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Hellenic Warp Points Fall!


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Here is one from this turn to tidy you over to show how screens still enable you to destroy better fleets:


I see the gremloid fleet started with <4,638 Attack Fighter>--<3,012 Bomber>--<7,100 Combat Gunboat>. And at the end the survivors were


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 218 / 4,638 Attack Fighter] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 3,012 Bomber] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 5,124 / 7,100 Combat Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine


So all bombers lost, most attack fighters lost, and close to 2000 Combat Gunboats lost. Am I reading this right? Since the better fighter ships mostly survived (the 5124 Combat Gunboats), meaning only about 35% of the fighter/drone firepower was lost in the battle. Those Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS are deadly for the smaller fighter / drones due to the tech level, and still dangerous for the better ones.


SO overall in the battle, GGT lost around 2.5 Million tons of materials / ordenance to the enemy 10,000,000 tons. And the GGT fleets firepower has only been reduced overall by about 20% if my numbers are right (those Long Lance torpedos are nice). A very nice victory (even if a little painful).


Not so painful really since it became apparent that the fighter/missile defense of the Hellenics was becoming ridicously high, those fighters/drones stationed at the Hellenic Front Base were considered expendable, other weaponsystems are much more reliable and with other ships being cycled in from the other three active fronts of the GGT I think things will become a lot more interesting the next turn...and a bit more surprising for the Hellenes :cheers: I think the Iron value on the Hellene HW is extreme to say the least with all the Tckon he is throwing away. Also an important point is that a held WP is important at all costs. The Hellenes have been held inside their HW system for close to a year with only a few explorers out and about. The Warp Chains leading from the hellene HW and outwards has been seeded with warships and sensor patrols to enable early warning should any allies of the Hellenes come a calling :cheers:





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Klaxons blared on the command bridge of the Genesian Gate Station IGS Move It Along Now rousing Lieutenant Commander Walks With Slimed Anthropods from his nap. Not that he hadn't perfected the nap like resembling him intently looking at the defense grid of the Gate System. Another Alliance ship coming through, he grumbled to himself, why couldn't they keep civil hours and not come on his shift. As the display lit up with the details of the incoming ship. At first the numbers didn't make sense, there was nothing this big in all the GGT navy or could it be...coming acutely awake his eyelids retracted all the way to the rear of his skull as he whispered softly to himself -Merciful maker, bless this podling and keep me safe.


It was one of the Three and that meant the war had been won on the Sholfaran front, and that meant...


-Attention on deck! The watch sergeants call hammered into both of the LCs spines as he straightened to attention and watched with an awed sensation spreading in him as Grand Admiral Paulette DeVries of the Builders Of Brotherhood, and the Allied High Commander of the Allied Fleet walked into the room. For a fleshsack she was inspiring, he had heard broodmates declare her attractive which seemed just wrong but as he looked into her eyes and saw the feral smile on her lips as the IAS Will Of War passed through the wormhole, he could understand their fascination with her...


-Raise the ship, Paulette called out.


An old and scarred Gremloid appeared on the viewscreen


-Fleet Admiral Voideater reporting for duty Grand Admiral.


-Excellent, then we can begin Operation Sidestep at once. Put the Fleet Admiral through to my quarters and set condition able throughout the Fleet.


Lieutenant Commander Walks With Slimed Anthropods had no idea what Operation Sidestep was but from the glee in the eyes of the command staff as they hustled out of the bridge, he could guess it meant trouble for the other side...


(OOC: Here is the battle report, do note that the bridge rating for the GGT side is in error as there was a bug in the battlesystem that prevented single ships from having higher bridge rating that 2 billion, and the IAS Will of War had quite a lot more so Pete has fixed this and adjusted accordingly but the end result was much the same)




----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 7244 -----

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 41,229,000.....Base Fire Control: 24 [1,024,750,000 bridge]

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+14 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 68,011,560.....Base Fire Control: 1 [119,105,000 bridge]

Lay Down And Die The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Voidshaker

Lay Down And Die The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Crusteater

Lay Down And Die The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Void Reaver

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]

Lay Down And Die [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 68,011,560)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 FC ICNCS Sewage Sentinel (Frontier Cruiser - 379,680 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 BB IAS Surplus Warrior (Battleship - 6,320,880 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BB IAC An Series Of Unlikely Explanations (Battleship - 3,701,700 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 SC ICNCS Command And Conquer (Star Cruiser - 1,851,700 tons [each])

<413,381 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

GGT Test [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])


Test [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,227,000)

[Deploy Location 8] 1 BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 9] 1 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])

<100 Fuel>

Hello GGT [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 40,000,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 4000 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons [each])

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2374th] DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

1,000 Tckon 68

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [4006th] FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 68,889,150,000] (Green, Timid)

12,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 18,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 22,950,000 Tckon 68

100 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 844,800,034

Missile Defense: 80.00 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1038th] COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,700,180] (Green)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 1.00, Missile Defense: 11.20 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 8 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [4005th] BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 700,425,100] (Green,


250 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 699,900 Tckon 68

4 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 33,792,001

Missile Defense: 76.60 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [270th] COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,700,180] (Seasoned, Valiant)

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------


NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons) [integrity: 4,451,107,940 / 4,451,107,940] [shields: 31,104,672,525

/ 33,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Shuttle, 2,800,000 Fuel Tankage, 37,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 268 Heavy Beam Laser

55 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 820 Heavy P-Cannon, 24 Heavy Phase Shaker, 1,000 Light Tractor Beam

2,661 Mk II Gravitic Thruster, 3 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1,100 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS

133,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 3,440 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 25 Repair Bay

823 Siege Beam Laser, 28 Siege Phase Shaker, 4,400,000 Tckon 68, 116 Type A Plasma Torpedo

13 Type C Plasma Torpedo, 1,700 Type D Black Sphere Generator, 3 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 30,738,401, Gravitonic: 1,037,469,422, Mines: 156,288,006, Missile: 440,320,000

Plasma: 14,432,000, Plasma Torpedo: 65,049,602

Black Sphere: 86.00 %, Maneuverability: 12.22, Missile Defense: 51.90 %


BB IAC An Series Of Unlikely Explanations (Battleship - 3,701,700 tons) [integrity: 0 / 4,955,340]

[shields: 0 / 1,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

16 Drone Rack, 60 Fighter Bay, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 180,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,159 Mk II Antimatter Engine

28 Mk IV Nuclear Jump Drive, 5,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 400 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

10 Repair Bay, 143 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 51,200,000

Black Sphere: 88.60 %, Maneuverability: 5.01, Missile Defense: 38.60 %


BB IAS Surplus Warrior (Battleship - 6,320,880 tons) [integrity: 105,857,960 / 105,857,960] [shields: 1,982,547,622 /

2,550,000,000] (Green, Timid)

5,093 10cm Gauss Gun, 1,009 2.5cm Chain Gun, 3,592 20cm Gauss Gun, 253 5cm Chain Gun, 16 Blacklight Cannon

154 Condenser Beam, 6 Crystallizer, 424 Frost Cannon, 330,000 Fuel Tankage, 51 Heavy Magnetic Grapple

75 Heavy Stun Beam, 4 Heavy Tractor Beam, 556 Light Stun Beam, 608 Medium Beam Laser, 89 Medium Magnetic Grapple

71 Medium Sonic Disruptor, 130 Medium Stun Beam, 323 Mk II Antimatter Engine, 198 Mk IV Standoff Missile

10,200 Mk IX Force Shield, 4,100 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100,000 Tckon 68

172 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Coherent Beam: 802,560, Cold: 1,704,560, Gravitonic: 1,281,984, Missile: 3,168,000, Projectile: 8,651,830

Sonic: 342,320

Black Sphere: 84.50 %, Maneuverability: 6.01, Missile Defense: 42.90 %


**DESTROYED** [216th] SC ICNCS Command And Conquer (Star Cruiser - 1,851,700 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,705,900] [shields: 0 /

2,500,000,000] (Green, Timid)

5 Fuel Shuttle, 98,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,462 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 695 Mk II Antimatter Engine

10,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 10 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Type D Black Sphere GeneratorMissile: 1,280,000

Black Sphere: 91.60 %, Maneuverability: 6.01, Missile Defense: 42.90 %


**DESTROYED** [89th] FC ICNCS Sewage Sentinel (Frontier Cruiser - 379,680 tons) [integrity: 0 / 336,680] [shields: 0 /

125,000,000] (Green, Timid)

51 20cm Autocannon, 144 3cm Needler, 5 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 1 FPS-1 Fleet Patrol Sensor

23,000 Fuel Tankage, 58 Laser Communications Gear, 73 Light Beam Laser, 63 Light Fusion Blaster

2 Light Graser, 3 Light P-Cannon, 44 Light Pulse Laser, 42 Light Shaker Beam, 9 Light Sonic Disintegrator

55 Light Sonic Disruptor, 16 Mk I Computer System, 3 Mk I Energy Disruptor, 34 Mk I Thunderbolt Arc Generator

5 Mk III Computer System, 500 Mk IX Force Shield, 477 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 50 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 10 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Coherent Beam: 97,020, Energy Discharge: 74,800, Energy Disruptor: 5,280, Gravitonic: 110,880

Missile: 6,400,000, Particle Beam: 110,880, Plasma: 3,300, Projectile: 47,784, Sonic: 79,640

Black Sphere: 84.10 %, Maneuverability: 10.05, Missile Defense: 50.00 %, Sensors: 0.30 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 4,000 GGT Speed Bump class DSAT..................................................4000 Destroyed

[2] 1 Arkansas class FBS..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 2 HMS Soaker class COZ..................................................2 Destroyed

[8] 1 GGT Little Deterrent class BC..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[1] 1 IAS Will Of War class NDN

[20000] 1 IAC An Series Of Unl class BB

[20000] 1 IAS Surplus Warrior class BB

[20000] 1 ICNCS Command And Co class SC..................................................1 Destroyed

[20000] 1 ICNCS Sewage Sentine class FC..................................................1 Destroyed




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(OOC: Here is the battle report, do note that the bridge rating for the GGT side is in error as there was a bug in the battlesystem that prevented single ships from having higher bridge rating that 2 billion, and the IAS Will of War had quite a lot more so Pete has fixed this and adjusted accordingly but the end result was much the same)


Missed an otherwise unimportant temporary variable :blink: but found it earlier today and changed it. First big battle had the bridge report problem (only in reporting, not the battle, as that issue was squished). Should be fine now. Actually, I'm glad it came up, as any future battles will really need it. Big bridge ratings are always good stuff :(

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I am happy that Pete has his Mk XIX Bug Squisher handy for these occassions, it is unfortunate though that the bugs seem to be researching defensive measures :P



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It is because it was erroneously destroyed in the combat, because of the bridge rating bug my ships should have destroyed his way much more quicker so Pete went in and restored it to health between turns. Thus the removal (manually) of the destroyed status.




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Some more battle reports from the Hellenic front. Notice that all reports are wonky in regards to bridge rating and tonnage, don't know what has happened but Pete will look into it, also you'll soon get the full battle report on "Project SideStep" when the Allied Combined Fleet smashes into a 16000 screen and 40 million worth of tckon heavy orbitals...Pete is having to rerun this battle because it had serious issues...but for now enjoy...




----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - 3 -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 58,622,600.....Base Fire Control: 90 [5,292,000,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 58,622,600.....Base Fire Control: 90 [5,292,000,000 bridge]



------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]

Rapid Raiders [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 55,757,600)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons [each])

<1,778,421 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------


Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

Test [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,225,000)

[Deploy Location 8] 1 BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons [each])

GGT Test [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 4,540,100)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BM GGT Void (Monitor - 2,500,100 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 SC GGT Little Stick (Star Cruiser - 1,640,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CAZ Mad Bomber (Assault Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons [each])

<1,288 ESP Hallucinator>--<4,000 Ground Attack>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Hellenic League # 4991 [ 3,520 / 4,000 Ground Attack] Standard Attack Mk I Fusion Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------


NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons) [integrity: 4,451,107,940 / 4,451,107,940] [shields: 33,221,307,668

/ 33,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Shuttle, 2,800,000 Fuel Tankage, 37,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 268 Heavy Beam Laser

55 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 820 Heavy P-Cannon, 24 Heavy Phase Shaker, 1,000 Light Tractor Beam

2,661 Mk II Gravitic Thruster, 3 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1,100 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS

133,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 3,440 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 25 Repair Bay

823 Siege Beam Laser, 28 Siege Phase Shaker, 4,400,000 Tckon 68, 116 Type A Plasma Torpedo

13 Type C Plasma Torpedo, 1,700 Type D Black Sphere Generator, 3 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 30,738,401, Gravitonic: 1,037,469,423, Mines: 156,288,006, Missile: 440,320,000

Plasma: 14,432,000, Plasma Torpedo: 65,049,603

Black Sphere: 86.00 %, Maneuverability: 12.22, Missile Defense: 51.90 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2nd] SC GGT Little Stick (Star Cruiser - 1,640,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,000,540,100] (Green, Reliable)

400 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 999,900 Tckon 68

5 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 42,240,002

Missile Defense: 71.00 %


**DESTROYED** [3rd] BM GGT Void (Monitor - 2,500,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,001,500,080] (Green, Timid)

50 Fighter Bay, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,000,000 Tckon 68, 10 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 84,480,003

Missile Defense: 0.10 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 8 ------------------------------------------------------------


**DESTROYED** [4th] BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 700,425,100] (Green, Timid)

250 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 699,900 Tckon 68

4 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 33,792,001

Missile Defense: 76.60 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------


**DESTROYED** [1st] CAZ Mad Bomber (Assault Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 200,060,000] (Green, Timid)

100,000 Cargo Bay, 1,000 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 200,000 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 20.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 1 IAS Will Of War class NDN

Side 2

[2] 1 GGT Little Stick class SC..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Void class BM..................................................1 Destroyed

[8] 1 GGT Little Deterrent class BC..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 Mad Bomber class CAZ..................................................1 Destroyed





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That Will of War has to be the biggest beast yet I have seen on this forum with a wide range of weaponry to smash through most defences. I would hate to see that thing roaming my neighbourhood. :cheers:


It has two sister ships, the IAS Child of War and the IAS Spirit Of War...each having been active on their own fronts, of course noone of them near a peaceloving sentinent like yourself :P


Fun fact of the day, seems Nova Dreadnaught continues to be the designation for heavy warships, at least for those up to 200 million tons...





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That Will of War has to be the biggest beast yet I have seen on this forum with a wide range of weaponry to smash through most defences. I would hate to see that thing roaming my neighbourhood. :pirate2:


It has two sister ships, the IAS Child of War and the IAS Spirit Of War...each having been active on their own fronts, of course noone of them near a peaceloving sentinent like yourself :robot:


Fun fact of the day, seems Nova Dreadnaught continues to be the designation for heavy warships, at least for those up to 200 million tons...








I think I'm going to need some bigger spinal rail guns. Purely for defense of course. :P

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That Will of War has to be the biggest beast yet I have seen on this forum with a wide range of weaponry to smash through most defences. I would hate to see that thing roaming my neighbourhood. :o


It has two sister ships, the IAS Child of War and the IAS Spirit Of War...each having been active on their own fronts, of course noone of them near a peaceloving sentinent like yourself :)


Fun fact of the day, seems Nova Dreadnaught continues to be the designation for heavy warships, at least for those up to 200 million tons...








I think I'm going to need some bigger spinal rail guns. Purely for defense of course. :laugh:



Ehh, just build some more Pathfinders. :P

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That Will of War has to be the biggest beast yet I have seen on this forum with a wide range of weaponry to smash through most defences. I would hate to see that thing roaming my neighbourhood. :o


It has two sister ships, the IAS Child of War and the IAS Spirit Of War...each having been active on their own fronts, of course noone of them near a peaceloving sentinent like yourself :)


Fun fact of the day, seems Nova Dreadnaught continues to be the designation for heavy warships, at least for those up to 200 million tons...








I think I'm going to need some bigger spinal rail guns. Purely for defense of course. :laugh:



Ehh, just build some more Pathfinders. :o


Oh yeah... Note to self: Build more cannon fodder too. :P

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Ahhh .. the power of boosting production on the HW. When your producing 50+ Million tons of Iron Ore and/or similar amounts of other materials every turn, you can afford these big ships. That plus replacing all the strip mines and industrial complexes with advanced models produces lots of construction materials for use on all the ship yards you want.


I really like the fact that the ship has 25 Repair bays, or 2.5 Billion in integrity repair per turn. So if someone manges to pierce all 33 Billion in force shields, and does 2 Billion in hull damage .. then presto .. it's fully repaired the next turn. Basically this is an all or nothing ship. You either defeat it on one fell swoop, or it comes back just as strong the very next turn. Very deadly indeed.


Another thing on this one is how a lot of odds and ends (from explores?) in the way of weapons have been tossed into the ship. Any reason for tossing those items into the mix? I just keep adding all of those odds and ends weapons I find into surface forts on the HW just for the heck of it, as it keeps my ship designs cleaner. You've got a nice mix of Gravitonic (Siege Phase Shaker), Missle (Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo), and Mines (Gamma-ray Laser Mine Rack). And curiousity being my nature, I just have to ask why toss in some of the weaker stuff like the Heavy P-Cannons? Just adding a point blank component for some reason?

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  • 2 weeks later...

(OOC: My apologies for the delay in posting this, but this battle has been extensively rerun by Pete from backups as it made the Battle Engine act up and stop in the middle the first time around with last turns so the results haven’t been clear until now and the losses aren’t exact either as Pet e has not been able to supply me with a viable printout yet but assured me the Hellenic Losses were total with more screen losses on my side. Good news were that Pete was able to find a number of oddities and quickly kill them so that the BE should behave more nicely in the future. Note though that fire control ratings, fighter drone survivors et such is wrong in the report but was counted correctly according to Pete)


Project Side Step was a success…a complete and utter success. A warm feeling nestled in the pit of Grand Admiral Paulette DeVries stomach, it was an unusual feeling and it had been such a long time since the warm afterglow of a plan well executed and victorious was allowed to spread into the glowing smile now on her face.


“Gentlemen, we have arrived!” Amid the cheers from the assembled crew and officers on the Flag Bridge Paulette could sense an eager bloodlust mixed with the tired exhaustion of the long years of battle behind them and the knowledge of the battles yet to come.


“As you know, logistics have been our problem throughout the campaign and the need for non TWD screen ships has made the supply chains long and unwieldy until we built the wormhole chain up to the doorstep of the enemy HW system. Still the Hellenic warp point defenses were optimized for the number of ships that could break through each WP especially the one leading to our main base system. In a daring move we executed Project Side Step, recalling one of the Three Sisters from other fronts to smash through the weaker warp pickets leading to the Pouta system from the HW system of Khuzha. The Sister easily brought down the defences and then spearpointed a fleet of armed merchanteers that built the wormhole and planetary shield generator for its defense on a world inside the Khuzha HW system. Thus all allied fleet forces could bypass the warp point bottleneck, warp into the system and after establishing a defensive perimeter send a raiding fleet to destroy the WP defenses that thus were crippled by their fire control being set for the size of the warp point. Now with the wormhole line open we have open lines to three homeworlds and can start to ferry in all the screens and troops we need to end this once and for all!!”


The applause and cheers were deafening but still Paulettes eye did not waver from the tactical screen that showed the massive amount of ships around the Hellenic HW. This would be a victory of blood…





----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 152134 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+17 [Leaders * Lifeform]) ----- Black Hole Dynasty # 2301 (+19 [Leaders *

Lifeform]) ----- Builders of Brotherhood # 4549 (+15 [Leaders * Lifeform]) -----

Total tonnage: 97,729,512.....Base Fire Control: 4 [406,950,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 44,951,000.....Base Fire Control: 22 [1,004,500,000 bridge]


Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Voidshaker

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Crusteater

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Void Reaver

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral VoidScales

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral

Fleet 1145 The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Major Chuck Norris

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Grand Marshal Robert D Lee

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Fleet Admiral Bull Hallsey

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Major Sammy Law

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Field Marshal Omar Bradley

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Major Cordell Walker

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Colonel Sylvester Stallone

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Major Gunner Chitch

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Grand Admiral Paulette DeVries

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Major Juliette Kirshta

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Field Marshal Steven Barnes

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Fleet Admiral David Weber

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Fleet Admiral John Ringo

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Admiral Paul Tankersley

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Captain Overbarn

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Admiral Few Whitehorse

Allied Strike Fleet Comma Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Vice Admiral

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Grand Admiral Jeremy Ewing

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Daniel Unger

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Robert Arsiaga

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major James Beckstrand

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral William Dusenbery

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Jocelyn Carrasquillo

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Amanda Goldberg

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Kristian Parker

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Colonel Rel Ravago

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Joe Wilson

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Sherwood Baker

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Marlin Rockhold

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Isela Rubalcava

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Leiff Nott

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Christopher Cash

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Ernesto Blanco

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Ervin Dervishi

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Grand Marshal Mathew Boule

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major George Edward Buggs

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Ahmed Cason

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Seth Dvorin

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Andre Tyson

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal David Vicente

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Michael Smith

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Tommy Parker

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Isaac Campoy

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Steven Acosta

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Jeremy Regnier

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Andrew Reidel

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Dennis Miller

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Derrick Lutters

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Admiral John McGee

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Wesley Riggs

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Pedro Munoz

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Brandon Wadman

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Nicholas Zangara

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Brandon Titus

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Warren Murphy

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Field Marshal Lyle Rymer II

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Marshal Sara Dvorin

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Admiral Charles Webb

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Admiral Brian Faunce

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral William Rothschild

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Major Fredrick Dunbar

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral James Alden

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Vice Admiral Daniel Ammen

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Explorer Sinister James

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Vice Admiral Richard Antrim

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Vice Admiral Walden Ainsworth

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Fleet Admiral Charles Badger

Payback Is A Female Dog Black Hole Dynasty #2301 Admiral


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Fleet 1145 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 85,468,580)

[Deploy Location 1] 20 DSAT ODS Hatchling (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 160 ML IAS Lamprey (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 BM IAS Patchwork Project (Monitor - 2,055,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 500 ML IML Belladonna (Minelayer - 4,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 440 ML IML Shredders Gift (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 415 XB IML Dr Banners Fury (Express Boat - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 139 ML IML Burning Fields (Minelayer - 4,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 30 XB IAS Leech (Express Boat - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 686 ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 90 ML IAS Death By Light (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1233 COZ IDTS Hit Me Now (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 BB IAS Surplus Warrior (Battleship - 6,320,880 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 800 COZ IAS Defender (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 218 XB IAS Shortstuff (Express Boat - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CCA IAS Junkyard Dog (Command Cruiser - 849,600 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 375 ML IML Bottom Of Barrel (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 170 CO IAS ManoWar (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 3 CO INS Man Of War (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 5] 75 CO IMS Wasp (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 5] 47 ML IML Sinkhole (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 18 ML IML Thorn Of The Rose (Minelayer - 4,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CV IAC BOHICA (Fleet Carrier - 3,300,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 75 COZ ICD Sinister Shield (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 100 ML IML Quicksand (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CVA IAC Shrieking Fury (Attack Carrier - 2,048,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 3 CVL ICS Shattered Kisses (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BB IAC An Series Of Unlikely Explanations (Battleship - 3,701,700 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 242 CO WPD Citadel Guard (Corvette - 2,400 tons [each])

<1,983 Combat Gunboat>--<3,409 Fighter>--<1,778,421 Fuel>--<1,717 Ground Attack>

<650 Interceptor>--<1,935 Police Gunboat>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Black Hole Dynasty # 2301 [black Hole Engulfing Yellow Sun]


Payback Is A Female Dog [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 11,546,532)

[Deploy Location 1] 2 CCA Arleigh Burke (Command Cruiser - 755,933 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 AUXH Saint Croix (Heavy Auxiliary - 665,933 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CA Virginia (Heavy Cruiser - 591,133 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 SCA Wasp (Strike Cruiser - 677,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 155 AUXL PT109 (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 45 AUXL Mosquito Screen (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BM Forrestal (Monitor - 2,606,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BB Kitty Hawk (Battleship - 4,678,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 SCA Longbeach (Strike Cruiser - 615,000 tons [each])

<1,697,834 Fuel>--<3 System Probe>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Builders of Brotherhood # 4549 [An Imposing Structure]


Allied Strike Fleet Command [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 714,400)

[Deploy Location 12] 100 COZ Decoy Screen (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CA ICC Allied Pride (Heavy Cruiser - 512,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 XS Frontiers Bane (Express Ship - 102,400 tons [each])

<68,169 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT H K [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 72,490,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 15540 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Standard I (Battle Station - 15,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Orb II (Battle Station - 16,200,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Betrayers R Them (Battle Station - 13,750,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Attack Sat A (Battle Station - 12,000,000 tons [each])


GGT Test [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 1,983 / 1,983 Combat Gunboat] Deep Strike Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 3,409 / 3,409 Fighter] Deep Strike Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 1,717 / 1,717 Ground Attack] Deep Strike Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 650 / 650 Interceptor] Deep Strike Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 1,935 / 1,935 Police Gunboat] Deep Strike Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

CCA Arleigh Burke (Command Cruiser - 755,933 tons) [integrity: 112,477,200 / 112,477,200] [shields: 1,480,800 / 1,480,800]

(Green, Timid)

488 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 114,333 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy P-Cannon, 260 Mk I Antimatter Engine

750 Mk III Force Shield, 1,100 Mk III Fusion Engine, 78 Mk IV Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

1 Siege Beam Laser, 112,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 20 Type A Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 35,200, Plasma: 17,600, Plasma Torpedo: 2,112,000

Black Sphere: 14.20 %, Maneuverability: 8.57, Missile Defense: 50.50 %


CCA Arleigh Burke (Command Cruiser - 755,933 tons) [integrity: 112,477,200 / 112,477,200] [shields: 1,480,800 / 1,480,800]

(Green, Timid)


ML IAS Death By Light (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 880 / 880] [shields: 250,000 / 250,000] (Green)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine

1 Mk IX Force Shield, 5 X-Ray Laser Mine Rack

Mines: 10,560

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %


CCA IAS Junkyard Dog (Command Cruiser - 849,600 tons) [integrity: 824,600 / 824,600] [shields: 603,857,311 / 625,000,000]

(Green, Timid)

25,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy ESAP Beam, 4 Heavy Pulse Laser, 2 Heavy Stun Beam, 13 Heavy Thermal Lance

11 Light Pressor Beam, 346 Light Thermal Lance, 4 Light X-Ray Laser, 3 Medium Blast Cannon

15 Medium ESAP Beam, 104 Medium P-Cannon, 6 Medium Pulse Laser, 13 Medium Thermal Lance, 10 Medium X-Ray Laser

45 Mk I Defense Directorate, 81 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2,500 Mk IX Force Shield

16 Mk V Computer System, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 128 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 749 Space Mine Rack

20 Type D Black Sphere Generator, 35 X-Ray Laser Mine Rack

Coherent Beam: 352,000, EnergyAbsorber: 57,200, Gravitonic: 9,680, Mines: 271,656, Missile: 16,384,000

Particle Beam: 26,400, Plasma: 631,312, Sonic: 2,640

Black Sphere: 82.50 %, Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 1.60 %


XB IAS Leech (Express Boat - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 900 / 900] [shields: 250,000 / 250,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

2 Burst Mine Rack, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 2 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk IX Force Shield

3 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 1,056

Maneuverability: 24.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


BM IAS Patchwork Project (Monitor - 2,055,000 tons) [integrity: 4,385,000 / 4,385,000] [shields: 650,000,000 / 650,000,000]

(Seasoned, Fearless)

160 Battle Imaging System, 2,000 Burst Mine Rack, 14 Crystallizer, 100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating

50 Fuel Shuttle, 150,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 100 Heavy Magnetic Grapple

60 Heavy Sonic Disruptor, 500 Heavy Stun Beam, 20,480 Laser CIDS, 100 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

100 Mk I Short Range Torpedo, 30 Mk II Bore Torpedo, 50 Mk II Short Range Torpedo, 50 Mk III Short Range Torpedo

2,600 Mk IX Force Shield, 60 Mk V Computer System, 3,072 Mk V Nuclear Engine, 2,500 Tckon 68

10 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 9 Type A Energy Web Projector

Cold: 123,200, EnergyAbsorber: 99,000, Gravitonic: 1,848,000, Mines: 1,056,000, Missile: 276,000

Sonic: 1,082,400

Black Sphere: 10.90 %, Maneuverability: 5.98, Meson Web: 8.90 %, Phase Inversion: 8.90 %, Missile Defense: 55.60 %

Reflective Coating: 8.90 %, Sensors: 2.40 %, Tachyon Grid: 8.90 %, Thermal Regulation: 8.90 %


XB IAS Shortstuff (Express Boat - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 1,800 / 1,800] [shields: 1,250,000 / 1,250,000] (Green, Timid)

200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Mk I Fusion Jump Drive, 5 Mk IX Force Shield

2 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 4,224

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 87.70 %


BB IAS Surplus Warrior (Battleship - 6,320,880 tons) [integrity: 105,857,960 / 105,857,960] [shields: 2,531,266,829 /

2,550,000,000] (Green, Timid)

5,093 10cm Gauss Gun, 1,009 2.5cm Chain Gun, 3,592 20cm Gauss Gun, 253 5cm Chain Gun, 16 Blacklight Cannon

154 Condenser Beam, 6 Crystallizer, 424 Frost Cannon, 330,000 Fuel Tankage, 51 Heavy Magnetic Grapple

75 Heavy Stun Beam, 4 Heavy Tractor Beam, 556 Light Stun Beam, 608 Medium Beam Laser, 89 Medium Magnetic Grapple

71 Medium Sonic Disruptor, 130 Medium Stun Beam, 323 Mk II Antimatter Engine, 198 Mk IV Standoff Missile

10,200 Mk IX Force Shield, 4,100 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100,000 Tckon 68

172 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Coherent Beam: 802,560, Cold: 1,704,560, Gravitonic: 1,281,984, Missile: 3,168,000, Projectile: 8,651,830

Sonic: 342,320

Black Sphere: 84.50 %, Maneuverability: 6.01, Missile Defense: 43.00 %


NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons) [integrity: 4,451,107,940 / 4,451,107,940] [shields: 33,232,996,968

/ 33,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Shuttle, 2,800,000 Fuel Tankage, 37,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 268 Heavy Beam Laser

55 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 820 Heavy P-Cannon, 24 Heavy Phase Shaker, 1,000 Light Tractor Beam

2,661 Mk II Gravitic Thruster, 3 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1,100 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS

133,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 3,440 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 25 Repair Bay

823 Siege Beam Laser, 28 Siege Phase Shaker, 4,400,000 Tckon 68, 116 Type A Plasma Torpedo

13 Type C Plasma Torpedo, 1,700 Type D Black Sphere Generator, 3 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 30,738,401, Gravitonic: 1,037,469,423, Mines: 156,288,006, Missile: 440,320,000

Plasma: 14,432,000, Plasma Torpedo: 65,049,603

Black Sphere: 86.00 %, Maneuverability: 12.22, Missile Defense: 52.00 %


COZ IDTS Hit Me Now (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 700,200 / 700,200] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


ML IML Burning Fields (Minelayer - 4,000 tons) [integrity: 1,302,400 / 1,302,400] (Line, Fanatical)

300 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 3 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 17 Space Mine Rack, 1,300 Tckon 68

Mines: 4,488

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 79.20 %


**DESTROYED** [30th] ML IML Bottom Of Barrel (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 500,000] (Green,


100 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 100 Fuel Tankage, 3 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 2 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 12,672

Maneuverability: 8.00, Meson Web: 16.70 %, Phase Inversion: 16.70 %, Missile Defense: 93.00 %

Reflective Coating: 16.70 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.70 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.70 %


**DESTROYED** [369th] XB IML Dr Banners Fury (Express Boat - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 780] [shields: 0 / 250,000]

(Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 6 Mk I Fusion Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk IX Force Shield

Mines: 4,224

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 92.90 %


**DESTROYED** [388th] ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 500,000]

(Green, Timid)

100 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 100 Fuel Tankage, 3 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 12,672

Maneuverability: 8.00, Meson Web: 16.70 %, Phase Inversion: 16.70 %, Missile Defense: 93.00 %

Reflective Coating: 16.70 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.70 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.70 %


**DESTROYED** [582nd] ML IML Belladonna (Minelayer - 4,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 103,600] [shields: 0 / 3,000,000] (Line,


17 Burst Mine Rack, 300 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 12 Mk IX Force Shield, 3 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

100 Tckon 68

Mines: 8,976

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 79.20 %


**DESTROYED** [704th] AUXL PT109 (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 17,280] (Green, Timid)

300 Cordellium Composite, 200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Light Magnetic Grapple, 1 Mk I Computer System

1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine

Gravitonic: 264

Maneuverability: 2.00, Missile Defense: 92.60 %


**DESTROYED** [758th] DSAT ODS Hatchling (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,000,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 92.50 %


**DESTROYED** [1569th] CA Virginia (Heavy Cruiser - 591,133 tons) [integrity: 0 / 68,736,120] [shields: 0 / 1,133,600]

(Green, Timid)

250 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 78,000 Fuel Tankage, 542 Mk I Antimatter Engine

560 Mk III Force Shield, 66 Mk IV Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 68,333 Tckon 68

15 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 4 Type C Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 8,448,000

Black Sphere: 38.90 %, Maneuverability: 7.34, Missile Defense: 48.40 %


**DESTROYED** [1843rd] ML IAS Lamprey (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 250,000] (Seasoned,


5 Burst Mine Rack, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk IX Force Shield

1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 2,640

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2254th] COZ IAS Defender (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 1,250,000]

(Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

5 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 4,224

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2489th] SCA Wasp (Strike Cruiser - 677,800 tons) [integrity: 0 / 6,033,400] [shields: 0 / 1,600,000] (Green,


100,000 Cordellium Composite, 273 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 97,000 Fuel Tankage

11 Heavy P-Cannon, 415 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 1,000 Mk III Force Shield, 540 Mk III Fusion Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 17 Siege Beam Laser, 14 Type A Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 598,400, Plasma: 193,600, Plasma Torpedo: 1,478,400

Maneuverability: 8.08, Missile Defense: 50.50 %


**DESTROYED** [2578th] AUXL Mosquito Screen (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 30,560] (Green, Timid)

200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Light Magnetic Grapple, 1 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 2 Mk I Computer System

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 200 Vananite Battle Armor

Gravitonic: 264

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2867th] AUXH Saint Croix (Heavy Auxiliary - 665,933 tons) [integrity: 0 / 112,377,200] [shields: 0 /

1,480,800] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 7 Colonial Berthing, 2 Drone Rack, 488 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 10 Fuel Shuttle

114,333 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy P-Cannon, 260 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 750 Mk III Force Shield

1,100 Mk III Fusion Engine, 78 Mk IV Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 1 Siege Beam Laser

112,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 1 Type A Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 35,200, Plasma: 17,600, Plasma Torpedo: 105,600

Black Sphere: 15.90 %, Maneuverability: 9.73, Missile Defense: 50.50 %


**DESTROYED** [3040th] ML IML Shredders Gift (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 250,000] (Green,


100 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

2 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk IX Force Shield, 3 X-Ray Laser Mine Rack

Mines: 6,336

Maneuverability: 4.00, Meson Web: 16.70 %, Phase Inversion: 16.70 %, Missile Defense: 92.80 %

Reflective Coating: 16.70 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.70 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.70 %

------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 3 --------------------------------------------------------

O INS Man Of War (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 1,080 / 1,080] [shields: 750,000 / 750,000] (Green)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy Stun Beam, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 3 Mk IX Force Shield

100 Standard Hull Plate

Sonic: 1,320

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %

*DESTROYED** [142nd] CO INS Man Of War (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,080] [shields: 0 / 750,000] (Gree

*DESTROYED** [477th] CO INS Man Of War (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,080] [shields: 0 / 750,000] (Gree

*DESTROYED** [2566th] CO IAS ManoWar (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 880] [shields: 0 / 1,000,000] (Green,


100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy Stun Beam, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 4 Mk IX Force Shield

Sonic: 1,320

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %

------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 5 --------------------------------------------------------

L IML Sinkhole (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 11,900 / 11,900] [shields: 1,600 / 1,600] (Line, Fanatical)

200 Cordellium Composite, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Force Shield

1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 4 Space Mine Rack

Mines: 1,056

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %

*DESTROYED** [2185th] CO IMS Wasp (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 880] [shields: 0 / 500,000] (Green)

100 Fuel Tankage, 2 Mk I Interceptor Missile, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 2 Mk IX Force Shield

Missile: 400

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %

------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 -------------------------------------------------------

L IML Thorn Of The Rose (Minelayer - 4,000 tons) [integrity: 1,302,400 / 1,302,400] (Line, Fanatical)

17 Burst Mine Rack, 300 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 3 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1,300 Tckon 68

Mines: 8,976

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 79.20 %

------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 -------------------------------------------------------

*MINOR DAMAGE** BM Forrestal (Monitor - 2,606,800 tons) [integrity: 237,854,366 / 281,807,280] [shields: 0 / 8,000

Green, Timid)

5,875 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 25 Fighter Bay, 25 Fuel Shuttle, 395,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,613 Mk I Antimatter Engi

50 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS, 5,000 Mk III Force Shield, 35 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

280,000 Tckon 68, 52 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 224,000

lack Sphere: 33.30 %, Maneuverability: 8.02, Missile Defense: 50.60 %

S Frontiers Bane (Express Ship - 102,400 tons) [integrity: 57,400 / 57,400] (Veteran, Fanatical)

4 Fuel Shuttle, 25,000 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 300 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Maneuverability: 23.44, Missile Defense: 52.90 %

B IAC An Series Of Unlikely Explanations (Battleship - 3,701,700 tons) [integrity: 4,955,340 / 4,955,340] [shields:

,250,000,000 / 1,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

16 Drone Rack, 60 Fighter Bay, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 180,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,159 Mk II Antimatter Engine

28 Mk IV Nuclear Jump Drive, 5,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 400 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

10 Repair Bay, 143 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 51,200,000

lack Sphere: 88.60 %, Maneuverability: 5.01, Missile Defense: 38.70 %

V IAC BOHICA (Fleet Carrier - 3,300,000 tons) [integrity: 15,000,000 / 15,000,000] [shields: 1,000,000,000 /

,000,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

160 Fighter Bay, 75 Fuel Shuttle, 245,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,000 Mk I Repulsor CIDS, 1,150 Mk III Fusion Engine

140 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 200 Mk IV Long Lance Torpedo, 4,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,160 Mk V Computer System

1,500 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 12,000 Tckon 68

Missile: 3,776,000

Maneuverability: 5.03, Missile Defense: 48.40 %

VA IAC Shrieking Fury (Attack Carrier - 2,048,000 tons) [integrity: 1,880,500 / 1,880,500] [shields: 362,000,000 /

62,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

100 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle, 150,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 20,480 Laser CIDS

30 Mk I Long Lance Torpedo, 34 Mk I Standoff Missile, 160 Mk II Long Lance Torpedo, 2 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo

1,448 Mk IX Force Shield, 410 Mk V Computer System, 3,072 Mk V Nuclear Engine

Missile: 551,200

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 55.70 %

CA ICC Allied Pride (Heavy Cruiser - 512,000 tons) [integrity: 1,156,300 / 1,156,300] [shields: 203,683,565 / 256,000,000]

(Seasoned, Fanatical)

25,600 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 15 Fuel Shuttle, 35,000 Fuel Tankage, 7,680 Laser CIDS

110 Mk II Long Lance Torpedo, 4 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 1,024 Mk IX Force Shield, 105 Mk V Computer System

800 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 700 Tckon 68, 10 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 308,000

Black Sphere: 32.90 %, Maneuverability: 12.50, Meson Web: 9.10 %, Phase Inversion: 9.10 %, Missile Defense: 64.00 %

Reflective Coating: 9.10 %, Tachyon Grid: 9.10 %, Thermal Regulation: 9.10 %


CVL ICS Shattered Kisses (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons) [integrity: 11,948,000 / 11,948,000] [shields: 118,108,948 /

187,500,000] (Seasoned, Fanatical)

100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 250 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 50 Fighter Bay, 20 Fuel Shuttle

45,000 Fuel Tankage, 10,000 Laser CIDS, 10 Mk II Long Lance Torpedo, 750 Mk IX Force Shield

990 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 11,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 28,000

Black Sphere: 10.90 %, Maneuverability: 7.73, Meson Web: 16.40 %, Phase Inversion: 16.40 %, Missile Defense: 59.50 %

Reflective Coating: 16.40 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.40 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.40 %


CVL ICS Shattered Kisses (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons) [integrity: 11,948,000 / 11,948,000] [shields: 187,500,000 /

187,500,000] (Seasoned, Fanatical)


CVL ICS Shattered Kisses (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons) [integrity: 11,948,000 / 11,948,000] [shields: 118,108,948 /

187,500,000] (Seasoned, Fanatical)


ML IML Quicksand (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 16,940 / 16,940] (Line, Fanatical)

290 Cordellium Composite, 10 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk V Nuclear Engine

5 Space Mine Rack

Mines: 1,320

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %


BB Kitty Hawk (Battleship - 4,678,000 tons) [integrity: 78,305,000 / 78,305,000] [shields: 11,200,000 / 11,200,000] (Green


2,500 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 55 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle, 665,000 Fuel Tankage, 4,700 Mk I Antimatter Engine

100 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,000 Mk III Force Shield, 1,410 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

70 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 500,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Missile: 9,024,000

Black Sphere: 27.30 %, Maneuverability: 8.04, Missile Defense: 50.60 %


**DESTROYED** [547th] COZ ICD Sinister Shield (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 880] [shields: 0 / 1,500,000]


100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine

6 Mk IX Force Shield

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 92.80 %


**DESTROYED** [796th] SCA Longbeach (Strike Cruiser - 615,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,951,306] [shields: 0 / 280,000]

(Green, Timid)

9,456 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 2,023 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 2 Fighter Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle

91,635 Fuel Tankage, 1,000 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 50 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS, 400 Mk II Force Shield

34 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 13 Type A Black Sphere Generator

23,409 Vananite Battle Armor

Missile: 217,600

Black Sphere: 34.60 %, Maneuverability: 13.01, Meson Web: 3.00 %, Phase Inversion: 3.00 %, Missile Defense: 52.50 %

Reflective Coating: 3.00 %, Tachyon Grid: 3.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 3.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2513rd] CO WPD Citadel Guard (Corvette - 2,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,160] [shields: 0 / 1,000,000] (Green


300 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

2 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Antimatter Engine, 1 Mk III Repulsor CIDS, 4 Mk IX Force Shield

1 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo

Missile: 128,000

Maneuverability: 13.33, Meson Web: 20.00 %, Phase Inversion: 20.00 %, Missile Defense: 87.40 %

Reflective Coating: 20.00 %, Tachyon Grid: 20.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 20.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2525th] COZ Decoy Screen (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 700,200] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 93.00 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [10186th] DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

1,000 Tckon 68


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

** DESTROYED ** BATS GGT Attack Sat A (Battle Station - 12,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 21,015,000,000]

(Green, Reliable)

7,000,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017


** DESTROYED ** BATS GGT Betrayers R Them (Battle Station - 13,750,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

22,518,750,000] (Green, Reliable)

7,500 Holographic Battle Display, 5,000 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,500,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 42.20 %


** DESTROYED ** BATS GGT Orb II (Battle Station - 16,200,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 23,125,500,000] (Green,


5,000 Holographic Battle Display, 30,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,700,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 88.20 %


**DESTROYED** BATS GGT Standard I (Battle Station - 15,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 21,623,400,000]

(Green, Timid)

8,000 Holographic Battle Display, 20,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,200,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 91.50 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [12702nd] COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,700,180] (Green, Determined)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 1.00, Missile Defense: 11.20 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 2 Arleigh Burke class CCA

[1] 90 IAS Death By Light class ML..................................................55 Destroyed

[1] 800 IAS Defender class COZ..................................................417 Destroyed

[1] 1 IAS Junkyard Dog class CCA

[1] 160 IAS Lamprey class ML..................................................95 Destroyed

[1] 30 IAS Leech class XB..................................................14 Destroyed

[1] 1 IAS Patchwork Projec class BM

[1] 218 IAS Shortstuff class XB..................................................131 Destroyed

[1] 1 IAS Surplus Warrior class BB

[1] 1 IAS Will Of War class NDN

[1] 1,233 IDTS Hit Me Now class COZ..................................................652 Destroyed

[1] 686 IML All But Dust Rem class ML..................................................383 Destroyed

[1] 500 IML Belladonna class ML..................................................270 Destroyed

[1] 375 IML Bottom Of Barrel class ML..................................................206 Destroyed

[1] 139 IML Burning Fields class ML..................................................93 Destroyed

[1] 415 IML Dr Banners Fury class XB..................................................236 Destroyed

[1] 440 IML Shredders Gift class ML..................................................224 Destroyed

[1] 45 Mosquito Screen class AUXL..................................................21 Destroyed

[1] 20 ODS Hatchling class DSAT..................................................13 Destroyed

[1] 155 PT109 class AUXL..................................................93 Destroyed

[1] 1 Saint Croix class AUXH..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 Virginia class CA..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 Wasp class SCA..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 170 IAS ManoWar class CO..................................................100 Destroyed

[3] 3 INS Man Of War class CO..................................................2 Destroyed

[5] 47 IML Sinkhole class ML..................................................24 Destroyed

[5] 75 IMS Wasp class CO..................................................43 Destroyed

[10] 18 IML Thorn Of The Ros class ML..................................................13 Destroyed

[12] 100 Decoy Screen class COZ..................................................55 Destroyed

[12] 1 Forrestal class BM..................................................1 Minor

[12] 1 Frontiers Bane class XS

[12] 1 IAC An Series Of Unl class BB

[12] 1 IAC BOHICA class CV

[12] 1 IAC Shrieking Fury class CVA

[12] 1 ICC Allied Pride class CA

[12] 75 ICD Sinister Shield class COZ..................................................46 Destroyed

[12] 3 ICS Shattered Kisses class CVL

[12] 100 IML Quicksand class ML..................................................52 Destroyed

[12] 1 Kitty Hawk class BB

[12] 1 Longbeach class SCA..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 242 WPD Citadel Guard class CO..................................................124 Destroyed


Side 2

[1] 15,540 GGT Speed Bump class DSAT..................................................15540 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Attack Sat A class BATS..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Betrayers R Them class BATS..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Orb II class BATS..................................................1 LDestroyed

[2] 1 GGT Standard I class BATS..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 HMS Soaker class COZ..................................................1 Destroyed

GM Note - Bridge totals are likely inaccurate in this engagement's report - had to tinker with a variable definition during

the report generation that was causing problems. The battle itself used the correct bridge values (attacker had a much

higher fire control than only base 4). Sorry about that :alien: --Pete


========================================= -----CON (Construct Installation)-----

CON: 60, Deep Core Surveyor, 6835


Imperial construction workers report that 60 Deep Core Surveyor(s) were built at Population Group # 6835






----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - 3 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 58,622,600.....Base Fire Control: 90 [5,292,000,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 58,622,600.....Base Fire Control: 90 [5,292,000,000 bridge]


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Rapid Raiders [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 55,757,600)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons [each])

<1,778,421 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


Test [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,225,000)

[Deploy Location 8] 1 BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons [each])


GGT Test [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 4,540,100)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BM GGT Void (Monitor - 2,500,100 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 SC GGT Little Stick (Star Cruiser - 1,640,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CAZ Mad Bomber (Assault Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons [each])

<1,288 ESP Hallucinator>--<4,000 Ground Attack>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Hellenic League # 4991 [ 3,520 / 4,000 Ground Attack] Standard Attack Mk I Fusion Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

NDN IAS Will Of War (Nova Dreadnaught - 55,757,600 tons) [integrity: 4,451,107,940 / 4,451,107,940] [shields: 33,221,307,668

/ 33,250,000,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Shuttle, 2,800,000 Fuel Tankage, 37,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 268 Heavy Beam Laser

55 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 820 Heavy P-Cannon, 24 Heavy Phase Shaker, 1,000 Light Tractor Beam

2,661 Mk II Gravitic Thruster, 3 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1,100 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS

133,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 3,440 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 25 Repair Bay

823 Siege Beam Laser, 28 Siege Phase Shaker, 4,400,000 Tckon 68, 116 Type A Plasma Torpedo

13 Type C Plasma Torpedo, 1,700 Type D Black Sphere Generator, 3 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 30,738,401, Gravitonic: 1,037,469,423, Mines: 156,288,006, Missile: 440,320,000

Plasma: 14,432,000, Plasma Torpedo: 65,049,603

Black Sphere: 86.00 %, Maneuverability: 12.22, Missile Defense: 51.90 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2nd] SC GGT Little Stick (Star Cruiser - 1,640,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,000,540,100] (Green, Reliable)

400 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 999,900 Tckon 68

5 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 42,240,002

Missile Defense: 71.00 %


**DESTROYED** [3rd] BM GGT Void (Monitor - 2,500,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,001,500,080] (Green, Timid)

50 Fighter Bay, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,000,000 Tckon 68, 10 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 84,480,003

Missile Defense: 0.10 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 8 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [4th] BC GGT Little Deterrent (Battle Cruiser - 1,225,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 700,425,100] (Green, Timid)

250 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 699,900 Tckon 68

4 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 33,792,001

Missile Defense: 76.60 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] CAZ Mad Bomber (Assault Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 200,060,000] (Green, Timid)

100,000 Cargo Bay, 1,000 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 200,000 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 20.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 1 IAS Will Of War class NDN


Side 2

[2] 1 GGT Little Stick class SC..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Void class BM..................................................1 Destroyed

[8] 1 GGT Little Deterrent class BC..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 Mad Bomber class CAZ..................................................1 Destroyed




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