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Game 80


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Well if that is german headlights I see the Spanish will be loving that because you are way out of position my friend :(


Dear Predator,



:P Vell I guess the spanish armies are also somewhat 'out of position' Looks like they are ready to support the 'advance' in Switserland instead of striking at Gemany...




Von Manstein

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And just so you know it: you did not conquer Bellinzona, I gave it to you. ..I needed you to take it because I could not take it from the italians because of my TA..so in two turns it's mine...after that it's Geneva, and Turin than it's up to Lisboa...(ok I admit I have big ambitions )


And just so you know I took it so you could come to me :( That is okay because at one time Italy had the same ambitions :cheers::P



please do make the mistake of taking us for these spagetti eating southern neighbours... I show you the difference between a Habsburger tank (based on German design...thx bruder :drunk: ) and Italian junk on tires...



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:( Vell I guess the spanish armies are also somewhat 'out of position' Looks like they are ready to support the 'advance' in Switserland instead of striking at Gemany...


Von Manstein




My recon planes found zhem again. It would seem the spanish 2nd army is moving back und forth between Nancy und Dijon. Burning loads of fuel in zhe process. Interesting! Vhat would zhose nasty Mech's, KV1's und T34's be up to? :P




Von Manstein




darn still alive are we..??

oh well you atleast bought some precious time for the Spanish troop build up :P


Dear Baltic Sauerkraut/Currywurst lover,



I only need a minimal army to take xAlborg. With all zhat combined bombing/CB'ing not even a virus will be left alive in zhat city. :cheers: I guess I will use an Air regiment to take zhat last piece of danisch soil.


In zhe meantime zhere are some troops in place to cope with zhe spanish threat...



Zum Wohl!

Von Manstein

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darn still alive are we..??

oh well you atleast bought some precious time for the Spanish troop build up :P


Dear Baltic Sauerkraut/Currywurst lover,



I only need a minimal army to take xAlborg. With all zhat combined bombing/CB'ing not even a virus will be left alive in zhat city. :( I guess I will use an Air regiment to take zhat last piece of danisch soil.


In zhe meantime zhere are some troops in place to cope with zhe spanish threat...



Zum Wohl!

Von Manstein


so all that trouble to redeploy my airdivisions and getting troops into Germany was not needed :P

good.. then all will be diverted back to the East Front :cheers:



My recon planes found zhem again. It would seem the spanish 2nd army is moving back und forth between Nancy und Dijon. Burning loads of fuel in zhe process. Interesting! Vhat would zhose nasty Mech's, KV1's und T34's be up to?


The french!


now that is a wise decision I can live with that cheers :drunk:


but do hurry as it seems you have to fight over it with Great Britain.. since they have declared peace with Ireland :robot:

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My recon planes found zhem again. It would seem the spanish 2nd army is moving back und forth between Nancy und Dijon. Burning loads of fuel in zhe process. Interesting! Vhat would zhose nasty Mech's, KV1's und T34's be up to?

The french!


Dear Predator,



Zhe French? Olalaa! We germans like beating on zhe french. As a matter of fact zhe french are our favorite target. They don't eat wurst but zhis french 'cuisine'. Zhey drink filthy wine instead of good beer. Zhey wear funny hats and zhey smell like garlic. Did I mention they are also very small? Not to mention arrogant.


Oh and Ms Bruni is Italian... :(


Good luck hammering xSedan. :P Computer players are such nasty *#%#^&@.




Von Manstein

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My recon planes found zhem again. It would seem the spanish 2nd army is moving back und forth between Nancy und Dijon. Burning loads of fuel in zhe process. Interesting! Vhat would zhose nasty Mech's, KV1's und T34's be up to?

The french!


Dear Predator,



Zhe French? Olalaa! We germans like beating on zhe french. As a matter of fact zhe french are our favorite target. They don't eat wurst but zhis french 'cuisine'. Zhey drink filthy wine instead of good beer. Zhey wear funny hats and zhey smell like garlic. Did I mention they are also very small? Not to mention arrogant.


Oh and Ms Bruni is Italian... :(


Good luck hammering xSedan. :P Computer players are such nasty *#%#^&@.




Von Manstein



HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I thougt I was your favorite target?


DAMN :cheers: Get my butt kicked and I'm not even his favorite :P

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HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I thougt I was your favorite target?

DAMN :robot: Get my butt kicked and I'm not even his favorite :ranting:


Dear Saint,



Zhe french are HISTORICALLY our favorite target. For centuries vhe germans und french have been beating eachother to death. In Vic80 you are my favorite opponent. I really like the way our little war evolved. You invaded me and took a LOT of ground in northern Germany (no important targets though...) Even your ally Iceland was on his way to establishing a foothold and then Lowlands too invaded Germany.


And let's not forget vhy this war started. Over zhe &$#%#@$% french... :cheers::P:drunk:


But then you positioned your panzerarmy in front of my SS divisions, we won zhat battle und destroyed that danish army and germanies future was secure again. Lowlands und Iceland were pushed aside and after the liberation of Germany the march into Denmark began. Only to be met with metres of concrete... :(


Lots of drama, lots of close battles, propaganda creating new lies every day, millions dead, enormous airforces dropping tons of explosives, meters of concrete, endless turns of fighting, fleets laying cities to waste, shaking and foaming while awaiting turn results. FANTASTIC! Yep. The reason why I play Vic!


Only one city left... Then you will turn to zhe Dark side my young Padawan. :P




Von Manstein

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HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I thougt I was your favorite target?

DAMN :taz: Get my butt kicked and I'm not even his favorite :unsure:


Dear Saint,



Zhe french are HISTORICALLY our favorite target. For centuries vhe germans und french have been beating eachother to death. In Vic80 you are my favorite opponent. I really like the way our little war evolved. You invaded me and took a LOT of ground in northern Germany (no important targets though...) Even your ally Iceland was on his way to establishing a foothold and then Lowlands too invaded Germany.


And let's not forget vhy this war started. Over zhe &$#%#@$% french... :ranting::ranting::ranting:


But then you positioned your panzerarmy in front of my SS divisions, we won zhat battle und destroyed that danish army and germanies future was secure again. Lowlands und Iceland were pushed aside and after the liberation of Germany the march into Denmark began. Only to be met with metres of concrete... :o


Lots of drama, lots of close battles, propaganda creating new lies every day, millions dead, enormous airforces dropping tons of explosives, meters of concrete, endless turns of fighting, fleets laying cities to waste, shaking and foaming while awaiting turn results. FANTASTIC! Yep. The reason why I play Vic!


Only one city left... Then you will turn to zhe Dark side my young Padawan. B)




Von Manstein


Oh well, I guess I can live with that :D

As far as one city left, I can always stay at the Hotel Faeroe :woohoo:


and then again, I'm not THAT big of a glutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe :python:

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As far as one city left, I can always stay at the Hotel Faeroe :woohoo:


and then again, I'm not THAT big of a glutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe :python:


Got it, next stop: Faeroe





(where will this end? in the US?)

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As far as one city left, I can always stay at the Hotel Faeroe :woohoo:

and then again, I'm not THAT big of a glutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe :python:

Got it, next stop: Faeroe


(where will this end? in the US?)





Somezhing tells me the Baltic navy (yes they do have a navy :o ) is planning something... Zhis Balt seems to like small rocks in zhe sea. Maybe he's planning refueling stations for zhe jump to zhe Oe Es of Ee? :D





Von Manstein

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But rest assured, Iceland is out of reach for me and Britain too far for Swedish bombers to do serious damage worth the damage I would have to sustain each turn. Getting to you would mean building up a major fleet that would probably be blown out of the water immediately, that's nice for invading Denmark but unsustainable for invading GB.



I know Predator doesn't believe me (he never seems to do) but the current group he keeps referring to is rather balanced given the groups and aggression around it. I'm sure all of the current players will make it till the end of the game and I don't dare making a bet who will win.




OK, so Great Britain is out of easy reach of Sweden.... B)


As far as one city left, I can always stay at the Hotel Faeroe :woohoo:

and then again, I'm not THAT big of a glutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe :python:

Got it, next stop: Faeroe


(where will this end? in the US?)





Somezhing tells me the Baltic navy (yes they do have a navy :ranting: ) is planning something... Zhis Balt seems to like small rocks in zhe sea. Maybe he's planning refueling stations for zhe jump to zhe Oe Es of Ee? :ranting:





Von Manstein


But the Baltic States are planning to invade the USA?!? :taz: ...... Some flawed thinking there, I think.... (Or are we fishing for information? :o )

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