


And Camel: how long have you been on the continent now? 15 turns? With just one LSM fleet in ENG3 and one in NOR13 you are able to transport 4 marine units EACH TURN, that's 30 units! Surely you could have been in the heart of Germany by now. And for invading Ireland those numbers are even higher...

But rest assured, Iceland is out of reach for me and Britain too far for Swedish bombers to do serious damage worth the damage I would have to sustain each turn. Getting to you would mean building up a major fleet that would probably be blown out of the water immediately, that's nice for invading Denmark but unsustainable for invading GB.



I know Predator doesn't believe me (he never seems to do) but the current group he keeps referring to is rather balanced given the groups and aggression around it. I'm sure all of the current players will make it till the end of the game and I don't dare making a bet who will win.





Who said I was whinning....... :beer:


I am just stating the facts, you on the other hand need to learn to do math better. :wub:


15 turns, times 4 divisions would be 60. If I could build that many a turn I would, but that is almost a 1000 arm points a turn. Not to mention the cost in money and building the ships to move them are not very cheap.

Plus I was fighting and taking loses on top of that so it's not feasible. So I am not sure where you get the idea it can be done, but then again, you said it's not feasible for you to invade me either?????? :cheers:


And as far as denmark goes, he has done a wonderful job of defending himself, against superior numbers, not enemies. Iceland too has sacrificed much to try and help denmark and me. So if anyone would be whinning, I guess it would be you wolf....... :cheers:


Maybe we should both join game 85, this way we can be near each other on the mainland. Then we can settle this defensive issue you seem to have about me...... :cheers:


DezertCamel :drunk:

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Don't get me wrong, hail to the Saint, one tough bastard to crack. I just think the three of you could have easily taken me on if you developed some offensive capacity as well.


And I think you're missing some of the intriguing possibilities of Victory. Just 2 LSM fleets for a total of 1300-ish SHIP points and 3500 cash can embark and disembark from each and every neighboring province. Every turn. And it doesn't even cost you a primary naval order. 4 units every turn might be a bit much to sustain, but over 20 turns you should be able to get some momentum.





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Don't get me wrong, hail to the Saint, one tough bastard to crack. I just think the three of you could have easily taken me on if you developed some offensive capacity as well.


And I think you're missing some of the intriguing possibilities of Victory. Just 2 LSM fleets for a total of 1300-ish SHIP points and 3500 cash can embark and disembark from each and every neighboring province. Every turn. And it doesn't even cost you a primary naval order. 4 units every turn might be a bit much to sustain, but over 20 turns you should be able to get some momentum.






We had troops and some offensive capacity, but me fighting the french. Iceland fighting germany at marne and denmark doing what he could. It takes time, and time and distance were not on our side this time. :cheers:


I agree I can move troops over at a good rate, but building them is still a problem. I have an army, but it is nowhere near what I would need to attack Germany proper at this point. Marines make great cannon fodder to german panzer divisions, and British armor is a joke. :wub:


Funding is the biggest problem, followed by industry capacity. :beer:


If our other ally the lowlands, had survived and been able to help out, then things would have been much different. But that is not the case. Nothing is ever certain or a given in this game, and this is why we play victory. It's a challenge, no matter how many times you play it. :cheers::wacko::cheers:


But since I will probably not survive in northern france, I guess I could look to attacking norway and fighting you there instead. :drunk:

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Don't get me wrong, hail to the Saint, one tough bastard to crack. I just think the three of you could have easily taken me on if you developed some offensive capacity as well.


And I think you're missing some of the intriguing possibilities of Victory. Just 2 LSM fleets for a total of 1300-ish SHIP points and 3500 cash can embark and disembark from each and every neighboring province. Every turn. And it doesn't even cost you a primary naval order. 4 units every turn might be a bit much to sustain, but over 20 turns you should be able to get some momentum.







I did not consider you the enemy. I was looking to the south. I need a better crystle ball :wub:


DezertCamel & Rommel--------------------any game-------------any time-----------------I AM IN :beer:

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I know all about those two front wars.....There is sooo many in their group it's like stepping on ants.....Bellinzona sure looks like a nice city...at night I can see the lights of Innsbruck.... :beer:


I was in Bellinzona, just a few weeks ago but unless you moved a hell of a lot of rock (say about half the alpes) there is no way you can see innsbruck..... :cheers:


And just so you know it: you did not conquer Bellinzona, I gave it to you. :drunk: ..I needed you to take it because I could not take it from the italians because of my TA..so in two turns it's mine...after that it's Geneva, and Turin than it's up to Lisboa...(ok I admit I have big ambitions :alien2: )


prepare your retreat my friend.. <_<



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...at night I can see the lights of Innsbruck.... :alien2:


Correction: Vhat you see are zhe headlights of german panzers. Preparing to score zome portugese arm points.


Von Manstein

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And just so you know it: you did not conquer Bellinzona, I gave it to you. ..I needed you to take it because I could not take it from the italians because of my TA..so in two turns it's mine...after that it's Geneva, and Turin than it's up to Lisboa...(ok I admit I have big ambitions )


And just so you know I took it so you could come to me :beer: That is okay because at one time Italy had the same ambitions <_<:alien2:


Correction: Vhat you see are zhe headlights of german panzers. Preparing to score zome portugese arm points.


Well if that is german headlights I see the Spanish will be loving that because you are way out of position my friend :drunk:

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